700字范文 > 地方性新闻频道 Local News Channel英语短句 例句大全

地方性新闻频道 Local News Channel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-31 23:53:40


地方性新闻频道 Local News Channel英语短句 例句大全

地方性新闻频道,Local News Channel

1)Local News Channel地方性新闻频道

2)news channel新闻频道

1.Debut of CCTVnews channel and change of news concept;新闻频道的诞生与新闻观念的变革

2.Outline of a design for CCTVnews channel;中央电视台新闻频道设计构想


TV News is a non-stop news channel.综合新闻》是一个不间断播放的新闻频道。

TV news channel started to broadcast from July 1st;7月1日中央电视台新闻频道开播;

3.A Research on EYES ON in CCTV News Channel;央视新闻频道《共同关注》栏目发展研究

4.Analysis on Web2.0 Affecting the News Channel of Portal Site;试论Web2.0对门户网站新闻频道的影响

5.Analysis of the Editing and Broadcasting Characteristics of the New Edition CCTV News Channel新版中央电视台新闻频道编播特征分析

6.The Direction of News Development in Consumptive and TV Societies--Examples from News Channels of CCTV;消费社会与电视社会新闻的发展趋向——以央视新闻频道为例

7.Research of the Depth Report in Program‘On-time Report’of CCTV News Channel;唱好电视新闻节目的“重头戏”——央视新闻频道整点新闻之深度报道研究

8.On the Communication Notion of the "China Weekly" in CCTV9;央视新闻频道《中国周刊》的传播理念探析

9.Production Process of Weather Forecast Column of Jinzhong News Channel晋中新闻频道天气预报栏目制作流程简述

10.News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4.新闻主要由频道4播出。

11.A: What"s the news channel?甲:哪一个频道是新闻?

12.Channel 5 will broadcast the news at 10 o"clock.第5 频道将在10 点广播新闻。

13.Cable News Network International [CNNI]有线全国新闻网络(国际频道)

14.Our hotel channel broadcasts information on Hong Kong.我们的酒店频道广播香港方面的新闻。

15.Instant news and current affairs channel with wide Indian and international reportage.二十四小时印及国际新闻,时事频道.

16.The Practice of Jiangsu Sports TV Channel in News Report of the 10th National Games;江苏电视台体育频道十运会新闻报道实践

17.News and Folkways:the Indigenization of Live News Programs--Taking Law on the Spot as the Study Case;新闻与民俗:地面频道新闻节目的本土化——以《法治现场》为例

18.Every one here likes to tune in to Channel2 to hear the news.这儿的每一个人都喜欢收看一频道的电视新闻。


news channel新闻频道

1.Debut of CCTVnews channel and change of news concept;新闻频道的诞生与新闻观念的变革

2.Outline of a design for CCTVnews channel;中央电视台新闻频道设计构想

3)local news地方新闻

1.The emergence of Internet media makes more possible forlocal news to become the focus in the whole country or even in the whole world.网络新媒介的出现 ,使地方新闻更有可能成为全国、甚至国际关注的热点 ,地方新闻越来越受到媒体的重视 ,成为新闻竞争的重要内容。

4)TV news channel电视新闻频道

1.AnTV news channel is the professional TV channel that broadcasts 24-hour news programs every day and is possessed of news attribute.电视新闻频道是指全天24小时播出新闻节目和具有新闻属性节目的专业电视频道。

5)news professional channel新闻专业频道

6)CQTV News Channel重庆新闻频道


