700字范文 > 逆散射问题 inverse scattering problem英语短句 例句大全

逆散射问题 inverse scattering problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-13 00:21:54


逆散射问题 inverse scattering problem英语短句 例句大全

逆散射问题,inverse scattering problem

1)inverse scattering problem逆散射问题

1.The aim of this paper is to study the uniqueness and stability of the aboveinverse scattering problem.本文主要讨论在R~2中如下逆散射问题的惟一性及稳定性:这是由时间调和声波产生的外Dirichlet He1mholtz方程。


1.Uniqueness and Stability of Exterior Dirichlet Inverse Scattering Problem;外Dirichlet逆散射问题的惟一性及稳定性

2.Inverse Scattering Problem for Dirichlet-Robin Type Boundary Conditions;Dirichlet-Robin型边界条件下的逆散射问题

3.The Factorization Method in Inverse Scattering Problems;关于声波逆散射问题的Factorization方法

4.The Properties of the Far Field Operator for the Conductive Inverse Scattering Problem;关于传导逆散射问题远场算子性态的研究

5.Numerical Solution of the Limited Aperture Problem in Three-Dimensional Inverse Acoustic Scattering三维有限孔径逆声散射问题的数值解

6.Research on Problems Related to the Electromagnetic Scattering and Inverse Scattering from Random Rough Surfaces;随机粗糙表面电磁散射与逆散射中的若干问题研究

7.On the Scattering Approach and Inverse Scattering Problem for Dullin-Gottwald-Holm Equation;Dullin-Gottwald-Holm方程的散射逼近与反散射问题

8.back-Compton scattering laser逆康普顿散射激光器

9.The inverse acoustic scattering problem is a typical Math-matical Physics inverse problem.声波反散射问题是一个典型的数学物理反问题。

10.The Application of Finite Element Method (FEM) in Two-Dimensional Scattering Problem有限元方法在二维散射问题中的应用

11.Application of High-Order FDTD Method to Electromagnetic Scattering Problem;高阶FDTD方法及其在散射问题中的应用

12.Research on the Problems of Waves Propagation and Scattering in the Atmospheric Turbulence;湍流大气中的波传播及散射问题研究

13.The Study for the Penetrable Scattering Problem with the Robin Core具有Robin内核的可穿透的散射问题

14.The Combination of FEBI-MLFMA with Multifrontal Algorithm to Solve Electromagnetic Scattering ProblemsFEBI-MLFMA结合Multifrontal算法求解电磁散射问题

15.High-order FDTD for calculating three-dimensional scattering problems高阶FDTD方法在三维散射问题中的应用

16.The fundamental problem of inverse scattering method in solving the DNLS equation求解DNLS方程的反散射法的基本问题

17.The Research on Some Problems about Springback Surface Mapping Method and Surface Reverse Engineering;回弹曲面映射法及曲面逆向问题的研究

18.The formula is sometimes used in connection with the scattering of radiation.该公式在讨论辐射散射问题时,有时要用到。


Zakharov-Shabat inverse scattering problemZakharov-Shabat逆散射问题

3)scattering problem散射问题

1.Existence and uniqueness of solutions toscattering problem with non-smooth boundary;具有非光滑边界的散射问题

2.In reference to infinite field seismic wave analysis of the site media with random features,the orthogonal expansion method of the random mechanism was combined with simulation technology of finite elementscattering problem,therefore the wave finite element analysis method for solving the seismic response analysis with random media in infinite field was formed.针对场地介质具有随机特性的无限域地震波动分析问题,本文将随机结构正交展开理论与波动有限元散射问题的模拟技术相结合,形成了求解无限域含随机介质场地地震反应分析的波动有限元分析方法。

3.One can detect the structures of particles and promote the developements of theories by the analysis for results of scattering, so it\"s very necessary to study the direct and inversescattering problems for Schr(?)dinger equations in mathematics.本文研究了定态Schr(?)dinger方程的某些正反散射问题的数值计算方法。

4)scattering inverse problems散射反问题

5)inverse scattering problem反散射问题

1.One can detect the structures of particles and promote the developements of theories by the analysis for results of scattering, so it\"s very necessary to study the direct andinverse scattering problems for Schr(?)dinger equations in mathematics.本文研究了定态Schr(?)dinger方程的某些正反散射问题的数值计算方法。

6)Schrodinger scattering problemSchrodinger散射问题


逆康普顿散射高能电子与低能光子相碰撞而使低能光子获得能量的一种散射过程。康普顿在 1922~19研究X射线被电子散射时发现X射线波长会增长,这种现象称为康普顿散射。这是高能光子 (X射线、γ 射线)与静止或近似静止电子相碰撞导致高能光子损失能量的一种散射现象。逆康普顿散射和康普顿散射一样,都是光子与自由电子之间的一种弹性散射过程,只是能量传递方向正好相反。前者能量从电子传递给光子,后者从光子传递给电子。在宇宙空间和天体中,普遍存在各种各样的低能光子,诸如射电光子、星光光子、微波背景光子;在高能天体附近和宇宙射线中,又经常存在高能电子。因此,逆康普顿散射在天体物理问题中具有重要意义。由于逆康普顿散射的作用,低能光子获得能量而变成高能光子,这是宇宙X射线的来源之一。在一般条件 [Eε《(mec2)2]下,光子能量约可提高γ2倍,这里me为电子静止质量;c为真空中的光速;E和ε 分别为散射前高能电子和低能光子的能量,而γ=E/mec2。逆康普顿散射作用的另一结果是,高能电子损耗能量而变成低能电子,丧失其作为高能电子的功能,因而逆康普顿散射可看作是一种与其他高能电子过程(尤其是同步加速辐射过程)的竞争机制。这种竞争可用同步加速辐射能耗率与逆康普顿散射能耗率之比来表达。低能光子场能密度愈大,逆康普顿散射就愈频繁,提供给同步加速辐射的能量也就愈少。
