700字范文 > 静息心率 Resting heart rate英语短句 例句大全

静息心率 Resting heart rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-08 01:01:53


静息心率 Resting heart rate英语短句 例句大全

静息心率,Resting heart rate

1)Resting heart rate静息心率

1.Relationship between resting heart rate and carotid arterial intima-media thickness in senile patients with essential hypertension;老年高血压患者静息心率与颈动脉内-中膜厚度的关系

2.The relationship between resting heart rate and single nucleotide polymorphism at 3 sites of nitric oxide synthase gene in the Chinese Han nationality population;汉族人群一氧化氮合酶基因三个位点单核苷酸多态性与静息心率相关性研究

3.The relationship between the resting heart rate (RHR) and the clustering of hypertension risk factors.;静息心率与原发性高血压发病危险因素聚集性的分析


1.Relationship between resting heart rate and diabetes in different sexes不同性别中静息心率与糖尿病的关系

2.Relationship between resting heart rate and the prognosis of coronary heart disease in elderly patients静息心率水平对老年冠心病患者预后的影响

3.The Relationship between Resting Heart Rate and Target Organs Damage in Senile Essential Hypertension老年高血压患者静息心率与靶器官损害的研究

4.Relation between Resting Heart Rate and Masked Hypertension in Obese Patients肥胖患者静息心率增加与隐性高血压的关系

5.Effect of resting heart rate on repatency rate in patients with coronary chronic total occlusion静息心率对冠脉慢性闭塞冠脉介入术血管再通率的影响

6.Study on correlation between resting heart rate and prognosis in senile patients with chronic heart failure静息心率与老年慢性心力衰竭预后的相关性分析

7.Effect of Highway Noise on Blood Pressure and Resting HeartRate of Workers in Highway Toll Station公路噪声对收费站作业人员血压和静息心率的影响

8.Relationship between resting heart rate and target organs damage in senile patients with essential hypertension老年高血压患者静息心率增加对靶器官损害的研究

9.Correlation analysis of resting heart rate with cardiac-cerebral vascular events in middle-aged and elderly patients with primary hypertension中老年原发性高血压病患者静息心率水平与心脑血管事件的相关性分析

10.Resting Heart Rate Predicted Activities Increase of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Its Impact on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients with Essential Hypertension原发性高血压患者静息心率与肾素血管紧张素醛固酮系统以及左心室肥厚

11.The Relationship of the Blood Vascular Overload Index(VOI) and Resting Heart Rate(RHR) with Target Organ Damage (TOD) in the Essential Hypertensions with Metabolic Syndrome;原发性高血压合并代谢综合征患者血管超负荷指数及静息心率与靶器官损害相关性研究

12.The Study of the Resting Heart Rate and High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein, Endothel, Target Organ Damage in Patients with Essential Hypertension;原发性高血压患者静息心率与高敏C反应蛋白、内皮素、靶器官损害的研究

13.The Study of the Resting Heart Rate and Hypertension Risk Factors, Hypertension Complications in Community of Middle-aged Patients with Essential Hypertension社区中年高血压患者静息心率与高血压危险因素及靶器官损害的调查研究

14.Relation amang the resting heart rate and risk fastors and hypertension complication in the middle-aged patients with hypertension in community社区中年高血压患者静息心率与高血压危险因素和合并症相关性的调查研究

15.The Alterations of Circadian Rhythms of Sleep-wake, Rest-activity and the Relationship to Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Hypertensive Patients;高血压患者的静息/活动、睡眠/觉醒昼夜节律变化及其与血压、心率的相关性

16.Decrease Phlebitis by Central Catheterization from Peripheral Vein经周围静脉置入中心静脉插管降低肿瘤患者静脉炎的发生率

17.He closed his eyes to put a stop to all distracting thoughts, sitting there quietly and peacefully.他闭了眼睛, 息了杂念, 平心静气地坐着。

18.Research on variability Heart Rate of Female Yagis in Resting State;安静状态下女性瑜伽健身者的心率变异性分析


heart rate at rest安静心率

1.According to the demand and evaluation standard of Chinese national physical fitness in 2000, the testing results of Zhejiang adults showed: the physical fitness of exercising adults was better than that of not exercising adults, exercises can improving adults vital capacity, and there was no effect onheart rate at rest.根据2000年中国国民体质监测的要求和评价标准,对浙江省成年人的抽样监测发现,参加体育锻炼者其体质水平明显好于不锻炼者,同时能明显提高肺活量水平,对安静心率的影响不明显。

3)Normal electrocardiogram静息心电图

4)Resting Metabolic Rate静息代谢率

1.Study on Reliability ofResting Metabolic Rate Determined by Fitmate Lung-Function Analytical Instrument;Fitmate肺功能测试仪测定静息代谢率的可信度研究

2.Basic metabolic rate(BMR),and resting metabolic rate(RMR) were measured respectively.采用心肺功能测试仪测量其基础代谢率和静息代谢率;以四电极生物电阻抗仪测量体成分。

3.Objective: To study the character of energy expenditure in obesity, to measure the resting metabolic rate (RMR) in obese and nonobese Chinese.目的:观察肥胖者与正常体重者的静息代谢率,以探讨安静休息时代谢水平对肥胖发生的影响,并为减肥方法提供依据。

5)rest metabolic rate静息代谢率

1.The effect of calcium pyruvate on physical compositions andrest metabolic rate of wrestlers;丙酮酸钙对摔跤运动员体成分和静息代谢率的影响

2.The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of body weight,body composition,energy intake andrest metabolic rate(RMR)of SD rats during hypoxic training,and discuss the relationship between the change of energy metabolism and body weight.目的:研究低氧训练过程中大鼠体重、体成分、能量摄入及静息代谢率的变化,初步探讨低氧训练过程中大鼠体重变化与能量代谢变化间关系。

6)myocardial resting perfusion imaging心肌静息显像

1.Applied value of technetium-~(99m) MIBImyocardial resting perfusion imaging in children with kawasaki disease;~(99m)Tc-MIBI心肌静息显像在川崎病中的应用价值


