700字范文 > 双侧瞳孔散大 bilateral pupil dilation英语短句 例句大全

双侧瞳孔散大 bilateral pupil dilation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 16:44:16


双侧瞳孔散大 bilateral pupil dilation英语短句 例句大全

双侧瞳孔散大,bilateral pupil dilation

1)bilateral pupil dilation双侧瞳孔散大

2)Mydriatic patients双瞳孔散大


1.Postoperative Prognosis Analysis of Patients with Mydriasis Caused by Craniocerebral Trauma;颅脑外伤致双侧瞳孔散大患者术后的预后分析

2.AIM: To determine the effect of 10g/L cyclopentolate hydrochloride on cycloplegia andmydriasis.目的:观察国产盐酸环喷托酯滴眼液对人眼睫状肌麻痹和瞳孔散大的效果。

3.Objective To exploring the way to improve survival rate, we sum up and study the composite treatment method of 141 cases of bilateralmydriasis after severe cerebral injury.目的总结和研究重型颅脑损伤合并双瞳孔散大伤者的综合救治方法,以探索提高其存活率的多种途径。


1.Clinical Observation of Secondary Suspensory Intraocular Lens Implantation Combined with Coreoplasty for Traumatic Mydriasis二期悬吊式人工晶体植入及瞳孔成形术在外伤性瞳孔散大中的临床观察

2.Prolonged, abnormal dilatation of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug.瞳孔扩散由于疾病或者药物引起的眼睛瞳孔变长、不正常的扩大

3.Causing dilatation of the pupils.瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的

4.musculus dilatator pupillae瞳孔开肌(musculus)

5.The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room进入黑暗的房间时,瞳孔就扩大

6.The pupil of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.进入黑暗的房间时,瞳孔就扩大。

7.The pupil of the eye responds to change of light intensity.瞳孔随着光线强度的变化而放大或缩

8.The doctor dilates your pupils of your eyes when he examines them医生检查时要把你的瞳孔放大。

9.Their eyes were large with vertical pupils.他们的眼睛更大,拥有垂直的瞳孔。

10.The pupil becomes smaller in bright light and larger in dim light.光线强时瞳孔变小,弱时变大。

11.Pupil dilation is an honest indicator of interest and attraction.瞳孔放大是兴趣和吸引的真实”指示器“。

12.Effects of the Face Expression and Different Gray Background on Pupil Size;情绪面孔与不同灰度背景对瞳孔大小影响研究

13.The pupils of his eyes, as he gazed at Monte Cristo dilated horribly.他呆瞪瞪地望着基督山,瞳孔扩得大大的。

14.The pupil of the eye dilates and contracts in response to light.作为对光线作出的反应,眼睛的瞳孔会放大或缩

15.Having eyes with greatly distended pupils.眼珠暴突的具有带有膨大的瞳孔的眼睛的

16.The pupil can be narrowed or widened according to the amount of light that enters the eye.根据光线进入眼睛的强弱,瞳孔会缩小或放大。

17.Research on the Visual Quality of Young Prime with Large Pupil Size under Natural Condition;自然条件下大瞳孔青年人视觉质量的研究

18.Analgesic effect of topic anesthesia on big and small pupils in cataract surgery大小瞳孔状态下眼球表面麻醉的镇痛效果


Mydriatic patients双瞳孔散大


1.Postoperative Prognosis Analysis of Patients with Mydriasis Caused by Craniocerebral Trauma;颅脑外伤致双侧瞳孔散大患者术后的预后分析

2.AIM: To determine the effect of 10g/L cyclopentolate hydrochloride on cycloplegia andmydriasis.目的:观察国产盐酸环喷托酯滴眼液对人眼睫状肌麻痹和瞳孔散大的效果。

3.Objective To exploring the way to improve survival rate, we sum up and study the composite treatment method of 141 cases of bilateralmydriasis after severe cerebral injury.目的总结和研究重型颅脑损伤合并双瞳孔散大伤者的综合救治方法,以探索提高其存活率的多种途径。


5)pupil paralysis麻痹性瞳孔散大

1.Prevention ofpupil paralysis before and after glaucoma surgery.;青光眼麻痹性瞳孔散大的预防

6)traumatic mydriais外伤性瞳孔散大


