700字范文 > 多元技术融合 Integration of multiple technologies英语短句 例句大全

多元技术融合 Integration of multiple technologies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-15 16:57:39


多元技术融合 Integration of multiple technologies英语短句 例句大全

多元技术融合,Integration of multiple technologies

1)Integration of multiple technologies多元技术融合

2)multi-technical fusion多技术融合

1.A new method ofmulti-technical fusion for .Net多技术融合的动态页面表现方法。


1.The Application and Research of IDS Model Based on Multi-technique Fusion;基于多技术融合的IDS模型研究与应用

2.The Application of Multi-technologies in Malfunction Diagnosis of Gearbox;多技术融合在齿轮箱故障诊断中的应用

3.The Multisensor Information Fusion Technology for Remote Sensing Image;遥感图像中的多源信息融合技术研究

4.Research of Multispectral SAR Image Fusion;多波段SAR图像数据融合技术研究

5.Resarch and Application of Multi-sensor Image Fusion Technology in Meteorological Satellite;多源气象卫星图像融合技术应用研究

6.Study on Registration and Fusion Multimodality Medical Image;多模态医学图像配准和融合技术研究

7.Study on the Multimodal Interaction and the Information Intergration;多通道交互及其信息融合技术的研究

8.Study of Bionic False Color Fusion of Multi-band Images多波段图像仿生假彩色融合技术研究

9.Research and Application of Fusion Techniques for Multi-Sources Remote Sensing Image多源遥感影像融合技术的研究与应用

10.Research on Data Fusion Technique of Multi-sensor System多传感器系统中信息融合技术的研究

11.Research of Multi-modality Medical Image Registration and Fusion多模态医学图像配准与融合技术研究

12.Summary of Multi-Resolution Analysis Based Image-Fusion Technology基于多尺度分析的图像融合技术综述

13.Key Technologies Research on Multi-target Tracking of Multi-sensor Data Fusion;多传感器数据融合中多目标跟踪关键技术研究

14.The Research on Images Fusion for Multi-source Pan and Multi-spectral Images多源全色影像与多光谱影像融合技术研究

15.The Trend of Technology Convergence and the Tactics of Technology Convergence in Our Country;技术融合趋势及我国的技术融合战略

16.Research of Information Fusion Technology on Multi-sensor in Integrated Navigation;多传感器组合导航系统信息融合技术研究

17.Study of Multi-Mode Compound Guidance Interception Technology Based on Data Fusion基于数据融合的多模复合制导拦截技术的研究

18.Bill Classification Technology Based on Multiple Characteristics Fusion and Its Applications基于多特征融合的票据分类技术及应用


multi-technical fusion多技术融合

1.A new method ofmulti-technical fusion for .Net多技术融合的动态页面表现方法。

3)mesh mergence technique单元融合技术

4)Multivariate information fusion technology多信息融合技术

5)multi-network fusion technology多网融合技术

1.According to the requirement ofmulti-network fusion technology in rules of "Construction Points and Technical Guideline for Intelligent Systems of Residential Quarters", the application ofmulti-network fusion technology scheme was introduced in brief.根据《居住小区智能化系统建设要点与技术导则》三星级实施细则中的多网融合技术要求,介绍了多网融合技术在住宅小区中的应用方案。


1.Extraction of comprehensive information of landslide with the fusion technique of multi-sensor andmulti-model;应用多传感器多模型融合技术提取滑坡综合信息


