700字范文 > 自发性体育组织 spontaneous sports organization英语短句 例句大全

自发性体育组织 spontaneous sports organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-01 21:03:59


自发性体育组织 spontaneous sports organization英语短句 例句大全

自发性体育组织,spontaneous sports organization

1)spontaneous sports organization自发性体育组织

1.This article takes as research subject the sports administrative departments,sports organization leaders andspontaneous sports organizations in underdevelopment regions in northern and western Guangdong.以粤北、粤西欠发达地区的体育行政部门、体育组织的领导者和自发性体育组织为研究对象,分析了自发性体育组织的特征及存在问题:自发性体育组织投资少效益高成为低收入群体健身活动的首选,但由于缺乏财力的支撑,健身活动在免费场地进行,活动形式以成员之间相互学习为主,发展所需的资金难以筹集,针对这些问题,提出欠发达地区自发性体育组织培育与发展思路。


1.Cultivation and Development of Spontaneous Sports Organizations for Underdeveloped Regions--Taking Northern and Western Guangdong as an Example欠发达地区自发性体育组织的培育与发展——以广东省粤北、粤西地区为例

2.General Research on the Spontaneous Non-official Sports Organizations;自发性群众体育组织研究现状与述评

3.Empirical Study on the Identification of Rural Spontaneous Sports Organization农村自发性体育活动群体组织识别的实证研究

4.The Countermeasures to the Spontaneous Mass Sports Organizations of Our Country我国自发性群众体育组织发展对策研究

5.Spontaneous Physical Activity Study of the Organization for the Masses in Jiaozuo City焦作市自发性群众体育活动组织的研究

6.Self-Organization analysis of development mass sports management system;群众体育管理体制发展的自组织分析

7.Culture of West and Chinese Sports Base on Organization Development;对中西方体育文化自组织发展的研究

8.Mechanisms of the formation and development of spontaneous community mass sports organizations from the perspective of synergetics协同学与社区自发性群众体育组织形成与发展机制

9.On the Self-organizing Ability,Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Educational Administration;教育管理中的自组织性、主体性和主体间性

10.Studied the Country s Sports Media Market Development of Self-organization;对我国体育传媒市场自组织发展的研究

11.Methodology of Evolutionary Economics:from ontogenesis to systematic self-organization;演化经济学的方法论:从个体发育到系统自组织

12."Sunshine sports" evolution development under self-organizing theory自组织理论视阈下的“阳光体育”演化发展研究

13.Discussion on the Feasibility of Turnverein s Participation in Administrative Supervision;体育自治组织参与行政管理的可行性探讨

14.Reflection and Application of Self-organizing Characteristics in Modern Distance Teaching;自组织特性在现代远程教育中的体现与应用

15.Choice of Organizing Way of Rural Sports and Rural Sports Organization Construction--A Perspective based on Self-Organizing Theory农村体育组织方式选择与农村体育组织建设——基于自组织理论视角

16.Development of Civil Society and Its Effect on NPOs of Sports in China;我国市民社会对非营利性体育组织发展的影响

17.Discussion on Unified Organization and Specific Character Development in P.E,Teaching Reform;谈体育教学改革中的统一组织与个性发展

18.Study on Tissue Culture, Pollen Vitality and Development of Gametophytes in Forsythia Suspense连翘组织培养、花粉活性和雌雄配子体发育研究


spontaneous mass sports organizations自发性群众体育组织

3)Spontaneous physical activity Organization for the masses自发性群众体育活动组织

4)spontaneous community mass sports organization社区自发性群众体育组织

1.Mechanisms of the formation and development ofspontaneous community mass sports organizations from the perspective of synergetics协同学与社区自发性群众体育组织形成与发展机制

5)self-government sports organization社区自治性体育组织


1.With the effects of traditional government system,theturnverein can possess some administrative power in our country.由于受传统行政体制的影响,我国的体育自治组织或多或少存在一定的行政职能,这不仅影响到了体育行政管理的权威和力度,更主要的是直接导致体育纠纷无法准确定性而得不到解决。


