700字范文 > 法治观念 the concept of rule of law英语短句 例句大全

法治观念 the concept of rule of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-04 07:22:14


法治观念 the concept of rule of law英语短句 例句大全

法治观念,the concept of rule of law

1)the concept of rule of law法治观念

1.So, it s necessary to take it as a stand-alone system and study it fromthe concept of rule of law, institutional frame, organizational structure, qualities of policemen and so on.故有必要对其作为一个独立的子系统从法治观念、制度框架、组织结构、警察素质多个方面加以研究,构造出它的正常功能状态,并以此提出具体的举措,指导公安工作的改革实践。


1.From Human-rooted Ideas of Law to Zoology-rooted Ideas of Law;从人本法治观到生态法治观——一种法治观念模式的衍更

2.The Conflict Between Legal Interpretation and Government in Accordance with a System of Law;我国现行法律解释与法治观念的冲突

3.The Origination of England s "King Under Law" Idea;英国“王在法下”法治观念的历史起源

4.The Civil Servant Should Cultivate Hardly Law Consciousness and Concept;公务员应努力培养法律意识和法治观念

5.Analdysis of the Ideas of Rule of Law in Technological University Students and its Educational Methods;工科大学生法治观念的现状分析及其教育途径

6.A Further Comment on Modern Ideas of Government by Law and Macro-location of Relationship between Government by Law and Government by Virtue;再谈现代法治理念与“法治”、“德治”关系的宏观定位

7.To Construct Idea of Law in Modern China by Refer to Western Natural Law Theory;西方自然法观念与我国现代法治理念的构建

8.Values are the emotional rules By which a nation governs itself.价值观念是国家赖以自治的感情法则。

9.The Philosophical Dimension of Rule of Law: The Transition of the Conception of Legitimacy;法治的哲学之维—正当性观念的转变

10.Construction of a Nomocracy Country and Evolution of Citizens Concept of Equality;法治国家建设和公民平等观念的嬗变

11.Confucian Position of “Yi and Li” and the Modern Harmonious Notion of Nomocracy;孔子“义利”观与现代法治和谐理念

12.Evolution of French political thoughts from 16th to 18th century;16~18世纪法国政治思想观念的演进

13.The Concept of Modernity and Modern Rule of Law:A Diagnosis;现代性观念与现代法治——一个诊断分析

14.Enhancing Constitutional Sense,Establishing Constitutional Authority and Promoting Governing Country by Law;增强宪法观念 树立宪法权威 推进依法治国

15.The Pendulum from Politics to Rule of law--From the perspective of state idea history;政治和法治的钟摆——以国家观念(文化)史为视角

16.Traditional Sense of Law"s Effect on the Construction of Modern Chinese Government by Law传统法律观念在现代中国法治建设中的作用

17.Study on the Contradiction between Traditional Legislation Ideasand Modern Spirit of Nomocracy;中国传统法观念与现代法治精神之悖离探析

18.The Idea of Rural Construction Governed by Law is Hindered: Legal Crisis in Moral Convictions;农村法治建设之观念阻却:法律信仰危机


legal concept法治观念

1.This paper made a survey of thelegal concept of women and family in the towns of sichuan province and made a detailed analysis and reflection.树立正确的婚姻家庭法治观念,对于建立民主、和睦的婚姻家庭关系,保护公民的合法权益,增强社会的安定团结,促进社会主义精神文明建设,都有着极其重要的意义。

3)institutional rules of law观念法治

1.This paper points out that the theory of hierarchies of rules of law consists of methods of government, form of institution, state of order and idea of value, which can be considered falling under two categories:institutional rules of law and conceptual rules of law.法治层次论主张法治由治理方式、制度形态、秩序状态和价值理念等4个高低不同的层次组成,这4个 层次,从宏观上又可分为制度法治和观念法治两大部分。

4)sample of ideas of law法治观念模式

5)mordern legal idea现代法治观念

6)modern administrative rule of law行政法治观念


《丹溪心法治要》《丹溪心法治要》 《丹溪心法治要》 综合性医书。八卷。元·朱震亨述,明·高叔宗校正。此书原为朱氏门人整理而成,明嘉靖间高氏予以校正重刻。全书论述了以内科杂病为主,兼有外科、妇产科、儿科、五官、口腔等多科病证。介绍治法比较具体,选方颇精,并附医案。确实在一定程度上反映出朱丹溪的学术思想。本书宜于《丹溪心法》、《脉因证治》、《活法机要》等书互相参阅。1909年肖树霖又予重校刊行。
