700字范文 > 绿色社区体育 Green community sports英语短句 例句大全

绿色社区体育 Green community sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-02 13:04:50


绿色社区体育 Green community sports英语短句 例句大全

绿色社区体育,Green community sports

1)Green community sports绿色社区体育

2)green community sports model绿色社区体育模式

3)green community绿色社区

1.The paper introduces the connotative meaning of establishinggreen community and expounding the thought and suggestion about establishinggreen community in Jiangxi province.文章介绍了"绿色社区"创建的内涵和意义,阐述了江西省推动"绿色社区"创建工作的思考和建议。

2.Considering the aspect of sustainable development,the connotation of the Green Community is iscussed,and a set of evaluation indexes is proposed to measure the sustainable development of Green Community from its concept.从绿色社区的概念出发,结合可持续发展理念,探讨了绿色社区的内涵和评价的内容,提出了一组测评绿色社区可持续发展的评价指标体系。

3.The country issues the file and requires the key city of national environmental protection to develop the activity of establishing "green community" progressively,train the public"s good code of ethic of environmental ethics,promote the forming of the good social morals.国家颁布文件要求全国环境保护重点城市要逐步开展创建“绿色社区”活动,培养公众良好的环境伦理道德规范,促进良好社会风尚的形成。


1.Eco-environment Protection and Construction of Green Community in Northeast China;东北地区生态环境保育与绿色社区建设


3.Public Participation and the Production of the Community Public Sphere:Case study of the Green Community program in Guangzhou;公众参与与社区公共空间的生产——对绿色社区建设的个案研究

4.In the activities to build "green communities", the citizens conscientiously boycott white pollution and practice garbage sorting.建设“绿色社区”活动让市民自觉抵制“白色污染”、自觉实行垃圾分类;

5.Adjacent to the MTR Station they suggested to add a piazza with food stalls, surrounded by greenery and blossoms.广场及地铁站四周将种植大量树木及花卉,营造一个绿色社区。

6.WHERE IS THE GREEN OF OLYMPICS绿色奥运,绿在何处?——翠堤春晓社区居民关于绿色的救助活动

7.The Enlightenment of Building Socialism Harmonious Communities Based on "Green Olympics" Concept;“绿色奥运”理念对构建社会主义和谐社区的启示

8.Study on the Construct of Urban Ecological Community Theory and a Case Study;城市绿色生态社区理念的构建与案例研究

9.A Discussion on the Greenness of the Regional Economy in Japan under the Circulation-Type Social Target;论循环型社会目标下的日本地区经济的绿色化

munity Participation and Green Quality Protection of Ecotourism Products in Middle-Western China;社区参与及中西部地区生态旅游产品绿色质量的维护

11.Thought about the Development of Green Eco-housing District in the City under the Background of a Resource-conserving Society;节约型社会背景下城市绿色生态住宅小区发展的思考

12.Green uprising" and "urban breakthrough": a comparison between theChinese urban community autonomy and villagers autonomy;“绿色崛起”与“都市突破”——中国城市社区自治与农村村民自治比较

13.People who are colour-blind usually get red and green mixed up.色盲的人通常区分不了红色和绿色。

14.Deduce the community culture,Set up Green Home演绎社区文化,构建绿色家园 怡康华庭:一个发展中的大型生态园林式住宅区

15.What is the difference between green and white crè me de menthe?绿色和白色薄荷酒有什么区别吗?

16.She can not perceive the difference between red and green.她辨不出红色和绿色的区别。

17.dusty jade green浅灰绿[色],豆绿[色]

18.enlarge the information source,erect the work system of communicate instances with business service,establish the service net of green reclaiming and give full play to the comprehensive treatment of social order.建立与工商行政部门互通情况的工作制度; 创建社区绿色回收服务网络;


green community sports model绿色社区体育模式

3)green community绿色社区

1.The paper introduces the connotative meaning of establishinggreen community and expounding the thought and suggestion about establishinggreen community in Jiangxi province.文章介绍了"绿色社区"创建的内涵和意义,阐述了江西省推动"绿色社区"创建工作的思考和建议。

2.Considering the aspect of sustainable development,the connotation of the Green Community is iscussed,and a set of evaluation indexes is proposed to measure the sustainable development of Green Community from its concept.从绿色社区的概念出发,结合可持续发展理念,探讨了绿色社区的内涵和评价的内容,提出了一组测评绿色社区可持续发展的评价指标体系。

3.The country issues the file and requires the key city of national environmental protection to develop the activity of establishing "green community" progressively,train the public"s good code of ethic of environmental ethics,promote the forming of the good social morals.国家颁布文件要求全国环境保护重点城市要逐步开展创建“绿色社区”活动,培养公众良好的环境伦理道德规范,促进良好社会风尚的形成。

4)green sports绿色体育

1.Perspectives on Green Sports in a View of Healthy Angle;健康视角下的绿色体育透视

2.Research of the Green sports" Grey Crises绿色体育的灰色污染研究

3.Thegreen sports with thought and means of over - all coordinate, reach the whole dynamic harmony between human and nature, man and man, human beings themselves.绿色体育以全面协调的思想和手段,达到人与自然、人与人、人自身3大和谐在内的整体动态和谐,它使现代体育在“和谐世界”的绿色文明道路上前进,它使人们追求心情放松,感情得到释放,彼此间的理解、宽容和相爱,它是人与自然的融合与亲近的目标。

5)green sport绿色体育

1.Three themes of "green Olympics, humanity Olympics, science and technology Olympics" proposed by Beijing Olympic games could display the profound connotation ofgreen sport sufficiently and show its significance to promote Beijing s image.北京奥运会的三大主题"绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运",充分体现了绿色体育的深刻内涵,也显示出其价值对提升北京整体形象的重要性。

6)community PE社区体育

1.Research on the relationship of school district PE andcommunity PE;学区体育与社区体育关系的探讨

2.Study on the interaction between college PE andcommunity PE;高校体育与城市社区体育和谐发展的互动性研究

3.Research on characteristic, function and challenge ofcommunity PE;对社区体育的特点、功能及面临的挑战的研究


