700字范文 > 民族声乐语言 national vocal music vocal language英语短句 例句大全

民族声乐语言 national vocal music vocal language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-10 01:46:35


民族声乐语言 national vocal music vocal language英语短句 例句大全

民族声乐语言,national vocal music vocal language

1)national vocal music vocal language民族声乐语言

2)ethical musical language民族音乐语言

1.It adopts the multiform singing and it uses the western melody writing for reference to create the new Chineseethical musical language.《黄河大合唱》以中国民族音乐为基点,从音乐共享这一基本立场出发,采取诗朗诵与音乐并重的艺术形式、多种歌唱形式的综合运用、借鉴西洋作曲法所创造出来的新的民族音乐语言的运用,使《黄河大合唱》的音乐艺术从形式到内容均有极大的突破和创新,"是中国大型声乐作品所达到的第一高度"。

3)National vocal music民族声乐

1.On Scientific Value of Chinese National Vocal Music as Compared with Western Vocality;从中西声乐对比看民族声乐的科学价值

2.Chinese national vocal music has its 3 peculiar aesthetic characteristics: 1.中国民族声乐有着独特的审美特征:以"情"为核心内涵,以"字正腔圆"为审美取向,"声音"音色的选择具有独特性,并且具有"润腔"特征。

3.WANG Zhi-xin has opened a new way of national vocal music by consulting traditional folk art,original folk tone and traditional opera,adopting western music art factors and using modern composition skills.王志信以家传户诵的历史故事、民间传说或神话传说为音乐题材,充分借鉴传统的曲艺、原生态民歌音调和戏曲唱腔的艺术营养,有效汲取西方音乐艺术因素,并大胆运用现代作曲技巧,作品的调式、调性、速度、节拍和节奏灵活多变,改变原民歌结构单一、无法包容丰富内容的不足,走出了一条新的民族声乐创作之路。


1.How the Ancient Vocal Music Influences the National Vocal Music in China;中国古代声乐对中国民族声乐的影响

2.On the "Sentiment, Sound and Charm" of Chinese;论中国民族声乐艺术之“情、声、韵”

3.Second, the Chinese national vocality is one part of the world music culture.中国民族声乐具有丰富的民族音乐基础,民族声乐是世界音乐文化的组成部分。

4.The Effect of "YUE FU CHUAN SHENG" on the Contemporary National Vocal Singing;试论《乐府传声》对当代民族声乐演唱的借鉴意义

5.On Scientific Value of Chinese National Vocal Music as Compared with Western Vocality;从中西声乐对比看民族声乐的科学价值

6.Query to "National Vocalism" and Thoughts on National Vocal Music Reform;“民族唱法”质疑——兼论民族声乐改革的思路

7.Third, the polynary development is an important way of the Chinese national vocality.多元化是民族声乐发展的重要途径。

8.An Exploration to the National Vocal Music Education under the Plural Culture Vision;多元文化视野下的民族声乐教育探索

9.Cultural Character and Value of China s Modern National Vocal Music;中国现代民族声乐的文化特征及价值

10.On the Opening up Expansion and Boundary-crossing of the Contemporary Folk Vocal Music;当代民族声乐开放、拓展与跨界初探

11.Brief Analysis on the Artistic Features of National Vocal Music Works of Wang Zhixin ng Zhixin s National Vocals;浅析王志信民族声乐作品的艺术特点

12.Building Teaching Materials for Chinese Traditional Singing;关于民族声乐教学中的教材建设问题

13.Influence of singing language on technique of singing in race vocal music;民族声乐歌唱语言对歌唱技术的影响

14.Researching into the Characteristic and the Use for Reference on Ethnic Group Vocal Music Teaching;关于民族声乐教学特色与借鉴的探究

15.On the function of the body language in folk song singing;略论民族声乐演唱中肢体语言的功能

16.The Evolution and Development of the Artistic Style of Chinese National Vocal Music;中国民族声乐艺术风格的演变和发展

17.Exploring the articulation skills of national vocal music art;民族声乐艺术的咬字与吐字技巧探析

18.Tentative Ideas about Sound Production of Traditional Opera and Folk Art in National Vocal Music Education;戏曲曲艺艺术用于民族声乐中的设想


ethical musical language民族音乐语言

1.It adopts the multiform singing and it uses the western melody writing for reference to create the new Chineseethical musical language.《黄河大合唱》以中国民族音乐为基点,从音乐共享这一基本立场出发,采取诗朗诵与音乐并重的艺术形式、多种歌唱形式的综合运用、借鉴西洋作曲法所创造出来的新的民族音乐语言的运用,使《黄河大合唱》的音乐艺术从形式到内容均有极大的突破和创新,"是中国大型声乐作品所达到的第一高度"。

3)National vocal music民族声乐

1.On Scientific Value of Chinese National Vocal Music as Compared with Western Vocality;从中西声乐对比看民族声乐的科学价值

2.Chinese national vocal music has its 3 peculiar aesthetic characteristics: 1.中国民族声乐有着独特的审美特征:以"情"为核心内涵,以"字正腔圆"为审美取向,"声音"音色的选择具有独特性,并且具有"润腔"特征。

3.WANG Zhi-xin has opened a new way of national vocal music by consulting traditional folk art,original folk tone and traditional opera,adopting western music art factors and using modern composition skills.王志信以家传户诵的历史故事、民间传说或神话传说为音乐题材,充分借鉴传统的曲艺、原生态民歌音调和戏曲唱腔的艺术营养,有效汲取西方音乐艺术因素,并大胆运用现代作曲技巧,作品的调式、调性、速度、节拍和节奏灵活多变,改变原民歌结构单一、无法包容丰富内容的不足,走出了一条新的民族声乐创作之路。

4)Chinese national vocal music民族声乐

1.The aesthetic aroma inChinese national vocal music lies in the combination of two principle aesthetic systems,which are composed of language presentation,and the inclination of mode respectively.中国民族声乐的韵味美是构筑在两大基本美学思想之上的,即语言的表现和曲情的表达。

2.At present the development ofChinese national vocal music is still constrained by the academistic "Western or Chinese" controversy.中国民族声乐发展到今天,仍旧摆脱不了学院派们关于“中西”之间的论争,这无形中忽略了民族声乐范畴中诸多来自民间的丰富多彩的内容。

3.This paper does research in the construction of PluralismChinese national vocal music from the development of new folk song.民族声乐艺术伴随着中国民族文化的发展大约已有五千多年的历史。

5)folk vocality民族声乐

1.Its characteristics help the Chinesefolk vocality development, but in the meanwhile it abandons the individual factors in traditional way, then it show the simplify phenomenon of every one singing as the same.这种特征和取向促进了中国民族声乐艺术的发展,但又放逐了对中国民族声乐或中国传统唱法中的那些个性化因素,进而出现单一化、千人一面的趋同现象。

2.Modernfolk vocality is a new form of vocality, which is different from the Chinese traditional vocality and from the western bel canto.现代民族声乐既不同于中国传统声乐,更不同于西方的“美声”,它是一种新的声乐形式。

3.The cultural orientation offolk vocality is firstly the issue of its cultural identity recognition.民族声乐的文化定位首先是其文化身份的识别问题。

6)National Vocality民族声乐

1.Exploration of “Origin” and Study of “its Schoolings”——Explanation ofNational Vocality in Anthropology;试论民族声乐的传承与发展

2.Especially since reform and opening, theNational Vocality has rapidly developed, and a large number of people’favorite singers come forth.尤其是改革开放以来,民族声乐的发展突飞猛进,涌现出了一大批深受老百姓喜爱的歌唱家,80年代初,彭丽媛以一曲《在希望的田野上》深入人心,并带着希望一路走向辉煌。

3.The 20th century is the very important period to the national vocality.20世纪是民族声乐发展的重要时期。


《中国少数民族语言简志丛书》中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会民族问题 5种丛书之一。由丛书编辑委员会主编。主要读者对象是具有高中以上文化程度的语言工作者和民族工作者。从1980年起由北京民族出版社出版。包括57种中国少数民族语言简志,原则上以语言为单位编写。每本简志包括以下民族情况,语言的使用和分类情况,代表点的语音系统,词汇的一般特征、构词特点、借词情况,各词类的主要语法特点和句法等。方言差别较大和有文字的语言,简要介绍方言和文字的特点。每本简志都附有按一定顺序排列的语言或方言常用词1000~1500个左右。
