700字范文 > 道德的法律强制 Legal Enforcement of Morality英语短句 例句大全

道德的法律强制 Legal Enforcement of Morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-27 06:23:07


道德的法律强制 Legal Enforcement of Morality英语短句 例句大全

道德的法律强制,Legal Enforcement of Morality

1)Legal Enforcement of Morality道德的法律强制


1.On the Force Theory about the Ethical Law of J·S·Mill and P·Devlin;论密尔和德富林关于道德的法律强制理论

2.Thoughts on the Appropriateness of Compulsory Law Enforcement of Ethics对道德的法律强制之正当性及实现途径的思考

3.The critique of P·Devlin s theory of the enforcement of morality;德富林的道德法律强制理论及其批判

4.morally or legally constraining or binding.道德上或者法律上强制的、约束的。

5.The main feature of moral is self-control, while the law is the nation"s implementation-compulsory.道德主要靠自律,法律则具有国家的强制性即他律;

6.In order to raise the people"s ideological and moral standards, it is necessary to enhance the people"s sense of law and concept of rule by law.19、提高思想道德素质。 增强人们的法律意识和法制观念。

7.Having it"s eyes on three problems, this paper has criticized P· Devlin"s theory of the enforcement of morality:(1) Is morality only public?本文对德富林道德法律强制理论的批判着限于三个问题:()德只是公共的?

8.Research on the Legalization of Morality and Moralization of Law in Sport Law Construction;体育法制建设中的道德法律化和法律道德化问题研究

9.On Moral and Legal Control of Covert Coverage;论隐性采访的道德与法律的双重制衡

10.To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means.强制,强迫通过体力、法律、社会或道义的手法强迫、强制

11.On the Cultivation and Enhancement of Moral Culture and Law Awareness of College Students;刍议大学生道德与法律意识的培养与强化

12.The Thoughts on the Effectiveness of Strengthening "Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis"加强《思想道德修养与法律基础》课实效性的思考

13.To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie.使负有责任或义务被社会、法律或道德约束所束缚,强制或限制

14.Reinforcing education for law,morality and humanistic quality,focusing on development of sports majors subjectivity;加强法律、道德及人文素质教育 强化体育专业学生的主体意识

15.Legal Control on Bank Moral Hazard Under Deposit Insurance System;存款保险制度下银行道德风险的法律控制

16.The Relationship between the Law and the Moral in the Continental Assessor System谈大陆法系参审制中法律和道德的关系

17.Research on the Internal Morality of Law--on Fuller s The Morality of Law;探寻法律的内在道德——兼论富勒《法律的道德性》

18.On legalization of morality and moralization of Law in traditional Chinese culture;论中国传统文化中的"道德法律化"和"法律道德化


On the Justication Analysis of Legal Enforcement of Morality论道德的法律强制

3)enforcement of morality道德法律强制

1.The critique of P·Devlin s theory of theenforcement of morality;德富林的道德法律强制理论及其批判

4)Moral Criticism of Laws《法律的道德批判》

1.How Can Legal Ethics Be Possible:A Review onMoral Criticism of Laws;法伦理学如何可能——《法律的道德批判》述评

5)Legal ethicality法律的道德性

6)moral basis of law法律的道德基础


论道1.谋虑治国的政令。 2.议论﹑阐明道理。
