700字范文 > 有限差分法 finite difference method英语短句 例句大全

有限差分法 finite difference method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-12 00:53:10


有限差分法 finite difference method英语短句 例句大全

有限差分法,finite difference method

1)finite difference method有限差分法

1.Application offinite difference method in the stability analysis of open pit slope;有限差分法在露天采场边坡稳定性分析中的应用

2.Modeling of multicomponent induction log responses by staggered-gridfinite difference method;多分量感应测井响应的交错网格有限差分法模拟

3.The application of Bishop method andfinite difference method in slope stability analysis;毕肖普法和有限差分法应用于边坡稳定性分析


1.A Note for Monte-Carlo Finite Difference Method and Monte-Carlo Finite Element Method;Monte-Carlo有限差分法和Monte-Carlo有限元法的一点注记

2.Nonoverl Apping Domain Decomposition Finite Difference Methods for Parabolic Problems;抛物问题非重叠区域分裂有限差分法

3.Analysis on the Strategic Investment Option Based on Finite Difference Method;基于有限差分法的投资策略期权分析

4.Numerical simulation of ultrasonic fields in cavitating liquid based on finite element method and finite difference method基于有限元及有限差分法的超声空化场模拟

5.Design of Integrated Antennas Using FDTD;基于时域有限差分法的集成天线设计

6.Research of the Multi-conductor Transmission Lines with the Finite Difference-Time Domain Method;多导体传输线的时域有限差分法研究

7.The Applications in the Optical Fields of the Optical Fiber by the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method;时域有限差分法在光纤光场中的应用

8.Finite Difference Methods for Pricing the American Put Options;美式看跌期权定价问题的有限差分法

9.Simulation of Carbon-nanotube Flat Display Device with Finite-Difference-Method;碳纳米管平板显示器有限差分法模拟

10.Application of FDM Method in the Numerical Simulation of Square Coaxial Lines有限差分法在方同轴线仿真中的应用

11.Finite Difference Time Domain Simulation Curves of the Microbe Growth时域有限差分法模拟微生物生长曲线

12.Heat Conduction Equation Finite Difference Method to Achieve the MATLAB热传导方程有限差分法的MATLAB实现

13.Simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with high-order finite difference method高精度有限差分法模拟Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性

14.It discusses the resolvents to the problem of electromagnetic field, and the mostly used resolvents are FDM and FEM.并讨论了电磁场问题的求解方法,常用的是有限差分法和有限元法。

15.Research on High-Resolution Finite-Difference Methods for the Shallow Water Equations;浅水方程高分辨率有限差分方法研究

16.Finite Difference Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Numerical Solution of the Heat Equation;热传导方程的有限差分区域分解算法

17.The Research on the Finite Difference Time Domain Methods in the Electromagnetic Fields;电磁场时域有限差分数值方法的研究

18.The Calculation of photonic Crystal Band Gap Using the FDTD Method;光子晶体带隙时域有限差分方法计算


finite-difference method有限差分法

1.Three-Dimensional Finite-difference Method Analysis Appliance to The Pipe-shed Entrance of Large Span Tunnel;浅埋大跨度隧道管棚支护进洞三维有限差分法分析

2.According to the variation process of water quality measured on 2 to 10 June,,and primary density of main river and the density of tributary rivers,the density of ammonia and nitrogen for the nodal points of the canal is forecasted by using simplified reservoir model andfinite-difference method.选取6月2~10日运河实测水质变化过程,根据干流各节点的初始浓度和各支流的浓度,结合水位流量自动监测数据,分别用简化水库模型和有限差分法预测运河干流各节点的氨氮浓度,并与实测值进行比较分析。

3.Then computing induction electromotive force in receive loop byfinite-difference method and solving apparent conductivity.首先,利用Maxwell方程组和逐次逼近法推导出矢量电位在非正交坐标系下的解析解;然后,通过有限差分法计算接收线圈处的感应电动势,得到视电导率的值;最后,计算了无井无侵地层模型在不同厚度和倾斜角度影响下的响应,计算结果与理论解及前人结果具有很好的一致性。

3)finite difference有限差分法

1.A method based onfinite difference to calculate Winkle beams;用有限差分法计算Winkle梁的一种方法

2.Basing on the equations of continuity momentum balance,energy balance and engergy balance at the solid-melt interface,the mathematics model of mold filling process with solidi fied layer forming on the inside mold surface was estabilished byfinite difference method.采用有限差分法,计算了模腔内壁上喂料凝固层厚度与工艺参数的关系,研究结果表明:模具入口附近凝固层厚度开始急剧增加,然后增加速率逐渐减缓;熔体体积流率越大,凝固层厚度越小;适当提高模具温度,可以减小凝固层厚度,有利于充模过程。

3.Finally, as using Si as the target, afinite difference method is employed to simulate the space- and time-dependence of temperature in the target.结合适当的边界条件,以Si靶材为例,利用有限差分法得到了靶材在各个阶段温度随时间和烧蚀深度的演化分布规律及表面蒸发速度与烧蚀深度在不同激光辐照强度下随时间的演化规律。

4)finite differential method有限差分法

1.An analysis is made of seepage forces around shield under river byfinite differential method and the stability factor of workface with regard to seepage effects is deduced.基于地下渗流基本方程,采用有限差分法对江底隧道盾构施工中产生的周边渗透力进行了分析,并推导了渗流条件下盾构正面稳定的判别公式。

2.An iterative procedure on the basis offinite differential method to calculate displacement of a pile body is proposed.提出了基于有限差分法的一种桩身位移的迭代算法,计算结果表明,该计算方法收敛性好,且符合实际情况。

3.The model is solved by thefinite differential method.本文以非饱和土壤水分运动理论为基础,根据蓄水坑灌法土壤水分入渗的特点,建立了蓄水坑灌条件土壤水分运动的数学模型,并用有限差分法进行求解。


1.One-dimensional Non-linear Large Deformation Consolidation Analysis of Soft Clay Foundation byFDM;软粘土地基非线性一维大变形固结的有限差分法分析

2.Application ofFDM in Rectangle Wave-guide;有限差分法在时谐场中的应用

3.Based on the analysis of the heat transfer and boundary conditions during every processing stage of hot continuous rolling, the three dimensional mathematical models have been developed using the finite difference method(FDM).通过对高速线材轧制过程各个环节传热关系及边界条件的分析,采用有限差分法建立了热连轧过程三维温度场计算模型。

6)the finite difference method有限差分法


