700字范文 > 天山北坡带中部 Middle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains英语短句 例句大全

天山北坡带中部 Middle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-02 00:52:56


天山北坡带中部 Middle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains英语短句 例句大全

天山北坡带中部,Middle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains

1)Middle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains天山北坡带中部

1.Expert Forecast System of Large-quantity Rainfall in theMiddle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang新疆天山北坡带中部大降水专家预报系统


1.Expert Forecast System of Large-quantity Rainfall in the Middle of North-piedmont of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang新疆天山北坡带中部大降水专家预报系统

2.Study on Grassland Vegetation and Its Utilization of Mid-low Belt of North Slopes of Tianshan Mountains天山北坡中段低山带草场植被及其利用的研究

3.Development of the Tree-ring Width Chronologies in the High-elevation Regions in the Middle and East Tianshan Mountains;天山北坡中东部高海拔树轮宽度年表的建立


5.The Study of Urbanization Building of Economic Belt in the North Slope of Mt.Tianshan;天山北坡经济带城市化建设问题探讨

6.System Analysis of Economic Development in the Northern Tianshan Slope Economic Belt;天山北坡经济带经济发展的系统分析

7.Analysis of Meso-Small Scale System Characteristics of a Severe Convective Weather on North Slope of Tianshan,Xinjiang天山北坡中部一次强对流天气中小尺度系统特征分析

8.RS Research of Landscape Distribution Characteristics of Northern Piedmont, Tianshan Mountains天山北坡前山带景观分布特征的遥感研究

9.Study on the Urban-rural Regional Systematic Interactional Development in the Northern Slope Economic Zone of the Tian Mountain;天山北坡经济带城乡区域系统关联发展研究

10.Research on the Coupling of Economy and Eco-environment in the Economic Belt of Tianshan North Slope;天山北坡经济带经济与生态环境耦合关系研究

11.Study on the Structure of Land Utilization and Benefit in Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains;天山北坡经济带土地利用结构分析及效益研究

12.The Industry Concentration and the Spatial Structure in Economic Belt of Northern Slop of Tianshan Mountains;天山北坡经济带产业聚集与空间结构研究

13.Studies on Change and Driving Forces of the Cultivated Land in Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains;天山北坡经济带耕地变化的驱动力研究

14.Population Distribution and Regional Economic Development in Economic Belt at Northslope of Tianshan;天山北坡经济带人口分布与经济发展研究

15.Decoupling analysis on the Oasis Eco-economic Complex System of the Northern Tianshan Mountain Slope Economic Zone;天山北坡经济带绿洲生态经济脱钩分析

16.Harmonious Urbanization along the Economic Belt of North and South Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang;天山南北坡经济带城市化协调发展探略

17.Quantitative Evaluation on the Urban-rural Related Development of Northern Slope Economic Zone of Tian Mountain;天山北坡经济带城乡关联发展定量评价

18.Institution Innovations and Coordinative Development of Production and Construction Corps,Local Government and Petrolium Administration in Economic Zone of Tianshan Mountain;制度创新与天山南北坡经济带协调发展


midwestern part of the northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains天山北坡中西部

1.Single correlation calculation indicated that the correlations were significant among two tree-ring chronologies and precipitation from July to August on themidwestern part of the northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains, with a maximum correlation coefficient of 0.天山北坡中西部的两个树轮年表与该区域7~8月的降水显著相关。

3)north slope of middle Tiansan mountains中天山北坡

4)Highland in the north front of the central Tian Shan Mountains天山中部北麓丘陵地带

5)northern slope economic zone of Tian Mountains天山北坡经济带

1.In this article the eco-environmental present situation, characteristics and development trend were analyzed in thenorthern slope economic zone of Tian Mountains.本文分析了新疆天山北坡经济带的生态环境现状、特点及发展趋势 ,重点阐述了该区域生态环境保护与治理的思路 ,并提出一些相应的对策和建

2.Using the comprehensive evaluation index method,the paper makes an appraisal and ordination of eco-environmental quality for 11 conties in northern slope economic zone of Tian mountains.本文采用综合指数评价法 ,以RS/GIS技术解译的土地利用 /土地覆盖数据为信息源 ,对天山北坡经济带生态环境质量进行评价、排序及分级。

6)Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains天山北坡经济带

1.An Analysis of Land Use Change and Its Driving Forces inEconomic Belt on the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains;新疆天山北坡经济带土地利用结构变化的驱动力分析

2.In this paper 24 indexes,related to the economic belt on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,are chosen as the original evaluation variables.通过选取经济、社会、生态环境三方面24个与天山北坡经济带11个市县可持续发展密切相关的原始指标,通过因子分析对原始指标进行两级降维处理,最后得到3个综合指标。

3.The treatise deals with some strategic issues about the econo mic rapid growth in the economic belt on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains.本文对实现天山北坡经济带经济快速发展的若干战略问题进行了探讨。


天山天山Tian ShanTIQn ShQll天山(Tian shan)亚洲中吝i互巨大山系。因山体雄厚高大,冰川雪岭广布,其势与天齐而得名。在中国境内呈东西走向横贯新疆中部,长1 700多千米,宽250~350千米,面积40万平方千米。平均海拔4 000米,最高峰托木尔峰海拔7 435米。天山由大致平行排列的北天山、中天山、南天山和20余个山间盆地组成。北天山西起中国与哈萨克斯坦边境,东至新疆伊吾县,全长1 300千米,以乌鲁木齐一吐鲁番一线为界分东西两段。西段从西向东主要有阿拉套、科古琴、婆罗科努、依连哈比尔杂和天格尔等山。山峰平均海拔4 000米,婆罗科努山至依连哈比尔佘山为最高山段,有海拔5 000米以上的山峰20多座。东段从西向东主要有博格达、巴里坤和哈尔里克等山。山峰平均海拔3 500米,其中博格达峰最高,海拔5 445米。北天山高山带雪岭连绵,山峰尖削,山坡陡峭。东段风化严重,基岩裸露。中山带有一带状暖温层,是良好的冬牧场。低山带一般山顶平缓,水草丰盛,森林覆盖率较高。山间有赛里木湖盆地、艾比湖低地、达坂城盆地和巴里坤盆地。河流较多,主要有博尔塔拉河、精河、喀什河、奎屯河、玛纳斯河等,天山山脉天山一隅河床落差较大。属温带大陆性气候,年平均气温1.3℃,1月平均气温一16.5℃,’7,f,l平均气温16.3℃。年平均降水量400毫米。冻土溧2~3米。雪线海拔3 500~4 000米,现代冰川异常发育。巾天【【j西起中国与哈萨克斯坦边境,东抵哈Jl『页戈壁,长约800千米,白西向东主要有乌孙、那拉提、艾尔宾、阿拉沟和觉罗塔格等山。山峰平均海拔3 000米,艾尔宾山最高,海拔4 835米。山顶浑圆,坡度较缓,山问盆地多,面积大,主要有伊犁盆地、【If{苏盆地、巩乃斯谷地和吐鲁番盆地。河流主要有自东向西流的巩乃斯河、伊犁河,由西南向东北流的特克斯河。气候温和,年平均气温2.5℃,1月平均气温一12.5℃,7月平均气温20℃。年平均降水量500毫米。土层较厚,植破茂密,是全疆重点产粮区,主产小麦、水稻、油菜等。南天山西起克孜勒苏河源,东至白山,沿塔里木盆地北缘延伸,大致呈向北突出的弧形。在汗腾格里山以西为西段,亦称西南天山,近似东北西南走向。由阿里、科克同套、麦丹塔乌和侗克沙勒等山组成。山峰平均海拔4 800米,4 500米以上有小片冰川,山势陡峭,植被稀少。年平均气温2.5℃,1,/q,平均气温一12.5℃,7月平均气温17.5℃。年平均降水量100毫米。
