700字范文 > 商业型健身俱乐部 Commercial-type Health Club英语短句 例句大全

商业型健身俱乐部 Commercial-type Health Club英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-19 12:05:10


商业型健身俱乐部 Commercial-type Health Club英语短句 例句大全

商业型健身俱乐部,Commercial-type Health Club

1)Commercial-type Health Club商业型健身俱乐部


1.Research on the Status Quo and Development Strategies of the Commercial-type Health Club in Suzhou苏州市商业型健身俱乐部现状调查和发展对策研究

2.On Competency Modeling of Commercial Fitness Clubs in China;我国商业健身俱乐部胜任力模型的构建及方法

3.Studies on Commercial Health Club Service Marketing of China;我国商业健身俱乐部服务营销的研究

4.Promation strategies on commercial sports fitness clubs;试论商业体育健身俱乐部的促销技巧

5.Yancheng Commercial Fitness Club Investigation and Analysis盐城市商业健身俱乐部现状调查分析

6.Study on Service Quality of Suzhou"s Fitness Club苏州市商业健身俱乐部服务质量研究

7.A Research of the Assessment of the Service Quality of Commercial Fitness Clubs by the Method of Heavy Attributes Model;运用多重属性模型方法评定商业健身俱乐部服务质量的研究

8.Reflection on the Development of Chinese Commercial Fitness Clubs in the Social Transitional Period社会转型期我国商业健身俱乐部发展的理性思考

9.The Research on Value Chain Management of the Commercial Fitness Clubs in Cheng Du;成都市商业健身俱乐部价值链管理研究

10.Analysis on the current management of commercial bodybuilding club in Yichun City;宜春市商业健身俱乐部的经营现状分析

11.Analysis on Consumer Satisfaction Evaluation Indicators at Commercial Fitness Clubs;商业性健身俱乐部消费者满意度测评指标分析

12.Investigation of Consumption Behavior in Commercial Sport Clubs in Xiamen City;厦门市商业健身俱乐部消费者特征的调查研究

13.Development Characteristics and Operative Model of Commercial Fitness Clubs in Our Country;我国商业健身俱乐部的发展特征与经营模式

14.Analysis and Countermeasure Research of Customer Churn at Commercial Fitness Clubs商业性健身俱乐部客户流失分析及对策研究

15.Research on Present Situation and Countermeasure of Commercial Fitness Clubs in Zhengzhou郑州市商业健身俱乐部现状及对策研究

16.Management and Marketing of Commercial Fitness Clubs in Hefei City合肥市商业健身俱乐部经营管理与营销研究

17.An Analysis of the Development of Wuhan Commercial Fitness Club武汉市商业健身俱乐部发展现状及对策研究

18.Cultural Production and Consumption Alienation of Commercial Sports Health Club商业体育健身俱乐部的文化生产与消费异化


commercial type sports fitness club商业型体育健身俱乐部

1.Career recognition, value orientation as well as ethical and legal awareness of professionals working forcommercial type sports fitness clubs商业型体育健身俱乐部从业人员职业认同、价值取向及道德法律意识现状调查

3)commercial bodybuilding club商业健身俱乐部

1.Analysis on the current management ofcommercial bodybuilding club in Yichun City;宜春市商业健身俱乐部的经营现状分析

2.In the view of the overall situation of the development ofcommercial bodybuilding club and the integral process of the professional life of its staff,this paper analyzes the value of staff of thecommercial bodybuilding club into three parts,which including the value of potential,incumbent and retired staff.从商业健身俱乐部发展的全局和员工职业生涯的全过程出发,将商业健身俱乐部员工价值分为潜在员工价值、在职员工价值和离职员工价值,结合健身俱乐部员工的特点,分析员工价值,提出针对性的管理措施,以合理开发和管理商业健身俱乐部人力资源,有效提升俱乐部的竞争优势,达到绩效最优化的目的。

4)commercial fitness club商业健身俱乐部

1.The statistics and analysis of research papers aboutcommercial fitness clubs published between 1994 and 关于1994-商业健身俱乐部研究论文的统计与分析

2.From the concept and research background of competency,this paper discusses the significance of establishing competency model incommercial fitness clubs in China,and therefore points out the methods and principles for the model construction: interview,360° assessment,and dada processing and statistic analysis etc.从胜任力的内涵与研究背景入手,论述了胜任力及其模型的构建对我国商业健身俱乐部的战略意义,指出了我国商业健身俱乐部胜任力模型的构建方法:行为事件访谈法、360°评估法、数据处理及统计分析方法、指标效度验证等,基于胜任力的人力资源管理实践,应把握目标层级的确立、能力标准的选择、俱乐部文化有机结合、有效的反馈面谈等实务问题。

3.to analyzing the development and characteristics ofcommercial fitness clubs of our country.运用文献资料、调查和实证研究等方法,对我国商业健身俱乐部的发展特征进行分析。

5)Nirvana Health Club青鸟商业健身俱乐部

1.A Study of Costumers Satisfaction of Commercial Health Club Based on Customers Experience Value——TakingNirvana Health Club as a Case;基于顾客体验价值的商业健身俱乐部顾客满意度评价研究——以青鸟商业健身俱乐部为案例

2.In order to summarize successful marketing experience of commercial health club, explore putting to use the theory of experiencing marketing, and fill blank space about experiencing marketing of commercial health club, the dissertation try to combine theory research with case research of nirvana health club.本文试图通过理论研究及对青鸟商业健身俱乐部的实证研究,旨在总结成功商业健身俱乐部的营销经验,探索体验营销理论在健身俱乐部的运用,填补这一领域研究空白,同时为进一步加强商业健身俱乐部市场的经营提供具有实际价值的参考,以此促进中国健身娱乐市场的持续健康发展。

6)business health club商业性健身俱乐部


外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条
