700字范文 > 随机有限断层方法 stochastic finite-fault method英语短句 例句大全

随机有限断层方法 stochastic finite-fault method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-07 21:37:40


随机有限断层方法 stochastic finite-fault method英语短句 例句大全

随机有限断层方法,stochastic finite-fault method

1)stochastic finite-fault method随机有限断层方法

1.The comparison between stochastic point-source method andstochastic finite-fault method随机点源方法和随机有限断层方法模拟地震动的比较


1.The comparison between stochastic point-source method and stochastic finite-fault method随机点源方法和随机有限断层方法模拟地震动的比较

2.Damage Identification of Random Structures Based on Recursive Stochastic Finite Element;基于递推随机有限元的随机结构损伤识别方法

3.Stochastic Finite Element Method for the Coupled Process of the Stress Field and the Seepage Field in the Rock;岩体渗流—应力耦合的随机有限元方法

4.The Stochastic Finite Element Method for the Strength Analysis of Turbine Blade;叶片强度分析的随机有限元方法研究

5.Analysis of stability and reliability of bedding rock slope by stochastic finite element method顺层边坡稳定性及可靠度的随机有限元分析法

6.Stochastic Finite Element Method of Static and Dynamic Characteristics for Turbine Blade;汽轮机叶片静动特性的随机有限元方法研究

7.Finite Difference Method and Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations有限差分方法与随机偏微分方程的数值模拟

8.Slope reliability analysis by random FEM under constraint random field约束随机场下的边坡可靠度随机有限元分析方法

9.The Analysis of Reliability of the Settlement of Single-Pile with the Spectral Stochastic Finite Element Based on Collocation Points;单桩沉降可靠性分析的配点谱随机有限元方法

10.An Application of Perturbation Stochastic FEM to Analyzing the Reliability of Single Floor Industrial Factory Buildings摄动随机有限元法在单层工业厂房可靠性分析中的应用

11.Stochastic Finite Element Methodbased on Orthogonal Decomposition of Random Field;基于随机场正交展开理论的随机有限元法

12.New Methods of Stochastic Finite Element Based on Random Characteristic Analysis for Thin-Walled Box Girders;薄壁箱梁随机特性分析的新型随机有限元法

13.Preconditioned spectral stochastic variational principle and preconditioned finite element method预处理谱随机变分原理和随机有限元法

14.Research on Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Based on Stochastic Finite Element Method;基于随机有限元的疲劳断裂可靠性研究

15.Application of Stochastic Finite Element Method in the Supporting of Deep Foundation Pit;随机有限元土坡稳定性方法在深基坑支护中的应用

16.The Application of Object-Oriented Finite Element Method in Analysis of Structures with Stochastic Parameters;面向对象的有限元方法在随机参数结构分析中的应用

17.Research on the Plane Multiple Cracks Stress Intensity Factors Based on Stochastic Finite Element Method基于随机有限元方法的平面多裂纹应力强度因子研究(英文)

18.Consider the randomness of various in design process, use stochastic finite element method, simulates the structure shape more really.通过考虑设计过程中各变量的随机性,利用随机有限元方法,更加真实地模拟结构形态。


Stochastic finite faults method随机有限断层法

3)Stochastic finite element method随机有限元方法

4)stochastic finite-fault model随机有限断层模型

5)stochastic finite layer method随机有限层

1.Theory ofstochastic finite layer method and its application in reliability analysis for foundation settlement随机有限层理论及其在地基沉降可靠度计算中的应用

6)recursive stochastic finite element method递推随机有限元方法

1.Based onrecursive stochastic finite element method(RSFEM),a random damage identification method for frame and infilled frame structures was developed.提出了一种基于递推随机有限元方法(RSFEM)的随机结构损伤识别方法来识别框架与框架填充墙结构的损伤。

2.Geometrical nonlinear analysis of truss structures with random parameters is carried out using a new stochastic finite element method called therecursive stochastic finite element method (RSFEM) in this paper.两杆结构和平面桁架拱的算例结果表明,当随机量涨落较大时,递推随机有限元方法比基于二阶泰勒展开的摄动随机有限元方法更逼近蒙特卡洛模拟结果,显示了该方法对几何非线性随机问题求解的有效性。


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