700字范文 > 绿色景区 green scenic area英语短句 例句大全

绿色景区 green scenic area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-18 08:54:29


绿色景区 green scenic area英语短句 例句大全

绿色景区,green scenic area

1)green scenic area绿色景区

1.The establishment of thegreen scenic area is the need to change the present situation of extensive operation on the tourism,to settle the tourism environmental problems,to construct the harmony society.绿色景区创建是改变旅游业粗放经营现状、解决旅游环境问题、构建和谐社会的需要。


1.Implement the Scientific Outlook on Development Quicken the Establishment on the Green Scenic Area落实科学发展观 加速绿色景区创建

2.Increase the Quantity of Virescence in Residential Quarters,Create Green Residential Quarters--Talk about the Landscape Designs of Residential Quarters;增加小区环境绿量,创造人居绿色空间——谈住宅小区环境景观设计

3.Analysis of Developing Green-animal Husbandry in Bashang Plateau of Zhangjiakou;张家口坝上地区发展绿色畜牧业前景分析

4.Green Transformation Mode for Government under the Background of Green Development绿色发展背景下的政府绿色变革模式

5.The blue of the sky melted into the green landscape.蓝天溶入绿色风景之中。

6.The Research of Green Logistics System of Nanning on the Background of the Regional Economy Cooperation;区域经济合作背景下的南宁绿色物流体系建设研究

7.Thought about the Development of Green Eco-housing District in the City under the Background of a Resource-conserving Society;节约型社会背景下城市绿色生态住宅小区发展的思考

8.Xiao Yun: The scenes in the sights are also amazing. You can see green trees, brown chestnuts, purple mulberries, pinkish yellow apricots and so on.小云:景区的风景也很迷人。有翠绿的树,棕黄的板栗,紫色的桑葚,杏黄的杏,等等。

9.The view of the green valleys in Inner Mongolia is really fantastic.内蒙古绿色峡谷的景色真是美不胜收。

10.In DAB mode, the backlight is blue, changing to green in FM mode.在DAB模式下为蓝色背景,在FM模式下为绿色背景。

11.The Theory of the Landscape Designing in the Construction of Afforested Highway绿化景观设计在公路绿色通道建设中的应用

12.People who are colour-blind usually get red and green mixed up.色盲的人通常区分不了红色和绿色。

13.Covered by luxuriant trees and richly-coloured flowers, the Botanical Garden is like a beautiful scenic park.整个园林绿环翠盖,景色秀丽。

14.Unable to load bitmap; do you want to use a green background?无法加载位图,是否要使用绿色背景?

15.Some of them are charmingly shy, half-hidden behind green leafy trees in deep elegant seclusion.有的瀑布绿树掩映,幽深清秀,景色妩媚;

16.Under harmonious social background "green GDP" calculation research;和谐社会背景下“绿色GDP”核算的研究

17.Prospects and Present Situation of Greenfood in Shanxi;浅析山西省绿色食品发展现状及前景

18.Background and Countermeasures of Green Logistics;绿色物流的产生背景及发展对策初探


Green landscape绿色景观

1.On the planning plan of the Yellow River Xiaolangdi Landscape Region,the human-oriented principle was sufficiently reflected,the green landscape and green ecology as well as the rich culture environment connotation were highlighted,the harmonious plant landscape was built,and the ecological landscape construction was realized.在对黄河小浪底风景区绿化规划中充分体现“以人为本”的原则,突出绿色景观和绿色生态,丰富环境的文化内涵,构建和谐植物景观,实现生态造景。

2.It has become a new request on interior design and decorations, it is necessary to apply the green landscape to interior design because of the advocating of harmonious society at present, it is a presentation of develo.把大自然的景观加工提炼引入室内,为生硬的建筑环境增添生机和活力,使室内空间自然化和人性化不仅成为室内设计和装饰的一种新要求,而且在提倡创建和谐社会的今天,将绿色景观应用于室内设计也是一种需要,一种时尚,代表了现代室内设计未来的发展方向。

3.The article summarizes three main types of landscape design in the new campus,that is,green landscape,wet landscape,and hard landscape.归纳概述了当今在高校新校区景观设计中的三种主要类型,即:绿色景观、水体景观和硬质景观,并从不同角度分析阐述了这三种景观类型之间的相互联系、设计原则以及对新校区整体环境建设可能产生的影响,为高校新校区景观设计提供理论参考。

3)green scenery绿色景观

1.Research on application ofgreen scenery design in city living village;绿色景观设计在城市居住聚落中的应用研究

4)plantation in scenic spot景区绿化

5)Afforcsting sccnic rcsort风景区绿化

6)green community绿色社区

1.The paper introduces the connotative meaning of establishinggreen community and expounding the thought and suggestion about establishinggreen community in Jiangxi province.文章介绍了"绿色社区"创建的内涵和意义,阐述了江西省推动"绿色社区"创建工作的思考和建议。

2.Considering the aspect of sustainable development,the connotation of the Green Community is iscussed,and a set of evaluation indexes is proposed to measure the sustainable development of Green Community from its concept.从绿色社区的概念出发,结合可持续发展理念,探讨了绿色社区的内涵和评价的内容,提出了一组测评绿色社区可持续发展的评价指标体系。

3.The country issues the file and requires the key city of national environmental protection to develop the activity of establishing "green community" progressively,train the public"s good code of ethic of environmental ethics,promote the forming of the good social morals.国家颁布文件要求全国环境保护重点城市要逐步开展创建“绿色社区”活动,培养公众良好的环境伦理道德规范,促进良好社会风尚的形成。




阿兰胡埃斯文化景观 英文:aranjuez cultural landscape类别:文化遗产入选时间:2001阿兰胡埃斯文化景观体现了许多复杂的关系,比如人类活动与自然的关系、蜿蜒水道与呈现几何形态的景观设计之间的关系、乡村和城市之间的关系,以及森林环境和当地富丽堂皇的精美建筑之间的关系。数百年来,西班牙王室对于阿兰胡埃斯文化景观倾注了许多精力,使得它向世人展示着奇妙的变化。我们不仅能看到人道主义和政治集权的观念,而且可以领略到公元18世纪建造的法国式巴洛克花园所体现出来的特色,以及启蒙运动时期伴随着植物种植和牲畜饲养所发展起来的城市生活方式。所属地区: 西班牙标准(ii)阿兰胡埃斯描述完全不同的文化影响的一同来创造一个文化景观, 那对在这个领域方面的更进一步的发展有形成的影响。标准(iv)复杂的设计的阿兰胡埃斯的文化景观, 从多种来源派生来,标明在风景的发展内的一个初期的舞台设计。简短描述:阿兰胡埃斯城位于西班牙中部。阿兰胡埃斯文化景观是一个复杂的关系的实体: 在自然和人活动之间, 在弯曲的水道和几何学风景之间设计,在乡村和都市之间,在森林风景和细软调节的它的堂皇大楼的建筑之间。 王室注意在发展和这风景的小心300年看见一概念从人道主义和政治中央集权那里的演化表示, 在特性象在它的第18 世纪法国式巴罗克风格的花园内找的那些那样, 对在启蒙时代在植物气候适应和股票培育的科学旁边发展的都市的生活方式。
