700字范文 > 民族法文化 the national legal culture英语短句 例句大全

民族法文化 the national legal culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-03 08:24:09


民族法文化 the national legal culture英语短句 例句大全

民族法文化,the national legal culture

1)the national legal culture民族法文化

1.While considering the relevant historical materials, this paper highlightsthe national legal culture communicated by the inscription on the pillar.本文在梳理相关史料的基础上,着重解读溪州铜柱铭文所传达的民族法文化信息。


1.A Study on the National Spirit of the Zhuang People--From the Perspective of the Legal Culture of the Nation;论壮族的民族精神——以民族法文化为视角的考察

2.Perusal of the Inscription on the “Copper-pillar”in Xi Zhou--From an Angle of National Legal Culture;“溪州铜柱”铭文解读——以民族法文化视角

3.The National Legal Culture and the Legal System of the Chinese Nation--Examples from the Jin Dynasty;民族法文化与中华法系——以金代为例

4.On Development and Modernization of "National Cultural Circle of Bachu" -- With the Visual Angle of National Law Culture;“巴楚民族文化圈”的演变与现代化论纲——从民族法文化的视角

5.On Significance of Legislation on Protection of Traditional Folk Culture of Nationalities;论民族民间传统文化保护立法的意义

6.On the Law Protection of the National Folk Culture of Ethnic Minorities--on the case of Mongolian dress art;论少数民族民族民间文化的法律保护——以蒙古族服饰艺术为例

7.The Cultural Root of the "National Singing" and "Original Ecological Singing";“民族唱法”与“原生态唱法”的文化根源

8.The Development of Rule by Law in the Western China and the Culture of Customary Law of National Minority;西部开发法治与少数民族习惯法文化

9.ethnic group同种族同文化的民族

10.Calligraphy art is the Chinese traditional culture treasure.书法艺术是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。

11.Study on the Basic Legal Issues of Minority Culture Property Rights;少数民族文化产权基本法律问题研究

12.Legislation Accommodation Power in Ethnic Autonomous Regions under Culture Sight;民族自治地区立法变通权之文化维度

13.Napoleonic Code: Crystallization of the French Revolution and national culture;《拿破仑法典》:大革命与民族文化的结晶

14.On the Spreading of Three-generation Patriarchal Clan Culture Among Minority Ethnic Groups in Northwest China;三代宗法文化向西北少数民族传播论

15.Legal Thinking on Minority Culture Protection in Multicultural Relations;多元文化关系中少数民族文化保护的法理思考

16.Political Culture National Characteristic and Nationality s Political Culture;政治文化的民族性与民族的政治文化

17.Cultural Imperialism and National Culture,National Identity;文化帝国主义与民族文化、民族认同

18.Construction of Ethnic Cultures and Philosophic Study on Ethnic Culture;民族文化建设与民族文化的哲学研究


law culture of northwest minority nationalities民族法律文化

3)ethnic culture民族文化

1.Touriom development of aboriginalethnic culture and heritage and development ofethnic culture;原生态民族文化旅游开发及民族文化传承与发展

2.Discussion of the development ofethnic culture and tourism industry——case of Nanhua Village in Kaili City;论民族文化开发与旅游产业发展——以凯里市南花村为例

3.Fair Tourism, A Kind of New Farm for Tourism Development in Ethnic Culture;集市旅游——民族文化旅游开发的新形式

4)national culture民族文化

1.Brief Analysis of the National culture Development of the Zhangjiajie;张家界民族文化开发浅析

2.The Influence of National Culture on Tourism in Liangshan Prefecture;试析凉山民族文化对旅游业发展的影响

5)nationality culture民族文化

1.The development of the culture tourism and the protection of thenationality culture:the case of Gannan Tibet Autonomous State;论发展民族文化旅游与保护民族文化——以甘南藏族自治州为例

2.Discussion on Unified Planning of Nationality Culture in the School Curriculum;论民族文化在学校课程中的统整

3.Challenge·Opportunity·Exit——talks about the development problem of thenationality culture in the context of globalization;挑战·机遇·出路——谈全球化语境中民族文化发展问题

6)ethnic cultures民族文化

1.The reconstruction of ecological ideaof the development of Yunnanethnic cultures;重构云南民族文化发展的生态观

2.The research object of ethnology isethnic cultures.民族学的研究对象就是民族文化,民族文物是民族文化的载体,又可分为有形与无形两类。

3.It is an extrusive form ofethnic cultures capitalization.在民族旅游开发中,节日被作为内涵丰富的文化资源加以利用,是民族文化资本化的突出表现形式。


