700字范文 > 外经贸人才 foreign-trade professionals英语短句 例句大全

外经贸人才 foreign-trade professionals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-27 16:42:33


外经贸人才 foreign-trade professionals英语短句 例句大全

外经贸人才,foreign-trade professionals

1)foreign-trade professionals外经贸人才

1.After entering WTO,China has made a fantastic development in the foreign trade and is increasing the great demand forforeign-trade professionals,especially the high-level applied ones with skills and comprehensive qualities who have both high theoretical knowledge and strong actual-operation ability to solve the industrial realistic prob-lems.加入WTO后,中国对外贸易获得了空前的快速发展,社会对外经贸人才的需求不断增加,尤其需要大批既具有较高的理论知识,同时又具有较强的解决行业现实问题实际操作能力的技能型、复合型的高层次应用型人才。


1.A cradle for training personnel in international business----Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade.外经贸人才摇篮天津对外贸易学院。

2.Reforming the Traning of Foreign Trade Labors in Higher Vocational Colleges to Meet the Requirments after Entering WTO;全面接轨WTO,改革高职院校外经贸人才培养模式

3.Countermeasures of Cultivation of Foreign Trade in the Construction Economic Zone of West Bank;面向海峡西岸经济区建设 加快应用型外经贸人才培养的若干措施

4.The Characteristics of International Trade in Knowledge based Times and the Training of Personnel for International Trade;知识经济时代国际贸易特点与外贸人才培养

5.The Development of Foreign Economy and Trade of our Country and the New Tendency of Social Demand for Applied Talented Persons on Foreign Business;我国外经贸发展与涉外应用型人才社会需求的新趋势

6.MOFTEC Leader On China"s Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation外经贸部负责人介绍中国外经贸情况

7.With approval of the higher authorities concerned, we, for the purpose of strengthening economic and trade intercourse with foreign countries, are looking for qualified economic and commercial talents with a working knowledge of English.我公司为了加强对外经贸交往,经上级主管部门批准,现公开招聘懂英语的经贸人才。

8.The foreign trade professional training of college from the current situation of its personal in Zhejiang;从浙江外贸人才的现状谈高校外贸专业的人才培养

9.On the Ways of Professionals Training of International Economic and Trade Major;国际经济与贸易专业人才的培养途径

10.Take Market as Guidance,Establish Jiangsu Commercial Vocational Labor Force Base;与区域经济互动 培养高技能商贸人才

11.These Articles of Association shall come into effect upon the approval by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People"s Republic of China (or its entrusted examination and approval authority).本章程须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部(或其委托的审批机构)批准才能生效。

12.Article62 The Articles of Association shall come into effect upon the approval by People"s Republic China. The same applies×× Economic Relation and Trade Commission, in the events of amendments.第六十二条本章程须经中华人民共和国对外经济贸易委员会批准才能行效。

13.These Articles of Association shall come into effect upon the approval by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of P.R.C (or its entrusted examination and approval authority). The same applies in the event of amendments.本章程须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部(或其委托的审批机构)批准才能生效。修改时同。

14.Synchronism on the Target and the Mode of the Cultivation of Foreign Language Talents--Instance by the Foreign Language Talents in Fishery Trade;外语人才的培养目标与培养模式同步论——以水产贸易外语人才为例

15.Construction of Off-campus Praxis System and Cultivation of Application-oriented Talents--A Case Study on School of Economy and Trade Management of Taizhou University校外实习体系建设与应用型人才培养——以台州学院经贸管理学院为例

16.On the Standing Place the International Economic and Trade Discipline Should Have and the Professional Market;我国国际经贸人才市场透析——兼论国际经济与贸易专业市场立足点

17.On the Quality Education for the Students in the Foreign Trade Vocational Schools in China;论我国中等外贸专业人才的素质及其教育

18.To Study the University Commercial English Professional Training from the Foreign Trade Practice Viewing Angle;从外贸实践视角看高校商务英语专业人才培养


international business talent外贸人才

1.More versatileinternational business talents are needed in the business with comprehensive abilities of English and mould international business.模具行业需要大量懂英语、外贸和模具知识的复合型外贸人才。

3)Applied Foreign Trade Talents应用型外经贸人才

4)personnel for foreign trade外贸人才培养

5)international trade talents国际经贸人才

6)finance and trade talented person财贸人才

1.Construction quaternity practice teaching system strengthening qualityfinance and trade talented person ability rise;构建四位一体实践教学体系 强化高职财贸人才能力培养


外经外经 外经 解剖结构名。出《灵枢·刺节真邪》。指行于四肢和皮肤的经脉。《黄帝内经太素》:“……十二经脉,入府藏者,以为内经,行于四支(肢)及皮肤者,以为外经也。”《灵枢·邪气脏腑病形》:“荥输治外经,合治内府。”
