700字范文 > 现代民族共同体 the modern national commonwealth英语短句 例句大全

现代民族共同体 the modern national commonwealth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-03 16:55:25


现代民族共同体 the modern national commonwealth英语短句 例句大全

现代民族共同体,the modern national commonwealth

1)the modern national commonwealth现代民族共同体


1.Imagination and Identification of Modern National Community --On the Modernity of the “Seventeen-Year Literature”;现代民族共同体的想象与认同——论“十七年文学”的现代性品格

2.Keep up with the Times and Developing Modern Ethnology Go Hand-in-Hand与时俱进 共同携手发展现代民族学

3.Republican Patriotism and Cultural Nationalism--Two Concepts of Nation-state Identity in Modern China;共和爱国主义与文化民族主义——现代中国两种民族国家认同观

4.the Hans being the center and main body of the community;汉族是民族共同体的中心和主体 ;

5.Over a long period of time ,the Hui nationality continued to have taboo custom,it fully embodied strong national consciousness and common national feeling.长期以来回族对禁忌习俗的保留 ,充分体现了回族强烈的民族意识与共同的民族情感。

6.In this process, emphasis should be put on revealing our national character and the spirit of our times.同样应该高扬时代精神和体现民族的魂魄。

mon Understanding of Overall Value Rationality and Survival Ideal of "Civil Society Community" in Modern Society;现代社会整体性的价值理性共识与“公民社会共同体”的生存理想

8.On Present State of Teachers of PE in Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities;内蒙古民族大学共同课体育教研室师资现状调查研究

9.The Ethnicity of the Majority People of Funan and the Formation of Modern Khmer扶南主体民族的族属与现代高棉民族的形成

10.A Relevance Analysis on People,Ethnic Group,Society and Social Community;民族·族群·社群·社区·社会共同体的关联分析

11.A Trial Analysis on Joint Development of Ethnic Folk Dance and Traditional Physical Culture;试析少数民族民间舞蹈与传统体育的共同发展

12.Relationship between Modern Islamism and Nationalism现代伊斯兰主义同民族主义的关系

13.Modernization of National Traditional Sports and National Traditional Sports in Modernization;民族传统体育的现代化与现代化中的民族传统体育

14.The Relationship Between the Traditional Minority. Nationality Sports and the Modern Athletic Sports;民族传统体育与现代竞技体育的关系

15.New Light of the Formation of Chinese Common Region at the Age of Tribe Alliance;“部落联盟”时代中华民族共同地域形成新探

16.Metaphorical Study on General and Specific Characteristics of Physical Experiencing to Different Peoples不同民族身体体验的共性和特性的隐喻研究

17.The Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Relationship in the Background of the Modernization: with an Example of the Hui People in Fenghuang Town of Sanya, Hainan现代化背景下的民族认同与民族关系——以海南三亚凤凰镇回族为例

18.Study on Common Points of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin in Their Thoughts of Modernization;邓小平、江泽民现代化思想共同点探析


modern lingua franca of Han Nationality现代汉民族共同语

3)national community民族共同体

1."Grand nationalism" means: uniting all nationalities including the Manchurians to construct anational community and state; the Hans being the center and main body of the community; and preserving the best legacy of each nationality to rejuvenate the traditional culture.“大民族主义”的基本内涵是 :联合包括满族在内的中国境内各民族以构建民族共同体和民族国家 ;汉族是民族共同体的中心和主体 ;保存族粹以复兴中国传统文化。

2.Rail mandrax Huns is a mixed national Community marriaged to Xianbei,but based on Huns.考其族源,这是一支匈奴与鲜卑婚媾,而以匈奴为主的民族共同体。

4)community of national cultures民族文化共同体

1.Rather, it lies in transcending the national culture, for national culture is not only a community of politically conscious formation but also acommunity of national cultures.因为民族国家既是一个政治意识形态共同体 ,又是一个民族文化共同体。

5)community of Swiss people瑞士民族共同体

1.They gradually build up a newcommunity of Swiss people.瑞士境内有 4 个民族,经过长时期的融合和同化,逐步形成了崭新的瑞士民族共同体,他们在保存有自己丰富多彩的经济文化的同时,更形成了自己区别于其他欧洲国家的瑞士特征。

6)Modern Nation现代民族

1.On Nation-state and the "politicization" & "citizenization" ofModern Nationa lilies;民族国家与现代民族的“政治性”、“国民性”


