700字范文 > 信誉缺失 reputation lapse英语短句 例句大全

信誉缺失 reputation lapse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 09:29:00


信誉缺失 reputation lapse英语短句 例句大全

信誉缺失,reputation lapse

1)reputation lapse信誉缺失

1.Cause and countermeasure of thereputation lapse of private enterprise in our country;我国民营企业信誉缺失的成因及治理对策

2.There are still many fac- tors restricting healthy the development of the private enterprise,of which the most primary factor isreputation lapse.民营经济已经成为我国经济发展的重要生力军,但目前仍然有许多因素制约着民营企业健康发展,其中最主要的一个因素是信誉缺失问题。


1.The Countermeasure Against Credit Loss Based on Pricipal-agency Transaction;基于交易代理的信誉缺失根源与对策探析

2.Cause and countermeasure of the reputation lapse of private enterprise in our country;我国民营企业信誉缺失的成因及治理对策

3.(iii) It has lost its business creditworthiness;(三)丧失商业信誉;

4.The butcher is under a cloud because the inspectors found that his scales were not honest.这个卖肉商丧失了信誉, 因为检查人员发现他的秤缺斤短两。

5.Problem of Business Reputation Failure in China and Its Solution;我国商业信誉失范问题及其对策研究

6.The Research on Reputation Mechanism of Securities Underwriter: Formation,Cause of Reputation Missing and Improvement Methods;证券承销商声誉机制:机理、缺失动因与路径

7.3 Credit card details / credit card details usually means your credit card number and the expiry date.信誉卡的细节通常指你的信誉卡号码和失效日期。

8.He failed because he lacked confidence in himself.他因缺乏自信而失败了。

9.He failed through diffidence.他因缺乏自信而失败。

10.A segment of magnetic tape on which expected information is absent.遗失信息磁带上所需信息缺失的一段

11.The government’s popularity has dropped as it failed to come to grips with unemployment.由于没有处理好失业问题,政府的信誉有所下降。

12.His subversive action will give a black eye to the whole liberal movement.他的颠覆行为将使整个自由运动丧失信誉。

13.Loss of accounting credibility and defect in coorporation managerial structure;会计诚信缺失与公司治理结构的缺陷

14.The Deficiency of Legal Responsibility in Accounting Information Distortion;会计信息失真法律责任的缺失与完善

15.On the Absence of the Effective Demand and Supply Subject and the Distortion of Accounting Information;有效需求主体的缺失与会计信息失真

16.Analysis on Credit of Commercial Bank and Company in China and Creditability Deficiency Governance我国银企信贷分析与信用缺失治理

17.A Study on the Managemtnt of Business Credit Risk under the Credibility Deficiency;信用缺失下的企业信用风险管理研究

18.Constructing Political Belief in China Through Media Belief;从媒介信仰建构中国缺失的政治信仰


lack of sincerity信誉短缺

3)credit deficiency信用缺失

1.Based on the conclusion, the factors affecting cooperating game equilibrium in repeated game are analyzed, and the reasons ofcredit deficiency are revealed.从构建一个一般的博弈模型入手,通过对在重复博弈情况下,影响建筑市场交易主体间合作博弈均衡形成的因素进行分析,从一般意义上阐述了建筑市场信用缺失严重的根本原因。

2.Through analyzing various phenomena and causes of thecredit deficiency such as the light legal responsibility, the weak social supervision and restraint, and the local protectionism, etc.通过分析信用缺失的各种现象及产生原因,如法律责任轻、社会监管及约束薄弱、存在地方保护主义等,提出了建立信用体系、加强信用法律建设、增强防范意识等具体有效的防范措施。

3.Socredit deficiency problem is attracting more and more attention of society and academe.因此,信用缺失问题引起了社会和学者的广泛关注。

4)credit loss信用缺失

1.Analysis oncredit loss from diversified viewpoint of modern economics;现代经济学多重视角下的信用缺失分析

2.A study of enterprisecredit loss in China;我国企业信用缺失问题浅探

3.New methods to managecredit loss;信用缺失及其治理的新方法

5)lack of honesty诚信缺失

1.Facing the grim employment situation,many university students arelack of honesty in the process of employment,which has a badly effect on students,schools and employers.面对严峻的就业形势,许多大学生在就业过程中出现了诚信缺失行为,对学生个人、学校、用人单位都产生了不良影响。

2.The college studentslack of honesty in hunting for a job has become one of the problems that attract wide attention from the society.大学生在就业过程中出现的诚信缺失现象已经成为社会关注的重要问题,建立高校毕业生诚信体系、畅通就业信息渠道、加强媒体舆论监督等是解决这一问题的有效对策。

3.lack of honesty is serious in private enterprise.民营企业目前存在着比较严重的诚信缺失现象,失信行为已经影响到企业的经营,甚至影响到整个市场经济的正常运行。

6)lack of honesty and credit诚信缺失

1.Directed at studentslack of honesty and credit, this paper puts forward that it is urgent to carry out and strengthen honesty and credit education.针对当前大学生中出现的种种诚信缺失现象,诚信教育尤显得具体而紧迫。

2.Government slack of honesty and credit is an issue that is worth studying and probing seriously.政府的诚信缺失现象,是一个值得认真探索与思考的问题。

3.Now honesty and credit are the focus of peoples attention,lack of honesty and credit is a significant phenomenon in present social life.本文认为 ,诚信问题已成为人们关注和议论的焦点 ,诚信缺失在当前的社会生活中已成为一个值得注意的现象。


