700字范文 > 绿化装饰 Greening decoration英语短句 例句大全

绿化装饰 Greening decoration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-16 16:47:44


绿化装饰 Greening decoration英语短句 例句大全

绿化装饰,Greening decoration

1)Greening decoration绿化装饰

1.Greening decoration of modern living space is an important part of the indoor environmental designing.现代居住空间的绿化装饰是室内环境艺术设计的重要组成部分。


1.Preliminary study on the artistic design of greening decoration to modern residential space现代居住空间绿化装饰艺术设计初探

2.Roof garden is a general term of all afforestation and creation of gardens on the top, roof, and terrace of any buildings or constructions.屋顶花园是指在一切建筑物、筑物的顶部、台、台之上所进行的绿化装饰及造园活动的总称。

3.Such foliage used for decoration.青枝绿叶,叶饰用作装饰的绿叶

4.an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration.装饰性的常绿的圣诞装饰品。

5.Green decoration-a development trend of building deco ration trade in the new century新世纪建筑装饰业的发展趋势——绿色装饰

6.Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.常绿树枝条用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝

7.Evergreens:Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.常绿树枝条:用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝.

8.The shopkeepers glammed up the street for Christmas.店主们把这条街装饰得花花绿绿地过圣诞节。

9.tall evergreen of North American Pacific coast often cultivated for ornament.北美太平洋海岸常绿高大树种,装饰用。

10.a green mineral used as an ore of copper and for making ornamental objects.一种绿色的矿物,用作铜矿石和装饰品。

11.decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines.装饰性木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。

12.The room was decorated in bright green.这房间以鲜艳的绿色装饰着。

13.Talk to live space environment green decorate art design居住空间环境绿色装饰艺术设计初探

14.Is a natural inorganic material, the heat melts, controlled crystallization of a new type of green building into decoration materials.是采用天然无机材料,经高温融化,受控晶化制成的一种新型绿色环保建筑装饰材料。

15.To enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches;embellish.装饰通过添加装饰性的小东西来修饰外表;加以润饰,美化

16.aubusson tapestries棉毛混纺提化装饰用毯

17.The hall has been beautifully done out in light green.大厅已用浅绿色墙纸重新装饰得漂漂亮亮的。

18.Realization of green production in architectural decoration industry in China;试论绿色生产在中国建筑装饰产业的实现


The Brief Analysis of the Indoor Virescence谈室内绿化装饰

3)the indoor virescence室内绿化装饰

4)green decoration绿色装饰

1.Through analysis from the national p olicy of continuous development and housing assignment currency, the current sit uation of decoration trade and existing problems in it, the writer concludes tha tgreen decoration is a development trend of the decoration trade in the new cen tury to warn people to pay close attention to the housing environmental quality when they are paying much attention.从国家的可持续发展和住房分配货币化政策、装饰行业现状和存在问题等方面进行分析 ,认为绿色装饰是新世纪装饰业发展的一大趋势 ,以此来唤醒人们在关注环境质量时也来关注一下家居环境质

5)To adorn or embellish.装饰,美化


1.The paintings of Baby New Year origins from the sustenance of racial breeding and emotional concepts,which appear in the auspicious blessing,literary figures and topics of seasonal solar terms and show a strong performance in the form of style anddecorative features.娃娃年画的盛行处于民众对于种族繁衍的寄托、化生观念的沿用和对于平民生活情趣的需要,大多出现在神佛、吉庆祈福、文学人物与时令节气题材中,表现形式呈现强烈的程式化和装饰化的特征。


