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血压 blood pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-03 20:37:39


血压 blood pressure英语短句 例句大全

血压,blood pressure

1)blood pressure血压

1.The effect of muscular penehycliedine hydrochloride injection on heart rate andblood pressure of preoperative oral and maxillofacial patients;口腔颌面病术前肌注盐酸戊乙奎醚对血压心率和腺体分泌影响的研究

2.Relationship betweenblood pressure changes in acute phase of cerebral infarction and its early prognosis;脑梗死急性期血压水平与近期预后关系

3.Clinical study on the circadian rhythm ofblood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;老年高血压合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者血压昼夜节律的特点


1.The blood pressure is 120 over 80.血压120~80。

2.Hypertension (or high Blood pressure):Condition in which Blood pressure is abnormally high.高血压:血压偏高的病症。

3.Below normal pressure.低压的低于正常血压的

4.Low pressure, eg of the atmosphere, of gas or water piped to houses, of blood低压(如气压、煤气或自来水压、血压)

5.The comparison of blood pressure with platform sphygmomanometer and wrist sphygmomanometer腕式血压计与台式血压计监测血压的比较

6.Improving hypertension control by home blood pressure telemonitoring system家庭远程血压监测改善高血压患者的血压控制

7.Having normal blood pressure;not hypertensive or hypotensive.血压正常的有正常血压的;不是高血压或低血压的

8.hypertension complicated with toxemia of pregnancy高血压合并妊娠毒血症

9.The Influence of Blood Pressure Control on Expansion of Heamatoma in Patients with Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage高血压脑出血患者血压控制对血肿扩大的影响

10.Abnormally low blood pressure.低血压不正常地低的血压

11.Abnormally elevated blood pressure.高血压血压不正常的升高

12.He is very unhappy because the nurse used a sphygmomanometer to test his blood pressure.护士用血压计给他测血压, 他很不高兴。

13.Reducing or controlling high blood pressure.抗高血压的减轻或控制高血压的

14.To Analyse Resistant Hypertension from the New Definition of Hypertension;从高血压的新定义分析难治性高血压

parative study of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring of different positions in patients with hypertension高血压患者不同体位动态血压的监测

16.Manual measuring uses mercury column type sphygmomanometer or barometric pressure manner sphygmomanometer.人工测量的血压计是水银柱血压计和气压表式血压计。

17.Characteristics of 24 h dynamic blood pressure and pulse pressure in aged patients with essential hypertension老年原发性高血压动态血压及脉压的特点

18.Blood pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the blood against the vessel walls.血压可解释为血液对血管壁所产生的压力。



1.The Hypertension of Jinuo Ethnic Minority in Jinghong District;景洪地区勐海县基诺族血压水平调查

2.Effects Of Different Exercise Prescriptions On Cardiovascular Functions And Hypertension Of Male College Students;健身运动处方锻炼对男大学生心泵功能与血压的影响

3.Effect of Astragalus Membranaceus on Hypertension and Mechanisms Investigation in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats;黄芪对自发性高血压大鼠的抗高血压效应及其机制的初步研究


1.Effects of anethetics onBP when patients receiving modified electroconvulsive therapy;MECT治疗前后麻醉药物对血压的影响

2.Effects of variations in CO_2 pneumoperitoneum pressure on HR,BP and ECG during laparoscopic cholecystectomy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术中CO_2气腹压力变化对心率(律)、血压、心电图的影响

3.Blood pressure (BP) is one of important physiological parameters which reflect the activity of cardiovascular system.介绍了示波法的原理,分析了影响示波法测量血压精度的因素及对得到的脉搏波进行预处理的方法。


1.Investigation on Pulse andPressure of Primary and Middle School Students in Linyi City in ;临沂市部分城乡中小学生脉搏、血压调查

2.Analysis of mental health and blood pressure level in obese students.;肥胖青少年心理健康水平及对血压水平的影响

3.Guan-mu-tong and its effective element Aristoloside reduce the eardiae output of toads heat in Vetro,slow down the cardiac rhythm and weaken the contract power of the cardiac muscles Guan-mu-tong makes rabbit blood pressure go up first,then go down,how ever Aristoloside only makes the blood pressure down.关木通使兔血压先升后降,马兜铃菲甙使兔血压下降。

5)heart rate血压

1.Effects of different muscle relaxants on blood pressure andheart rate of the patients with congenital heart diseases during anesthetic induction;不同肌肉松弛药对于先心病患者麻醉诱导时血压和心率的影响

2.One is increasingheart rate and blood pressure, and the other is reducingheart rate and blood pressure.中枢神经递质有升高血压、中快心率和降低血压、减馒心率两种机制。

3.Changes in body weight,blood pressure,heart rate(HR),high_density lipoprotein(HDL) and low_density lipoprotein(LDL) contents were determined by RM_6000 Polygraph and Beckman 42 Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer on rats with normal exercise load,exercise overload and pressure overload.在SD大鼠运动超负荷和压力超负荷模型上,采用RM—6000型多导生理记录仪,BECKMAN42型自动生化分析仪对大鼠体重、血压、心率、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL)等指标进行了测定。



