700字范文 > 排笙制作 the manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument英语短句 例句大全

排笙制作 the manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-30 00:57:52


排笙制作 the manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument英语短句 例句大全

排笙制作,the manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument

1)the manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument排笙制作

1.Based on the field studies ofthe manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument,a kind of reed pipe wind instrument,in Tha Lua Village of Isan,Northeast Thailand,a discussion is made on the methods and conditions of traditional inventions and sale culture and their anthropological significance.作者通过对泰国东北部Isan地区Tha Lua村排笙制作的田野考察,探讨了传统的发明和销售文化的方法和条件,以及其人类学意义。


1.Traditional Invention and the Sale Culture--The Manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument in Isan of Northeast Thailand传统的发明与文化的销售——以泰国东北部Isan地区的排笙制作为例

2.Preliminary Studies on Miao’s Lusheng Cultural Connotation and Manufacture Skills苗族芦笙文化内涵与制作技艺传承路径探析

3.He then ordered "Chui"to invent instruments: pi (a small drum), drum, bell, qing (chime stone), sheng (reed-pipe wind instrument), guan (wind instrument), and chi (flute-like instrument).他又命令" 垂"创制了鼙、鼓、钟、磬、笙、管、篪等乐器,

4.The Miao and Dong people make their resonator with wooden plates;苗族与侗族的芦笙,其共鸣箱用木板制做;

5.The Influence of Sheng Structure Changes on Its Performance Arts Development论笙形制的变革对其演奏艺术的发展影响

6.While Yi and Lahu nationalities use Hulu (gourd) as resonator, so their instrument is called "Hulusheng".彝族、拉祜族则用葫芦作为声箱,所以人们称它为"葫芦笙"。

7.Wonders out of Different Approaches but Equally Satisfactory Results--Comparison of Historical Dramas written by Guo Moruo and Yang Hanshen;异曲同工 各呈其妙——郭沫若、阳翰笙历史剧创作思想比析

8.The chief instruments used are the erhu, pipa, yangqin and three-string, and the di, sheng and xiao wind instruments.以丝弦乐器和竹管乐器为基本编制,其中有二笙、箫等,

9.On the Institution Design and Arrange in the Co-governance;论合作治理中的制度设计和制度安排

10.Joint-stock Cooperation System:an Interim Institutional Arrangement;股份合作制:一种过渡性的制度安排

11.In-house typesetting: Typesetting carried out inside a publisher"s premises, and controlled by the publisher.内部排字:设于出版社内,并由它控制的排字工作。

12.Yunnan style chicken soup大炖竹笙鸡汤(盅)

13.Discussion the Name of Three Sheng in Shuangbai Yi Nationality;说“笙”——兼议双柏彝族“三笙”之名

14.Responsible for QC lab daily task arrangement.负责质量控制试验室日常的工作安排.

15.Making and Clinical Application of Bedsore-Preventive Cushion for Passive Urination负压排尿式防褥气垫的制作与应用

16.Congress does not interfere in any way in the organization of its programs.但国会决不干涉其节目的制作和编排。

17.a team of policemen working under the military platoon system.在军事排制下工作的一队警察。

18.Care must also be taken in the fabrication and installation of pipwork grids.还必须注意排管的制作与安装。



1.Analysis of the Improvisational Accompaniment of the Musical InstrumentSheng in Er-ren-tai Music;试析笙在二人台音乐中的即兴伴奏

2.Discussion the Name of ThreeSheng in Shuangbai Yi Nationality;说“笙”——兼议双柏彝族“三笙”之名

3)craftsmanship of traditional sheng mouth organ making传统制笙工艺

4)depletion work system排采工作制度

1.In addition to these objective factors such as low permeability and complexity of geological structure of CBM reservoir,there is still the most important cause of the exploitation techniques,especially the problem of thedepletion work system.除我国煤层气地质本身构造复杂、储层渗透率低等客观条件外,排采工作制度不合理是影响煤层气产量的一个决定性因素。

5)"The Ode of Sheng"《笙赋》

1.“The Ode of Sheng”as a sort of music literature, describing the Chinese traditional instrument SHENG from the view of literature, is a very valuable historical reference for us to know more about this ancient instrument, SHENG.赋是中国古典文学中一种介于诗、文之间的文体,《笙赋》属于赋类作品中的“乐器赋”,它作为音乐文学作品,以文学的方式对笙这种乐器的相关情况进行了描述,构画了音乐历史的长河中笙这一古老的传统民族乐器沉浮演变的一幕,为我们认识中国古代的笙类乐器提供了重要的历史文献资料。


1.The Cultural Interpretation of "The Goddess Nu Wa CreatingShenghuang" Myth;“女娲作笙簧”神话的文化解读


