700字范文 > 政府管理 government management英语短句 例句大全

政府管理 government management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-01 13:22:08


政府管理 government management英语短句 例句大全

政府管理,government management

1)government management政府管理

1.Scientize the Government Post Design,Innovate the Modern Government Management;科学设计政府职位创新现代政府管理

2.Research on the Government Management System of Urban Housing Development;城市住宅开发政府管理系统研究

3.The paper expounds the problems in the traditionalgovernment management in the information technology environment and the necessity of government reengineering by business process reengi-neering(BPR),and argues that BPR has inherent connections with current government function changes in its essence and problems to solve.阐述了传统政府管理在信息技术条件下存在的问题以及利用业务流程再造进行政府再造的必要性。


1.Government function is base of government management.政府职能决定着政府管理的基本方向。

2.China s Government Administration Reform from the Point of View of Government Cost;从政府成本角度看我国政府管理改革

3.Innovation of the Government Management System in E-Government Times;电子政府发展中的政府管理体制创新

4.Scientize the Government Post Design,Innovate the Modern Government Management;科学设计政府职位创新现代政府管理

5.Structuring the New Mode of the Modern Government Management: the Government of Learning Type;创建现代政府管理新模式:学习型政府

6.On the Total Quality Management--the Innovation of Government Management Thoughts;论政府管理思想的创新——全面质量管理

7.The Politics-Oriented Governmental Administration:A Study of the Paradigm of China s Governmental Administration from 1949 to 1978;政治导向型政府管理——1949年至1978年中国政府管理模式研究

8.Government Reform and Administrative Innovation in County and Township After Abolishment of Agricultural Tax农业税取消后的县乡政府改革与政府管理创新

9.Government Budget and Financial Management Section政府预算和财政管理科

10.Government Lotteries Management Committee政府奖券管理委员会

11.Government Central Coordination Authority政府中央协调管理局

12.Government Land Transport Administrator [GLTA]政府车辆管理处处长

13.an administrative unit in government or business.政府或商业的管理单位。

14.The government has centralized the administration of the coal mines.政府统一管理所有煤矿。

15.Implications of Regulation Theories to Regulation Reform in China;政府管制理论对我国政府管制改革的启示

16.Adjusting the railway management functions of the government and strengthening the regulations over the railway by the government;调整政府铁路管理职能 加强铁路政府监管

17.The Transformation of the Government s Administrative Notions after the Entrance of WTO;加入WTO和政府行政管理理念的变革

18.Research on Administrative Ethics in Government"s Crises Management政府危机管理中的行政伦理问题探究


government administration政府管理

1.Study on thegovernment administration and police for the establishment and implement of HACCP system in Canada;加拿大HACCP体系建立和实施的政府管理及政策的探讨

2.Influences of the information revolution on thegovernment administration;浅议信息革命对政府管理的影响

3.Propelling the all-round innovation ofgovernment administration for adapting the requirement of accession to WTO;适应入世需求 推动政府管理的全面创新

3)governmental management政府管理

1.Institutional Construction and Governmental Management:economics analysis of harmonious society;制度建设与政府管理——关于和谐社会的经济学分析

2.On innovation ofgovernmental management in building harmonious society;论构建和谐社会中政府管理的创新

4)governmental administration政府管理

1.and makes some research on problems in China s engineering quality testing industry on the basis of current situation of China s engineering quality testing system andgovernmental administration.本文首先介绍欧、美等发达国家工程质量检测行业管理和市场发展的情况,并分析其特点以及对我国的借鉴;然后,在分析我国工程质量检测体系和政府管理现状的基础上,对我国工程质量检测行业存在的问题进行研究。

2.At the present stage,ourgovernmental administration needs to overcome a series of issues.我国现阶段在政府管理上还存在一系列的问题。

3.This article is concerned with the aim,significance,role,tendency,strengths and weaknesses of thegovernmental administration on the basis of a case study.本文从个案分析入手, 探讨在当代节日传统保护中,政府管理的目的、意义、作用、趋势和得失。

5)public administration政府管理

1.It also has many implications topublic administration.五保村建设对政府管理具有诸多启示。

2.The advent of the new century has brought about some new tasks inpublic administration for each country.新世纪的到来给各国政府管理改革带来了新的课题。

6)government management政府管理型

1.In the transitional period of social sports instructor management system reform,thegovernment management system and the community management systems should be developed harmoniously to create the social sports instructor management system with Chinese specialties on the basis of the domestic situations of China.以奥运会为契机,着眼于奥运之后我国社会体育指导员的发展趋势,在我国社会体育指导员管理体制改革的过渡时期,应促进政府管理型体制与社团管理型体制的和谐发展,并结合国情建设具有中国特色的社会体育指导员管理管理体制,是我国社会体育指导员管理体制改革的必由之路。

2.In the transitional period of sports management system reform,thegovernment management system and the community management system should be developed harmoniously to create the sports management system with Chinese specialties on the basis of the domestic situations of China.以奥运会为契机,着眼于奥运之后我国体育的发展趋势,在中国体育管理体制改革的过渡时期,应促进政府管理型体制与社团管理型体制的和谐发展,并结合国情建设具有中国特色的体育管理体制,是我国体育管理体制改革的必由之路。


