700字范文 > 肌肉建模 Muscle Model Building英语短句 例句大全

肌肉建模 Muscle Model Building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-30 01:27:58


肌肉建模 Muscle Model Building英语短句 例句大全

肌肉建模,Muscle Model Building

1)Muscle Model Building肌肉建模

2)Muscle reconstruction肌肉重建


1.Experimental Study on Inducing Pre-fibroblast to Differentiate Into Muscle Cells by Transfection of Myogenic Gene MyoD;MyoD诱导成纤维细胞分化为肌细胞及肌肉重建的实验研究

2.3D reconstruction of Chinese digital human shoulder skeletal muscle structure model based on contour matching基于轮廓拼接算法三维重建中国数字人肩部骨骼肌肉结构

3.Role of muscle spindle in weightlessness-induced amyotrophia and muscle pain肌梭在失重性肌萎缩与肌肉痛中的作用(英文)

4.Muscles, which constitute40% t o50% of the body weight, can be divided into three types, voluntary, invol untary and cardiac.肌肉占人体重量的40%50%可分成三种类型:随意肌、随意肌和心肌。

5.Experimental Study on the Muscle Fatigue of Upper Limbs during Repetitive Performance with sEMG;重复性作业上肢肌肉疲劳的表面肌电实验研究

6.the stiffness and ache of muscle pre-incidence must be regarded fully to prevent muscle pull.肌肉拉伤的预防要充分重视肌肉拉伤前僵硬和酸痛体征出现。

7.Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles.举重能使手臂和肩部的肌肉发达。

8.Muscles that were overdeveloped by weightlifting.由于举重而过于发达的肌肉

9.a severe form of muscular dystrophy marked by facial weakness and drooping eyelids and difficult speech and difficulty with the hands that spreads to the arms and shoulders and legs and hips.肌肉营养不良的严重形式。

10.divide or reset the tail muscles, as of horses.分开或重新设置马的尾部肌肉。

11.My muscles are sore from lifting weights.我的肌肉因为举重而感到酸痛。

12.bodybuilding that increases muscle mass and body weight.增加肌肉和体重的健身活动。

13.Muscle shortening is the product of repeated contraction of the cross bridges.肌肉收缩是重复收缩,交叉桥的产物。

14.Effects of Varied Levels of Rapid Body Weight Loss on Muscle Functions;不同快速降体重量对肌肉功能的影响

15.The Effects of Rehabilitation Training to the Neuromuscular Function after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Elite Athletes康复训练对优秀运动员前交叉韧带重建后神经肌肉功能改善的效果

parative Study of Wrist-hand Function Rebuilding Between Acupuncture at Different Acupoints and at Muscular Motor Points in Cerebral Stroke Patients不同穴位与肌肉运动点针刺在脑卒中患者腕手功能重建中的对比研究

17.Construction of muscle cDNA library and analysis of some expressed sequence tag sequences of Siniperca chutasi鳜肌肉组织cDNA文库构建及其ESTs分析

18.Muscular strength reconstruction was performed simultaneously with replacement of gluteal muscle by sacrospinal muscle or middle gluteal muscle by external oblique muscle of abdomen.骨性手术同时辅以骶棘肌代臀肌或腹外斜肌代臀中肌的肌力重建。


Muscle reconstruction肌肉重建

3)muscle model肌肉模型

1.Facial skin wrinkle simulation based onmuscle model;基于肌肉模型的人脸皮肤皱纹模拟

2.Adaptive personal facialmuscle model;自适应人脸肌肉模型特定化技术

3.The authors combine parameterized mode withmuscle model to manipulate the subject s head model and then synthesize facial e.首先用3D Scanner获取的主体对象的深度信息和纹理信息特定化通用网格模型;然后采用参数模型和肌肉模型相结合的方法控制模型网格点的变化,生成人脸动画;同时引入人脸功能区的划分并定义了人脸动画表。

4)Muscle simulation肌肉模拟

5)Waters muscle modelWaters肌肉模型

1.Based on theWaters muscle model(WMM),a novel lip muscle model(LMM)is proposed in this paper.为了快速合成真实感强的口型,在Waters肌肉模型的基础上,提出了一种新的唇区肌肉模型,弥补了Waters模型对于唇区肌肉的较复杂运动描述不完全的不足。

6)simulated muscle tissue phantom模拟肌肉组织


《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》Convention for the Maintenance,Preservation and Reestablishment of PeaceGuanyu Weihu Baochi 11 Chong)ianHePing Gongyue《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》(Conventionfor theM山i儿tenance,Preservationand Reestablishment ofpeace)全称《美洲国家间维护和平会议所通过的关于维护、保持以及重建和平公约》。美国等2]个美洲国家于1936年12月23日在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯签订,次年8月25日生效,无限期有效。公约有5条正文,主要内容是:一旦美洲大陆受到威胁,各国政府将通过共同协商以制定维持和平的方法;在美洲国家间发生战争或事实上处于战争状态的情况下,各国应立即相互协商,以便交换意见,寻求和平协作的方法;在美洲以外的国际战争可能威胁美洲各国和平时,亦应举行此种协商,以确定为确保美洲和平而采取联合行动的时间和方式。公约的签署是美国政府推行“睦邻政策”的结果,反映了美洲国家反对法西斯扩张、保卫其主权与独立及维护和平的愿望。(王承)
