700字范文 > 经贸 economy and trade英语短句 例句大全

经贸 economy and trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 08:18:15


经贸 economy and trade英语短句 例句大全

经贸,economy and trade

1)economy and trade经贸

1.Current Situation and Countermeasure of Economy and Trade between Yunnan Province and ASEAN;云南与东盟经贸现状分析及对策研究

2.As two fastest developing economies, the cooperation between China and India oneconomy and trade will exert a marked impact on Southeast Asia as well as the world as a whole.中国和印度作为世界上发展最快的两个经济体,两国的经贸合作对东南亚甚至整个世界都将产生重要的影响。

3.This paper studies the word diction ineconomy and trade translation from English to Chinese according to the language features ofeconomy and trade and the requirements of translation.本文从经贸语言的特点 ,结合翻译的要求 ,论述经贸英译汉的词义选择问题 ,提出四点应注意的事项和翻译模


1.State Economic and Trade Commissio国家经济贸易委员会(经贸委)

2.MOFTEC Leader On China"s Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation外经贸部负责人介绍中国外经贸情况

3.Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation台州市对外贸易经济合作局(外经贸局)

4.Study on Development Strategies for the Economics & Trade Co. of Kailuan (Group);开滦经贸公司经营贸易发展战略研究

5.A cradle for training personnel in international business----Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade.外经贸人才摇篮天津对外贸易学院。

6.Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of CCPIT中国国际贸易促进会经贸仲裁委员会

7.Sino-US Trade Conflicts and Its Influences on China s Economy and Trade;中美贸易摩擦及其对中国经贸的影响

8.Research on Economic and Trade Effects of Establishing Sino-Korea Free Trade Zone;建立中韩自由贸易区的经贸效应研究

9.Economics and Trade Cooperation Between China and Korea and the Construction of East Asian Free Trade Area;中韩经贸合作与东亚自由贸易区构建

10.“Sino-EU Agreement on China s Accession to WTO” and Development of China-EU Relationship on Economy and Trade;《中欧贸易协定》与中欧经贸关系的发展

11.Shanghai AURO Trading Co., Ltd.上海爱绿经贸有限公司

12.My major was Economic Trade and English.我主修的是经贸英语。?

13.China-ASEAN Joint Committee on Economic and Trade Cooperation中国-东盟经贸联委会

14.Shanghai Heejoong Corp.上海熙中经贸有限公司

15.Collection and Use of Economic Trade Information经贸信息收集与利用

16.I majored in economic and trade English.我主修的是经贸英语。


18.Trade Division of the Federal Department of Public Economy联邦公共经济部贸易司



1.The Dependent Relations of Sino-Russian Trade;中俄两国经贸的依存关系

2.This article analyzes the complementation and competition of the economy andtrade between these two countries by using internationaltrade theory and international relation theory, and makes a conclusion that although there does exist complementation in Sino- Indonesiantrade at present, it is still s.中国与印尼的经贸关系从1950年两国建交以来,发展并不顺利,其间曾一度中断近之久,只是到20世纪末和21世纪初才得到快速发展。

3)Trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Mongolia economic recovery,trade cooperation between China and P.近几年来,蒙古经济复苏,中蒙经贸合作发展迅速,中国已成为蒙古第一大贸易伙伴和第一大投资国。

2.This article introduces Nepal s trade regulation system and investment regulation system, giving an account of China-Nepal trade situation along with factors influencing their trade cooperation.中尼之间经济具有较大的互补性,双边经贸合作存在较大的发展空间。

4)economic and trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Adjustments on Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Cooperation under the World Economic Imbalance Constraint;世界经济失衡条件约束下两岸经贸合作的调整

2.Oneconomic and trade cooperation between Liaoning and North-Eastern Asian countries based on complementarities;从互补性看辽宁与东北亚国家的经贸合作

3.Strategic thinking about Liaoning-DPRKeconomic and trade cooperation;辽宁与朝鲜经贸合作的战略思考

5)Sino-Russian economy and trade中俄经贸

6)economic trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Study on the development ofeconomic trade cooperation between Fujian Province and Southeast Asia;福建省与东南亚经贸合作发展研究

2.Therefore,we ought to build a cooperation mechanism for economy and trade between both sides of the Taiwan Straits,in order to promote the sustainable development of the cross-straiteconomic trade cooperation.目前,闽台经贸合作面临制度瓶颈等问题。


北京市英迪经贸学院北京市英迪经贸学院是1993年经北京市教育委员会批准成立的中外合作办学的高等经贸学院。中国合作方为北京市机械局职工大学;外国合作方为英迪(国际)教育机构。办学许可证:京成教字(1993)第036号、京成教社字(1993)第033号、京教合准字(98)08号、京教合准字(2000)036号。1998年我院被北京市教委评估为“优良学校”、被北京市教委评估为“合格学校”。北京市英迪经贸学院是一所以全英语授课为特色的学院。北京市英迪经贸学院于1993年成功引进国外大学的大学预科和本科课程,借鉴国外大学办学经验,按照国际学籍及考核管理程序严格进行教学质量控制,以使得在英迪学院学习的学生与在国外大学就读类似专业的学生水平相同,其与国外大学同步开设的大学水平专业课程,受到国外合作大学承认。学生在学习的最后阶段转移至国外合作大学,完成学业后,获就读大学的学士学位证书。学院开设的所有专业都以保持毕业生的高就业率为导向,并培养学生的综合技能,同时满足学生毕业后进一步深造的需要。北京市英迪经贸学院开设的与国外大学合作的本科课程采用一年三学期制,均为全英语授课,以外国教师主讲,使用国外原版教材, 使得学生不仅具有流利的英语语言能力,同时,具备大学专业知识。三个级别的英语强化培训课程,科学的分级进阶方式,成为学生自如的使用英语学习大学课程的阶梯,给学生营造良好的全英语教学环境。学院同时为学生提供了以英文书籍为主的图书馆、免费开放的计算机房和国际互联网络、全空调教室和学习场所。良好的学习条件,充分体现以学生学习为本的思想。北京市英迪经贸学院对学生的培养目标是精通英语、电脑、专业知识的涉外管理人才,并成为学生继续攻读硕士、博士学位的基石。我们倡导学生打好基础再出国,因为这是一种省时又省钱的深造途径。英迪学院的毕业生主要分布在国外和国内的外企、合资企业,且具有优异的就业纪录,这是基于:学生具有优秀的英语语言能力、综合的专业知识、国外留学的背景。
