700字范文 > 商贸 commercial英语短句 例句大全

商贸 commercial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-26 02:25:04


商贸 commercial英语短句 例句大全



1.The exploration of the renewal model for the residential andcommercial functions in historical streets历史街区居住与商贸功能更新模式探讨

2.According to the analysis of the existing situation of undergraduate education of light chemical engineering specialty and the development of leather industry, the possibility and necessity of providing a new special field, leathercommercial, were presented in the paper.根据当前我国轻化工程本科教育的现状及皮革行业发展的分析,提出了在我国高校轻化工程专业增设皮革商贸专业方向的必要性和可能性。

mercial Trade Economy plays an important part in Xich county s economy.商贸经济在西充县经济中占有重要的地位,是未来西充县壮大第三产业的核心和突破口,是目前巩固和提高县级财政收入不可或缺的重要力量,其对工业、农业的发展和城市化进程的加快至关重要,但西充由于地理位置等多方面因素的影响,商贸发展速度较慢,在四川省南充市五县三区一市2002年度的综合指标考核评比中居倒数第一,在年度综合考核评比后,才从2002年第九位上升到第五位。


mission on International Commodity Trade国际商品贸易委员会(商贸委)

2.ECTS(European Computer Trade Show)欧洲计算机商贸展示会

3.Shanghai Shuangjing Trading Co., Ltd.上海双境商贸有限公司

4.Beijing Deti Trade Co., Ltd.北京德体商贸有限公司

5.Quanzhou Keen Field Trading Co., Ltd.泉州启丰商贸有限公司

merce Development and the Establishment of World Trade Center in Shanghai上海商贸业发展与国际贸易中心建设

7.Elementary discussion on translation method of trademark in business English;浅谈商贸英语中英语商标的翻译方法

8.An Analysis of the Functions of Business English in the Affairs of WTO;商务英语在WTO商贸事务中的功能分析

9.Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities货物和服务国际贸易及商品司(贸商司)

10.relating to or used in or intended for trade or commerce.与贸易或商业相关的,用于贸易或商业的,打算供贸易或商业使用的。

11.Reserved Commodities Unit [Trade Department]储备商品分组〔贸易署〕

12.Textiles Trader Registration Office [Trade Department]纺织商登记处〔贸易署〕

13.multilateral trade commitments on individual commodities商品贸易的多边承诺

modity Trade Statistics Database商品贸易统计数据库

15.Korea Fair Trade Commission韩国商品贸易委员会

16.DITC (Department of Industry,Trade and Commerce)工业、贸易和商业部

mercial presence商业存在(服务贸易)

18.Consultative Meeting with Industry/Trade Associations同工贸协会的协商会议




1.The brokers are separated frombusinessmen.纵观古今中外,商品买卖活动的频繁、市场的发达,为商贸经纪人提供了活动的舞台。

2.The article deals with the problem of Chinese-Englishbusiness translation.准确理解和翻译商贸书信有助于经贸工作者的交流与沟通。

4)commerce and trade商贸

1.Under the situation of computer majors developing rapidly at present,there exist certain problems in positioning computer-related majors in vocational colleges ofcommerce and trade.在当前高校计算机类专业迅速发展的情况下,商贸类高职院校计算机类专业定位仍存在一定问题。

2.Speeding up modernization of the mid urbancommerce and trade circulation is the impersonal requirement of carrying out the important idea of "Three Representatives", speeding up the circulation of productivity and industrialization in the mid.加快中部地区城市商贸流通现代化是落实三个代表重要思想、加快中部地区先进流通生产力、加快中部地区工业化的客观要求 ,是顺应中部地区城市化进程、提升城市竞争力的要求 ,是改善供给、引导消费、启动国内市场需求的要求 ,也是顺应入世、提高中部地区商贸流通业竞争力的需要。


1.The paper briefly introduces Hong Jiang s historical transition andtrade situation,and discusses its growing environment and the cause of decline from some facets of traffic,natural resource,geographic locality,etc.简单介绍了湖南省洪江镇的历史变迁及商贸情况,并从交通、资源、区位等方面论述了洪江商业聚落的生成环境及其衰败的原因,引发了对传统商业聚落发展的思考。

6)shop and market商贸市场

1.Fire risk assessment method forshop and market;商贸市场火灾风险评估方法


