700字范文 > 利益平衡 balance of interests英语短句 例句大全

利益平衡 balance of interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-21 22:57:06


利益平衡 balance of interests英语短句 例句大全

利益平衡,balance of interests

1)balance of interests利益平衡

1.Research on the Mechanism of Balance of Interests in Copyright Law under the Internet Circumstances;网络环境下的著作权法利益平衡机制研究

2.For resolving international disputes over cultural property,thebalance of interests between original owner and bona fide purchaser is of vital importance.现有文化财产保护国际公约中的利益平衡机制有其自身的特点,同时也存在缺陷。

3.The labor law should protect the interests of the employee but the protection should be based on thebalance of interests between the employment unit and the employee.尽管劳动法以保护劳动者合法权益为己任,但这种保护应该建立在用人单位与劳动者利益平衡的基础之上。


1.Balance of Interest:the Inherent Mechanism of Copyright Law--Analysise on the mechanism of balance of interest;利益平衡:著作权法内在协调机制——解析著作权法利益平衡机制

2.Interest Balance of Intellectual Property in Internet Times:From the Prospective of Copyright;网络时代知识产权利益平衡——以著作权利益平衡制度为核心的解读

3.Benefit Game and Benefit Balance concerning the Small-Property-Right House小产权房中的利益博弈和利益平衡研究

4.Protection of Intellectual Property in North and South: the Unbalanced Interests and the Reconstruction of Balancing of Interests;南北知识产权保护:利益失衡及其利益平衡之重构

5.On Utilization of Interest Balance Philosophy in Companies Litigations;论利益平衡理念在公司诉讼中的运用

6.Balance of Interests in Demolition and Relocation from the Perspective of Administrative Law;从行政法的角度看待拆迁的利益平衡

7.The Establishment of Mechanism of Balancing Interests between the Bidder and the Third Party;拍定人与第三人利益平衡机制之构建

8.On the Balance of Interests in the Protection of Folklore;利益平衡视角下的民间文学艺术保护

9.On the Benifit Balance about the Untixed-term Labor Contract;无固定期限劳动合同双方的利益平衡

10.Research on Conflict of Interests in Distribution of Company"s Profit and Coordination论公司利润分配中的利益冲突与平衡

11.On the Balance between Public Interest and Commercial Interest of News Media;论新闻媒体的公共利益和商业利益的平衡

12.On the Balance between Public Interests and Personal Interests in Administration Law;论行政法上公共利益与个人利益的“平衡”

13.Conflict and Balance between CPA and the Public;注册会计师职业利益与公众利益的冲突与平衡

14.Balance between Public Interests and Individual Interests in the Sight of Jurisdiction;公共利益与个人利益的平衡——司法的视角

15.On the High Level Equilibrium of the Civil Servant Individual Interest and the Social Public Interest;论公务员个人利益与社会公共利益高水平均衡

16.The Balance of Public Interest and Private Interest in International Investment Arbitration论国际投资仲裁中公共利益和私人利益的平衡

17.Multiple Interests,Fair Share and the Balance of Bureaucrat interests:A Further Research on Postulate of"Comparing-interests Human"多元利益、公平分配与官僚利益权衡——对“比较利益人”假设的一个深化

18.Balancing Long-Term Benefits with Short-Term Losses平衡长期利益和短期损失


interest balance利益平衡

1.The Perfection of the Library s Copyright Interest Balance under the Network Environment;网络环境下图书馆版权利益平衡制度的完善

2.With the intensification of the environmental crisis, the principle of theinterest balance in the environmental infringing succor has drawn widespread attention of the various countries the world over.随着环境危机的日益加剧,环境侵权救济中的利益平衡原则受到各国的广泛关注和重视。

3)balance of interest利益平衡

1.Balance of Interest:the Inherent Mechanism of Copyright Law——Analysise on the mechanism ofbalance of interest;利益平衡:著作权法内在协调机制——解析著作权法利益平衡机制

2.To ensure abalance of interest among the interest subjects concerned with the reorganization process,the condition for the court to ratify the pl.为确保公司重整程序中各利益主体之间的利益平衡,应当严格规范法院批准公司重整计划的条件,尤其是法院强行批准公司重整计划的条件。

3.In designing such a system, two basic principles are observed, namely, (1) giving priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness and (2) thebalance of interest.知识产权制度是为了鼓励创新而设计的一种激励机制,在知识产权的制度设计中,体现了“效率优先、兼顾公平”以及利益平衡两大基本原则。

4)benefit balance利益平衡

1.On the Inherence of Intellectual Property Rights:A Discussion with Theories of the Intellectual Property Cost,Consideration and Benefit Balance知识产权天生论——与知识产权代价论、对价论和利益平衡论商榷

2.The court s judgments of the validity of corporation s donation are based on the idea of bargain safe and thebenefit balance of related people.法院在对公司捐赠行为的效力进行裁判的过程中是基于交易安全理念和对相关主体的利益平衡的基础上进行的。

3.Economic law as a law of social standard should undertakethe assignment ofbenefit balance.利益平衡是人类社会历史发展的永恒主题,经济法作为以社会利益为本位之法,必然担当起利益平衡之重任。

5)balancing of interests利益平衡

1.There exists the issue ofbalancing of interests among intellectual property law,unfair competition law and antitrust law,which needs to realize the enforcement of intellectual property and the control of antitrust and anti-competition.在知识产权法与反不正当竞争法、反垄断法等竞争法之间,存在一种利益平衡问题,需要实现知识产权的行使与反垄断控制、反竞争控制间的平衡。

2.Intellectual property law can be viewed as the distribution of interests, legal selection and integration thereof between the exclusive interests of the owner of intellectual property and social public interests, which poses the mechanism ofbalancing of interests.知识产权法可以被看成是在知识产权人的垄断利益与社会公共利益之间的一种利益分配、法律选择和整合 ,其本身具有利益平衡机制 ,无论是从法理上还是从财产权理论看 ,这一利益平衡机制具有充分的正当性。

3.In order to realize the aim of trademark law, it is necessary for the trademark law to establish the mechanism ofbalancing of interests.为了实现商标法的目的,需要建立商标法的竞争性利益平衡机制。

6)interests balance利益平衡

1.This paper establishesinterests balance model by using externality theory.本文借助经济学中外部性相关理论探讨了循环经济网络的利益平衡机制,通过构建数学模型,定量研究了怎样通过"庇古税"和科斯定理两种途径,使循环经济网络中的正外部性内部化,从而实现企业间的利益平衡。


