700字范文 > 边缘学生群体 marginal students colony英语短句 例句大全

边缘学生群体 marginal students colony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 09:40:53


边缘学生群体 marginal students colony英语短句 例句大全

边缘学生群体,marginal students" colony

1)marginal students" colony边缘学生群体


1.On "Social Exclusion" and Morality Weakening of Marginal Students" Colony社会排斥与边缘学生群体的道德致弱

2.On Vulnerable Groups of Student;边缘生存:“学生弱势群体”的社会学解读

3.Analysis of and Solution to the Problem of Marginalization of the under-represented college students;高校学生弱势群体边缘化分析及对策研究

4.a marginal subaquatic flora.边缘的半水生植物群。

5.Literary Writing Going Towards the Civilians and Writers Towards the Verge;论文学创作的平民化与作家群体的边缘化

6.School marginalized Group in Difficult Position--An Empirical Survey on Testing Undergraduates in Chang-Sha;困境中的校园边缘群体——对长沙市高校自考生群体的实证研究

7.Indulgence and Indecency in Marginalized Circumstances--A Brief Comment on Group Character Traits of Scholars in Traditional Drama on Marriage in the Yuan Dynasty;边缘化境遇下的放纵与卑俗——简论元代婚恋戏中书生群体性格特征

8.Sticking to the Notion of Scientific Development is the Fundamental Way out for Solving the Problem of Marginal Group;坚持科学发展观是解决边缘群体问题的根本出路

9.Studies on Population Ecology of Subalpine Birch Forests in the Northeast Border of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau;青藏高原东北边缘亚高山桦木林种群生态学研究

10.socially marginalized groups处于社会边缘地位的群体

11.Information Crack and Marginalization of the Weak(Ⅱ);论“信息断裂”与弱势群体的边缘化(下)

12.Information Crack and Marginalization of the Weak;论“信息断裂”与弱势群体的边缘化(上)

13.A Probe to Social Psychology and Social Discrimination of "Fringe Groups";“边缘群体”的社会心理与社会歧视探析

14.Muslim Population of the Border in the Eyeshot of Anthropology人类学视野中的边缘化穆斯林族群

15.Marginalized Population Social Medicine:a new research field we should pay attention to;边缘人群社会医学:值得关注的新领域

16.A Study on the Transformation of Social Marginalized Group in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during the Anti-Japanese War抗战时期陕甘宁边区社会边缘化群体改造研究

17.The analysis of edge students through the thought of strangers creation and development;从“陌生者”的产生与演变审视“边缘学生”

18.Analysis on Investment and Returns of Body_building and Amusement of the City Edge Crowd;对城市边缘人群体育健身娱乐状况的调查分析


Marginal Groups边缘群体

1.The problem of vagrant trend of marginal groups ——constructing cultural value of modernized city;社会边缘群体游民化问题对策研究——构筑现代化的城乡文化价值体系

2.Inconsistent Expression ofMarginal Groups Discourse Right in Mass Communication;大众传播媒介下城市边缘群体话语权的矛盾表达

3.Needs Analysis of theMarginal Groups in English Learning;英语学习中的边缘群体表现出鲜明的特点。

3)marginal group边缘群体

1.The existence ofmarginal group has actually become a social problem.当前边缘群体的存在实际上已成了一个社会问题。

2.At present,the problem of socialmarginal groups is very serious.当前,中国社会边缘群体的问题非常突出,执政党亲民、爱民的价值取向在解决边缘群体问题上可以得到充分地体现。

4)edge students边缘学生

1.The analysis ofedge students through the thought of strangers creation and development;从“陌生者”的产生与演变审视“边缘学生”

2.Beginning with distorted behaviors ofedge students,the author suggests the teachers should use a series of psychology methods to correct distorted behaviors ofedge students,which is good for developing harmony and stable campus environment.高职院校边缘学生是一个特殊群体,是班级中的不稳定因素。

5)marginalized group边缘化群体

6)Marginal Poverty边缘贫困群体

1.On Reasons and Supporting Coping Measures forMarginal Poverty——A Case Study of Nanjing;论边缘贫困群体的形成原因及其扶助对策——以江苏省南京市为例


