700字范文 > 消费者知识 consumers information英语短句 例句大全

消费者知识 consumers information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-02 22:25:06


消费者知识 consumers information英语短句 例句大全

消费者知识,consumer"s information

1)consumer"s information消费者知识


1.A Study of the Evolving Pattern of Consumer Brand Knowledge in Brand Extension;品牌延伸中消费者知识演化模式研究

2.A Study of Online Knowledge and Perceived Utility on Search Performance在线渠道消费者知识和感知对信息搜索效果的影响研究

3.Conclusion Explicitness in Message Communication:The Roles of NFC and Knowledge in Attitude Formation;广告结论的明暗示程度对态度形成的影响:认知需求和消费者知识的扰动作用

4.Consumers enjoy the right to obtain knowledge related to consumption and to the protection of their rights and interests.消费者享有获得有关消费和消费者权益保护方面的知识的权利。

5.Consumers are supposed to be well informed.消费者被认为是具有足够知识的。

6.Research on the Mechanism of Consumer s Brand Knowledge Formation and Backward Influence;消费者品牌知识形成及后向影响机制研究

7.Recognition of labeling system for genetically modified foods;消费者对转基因食品标识认知状况分析

8.The Effect of Consumers Product Knowledge on Size of Evoked Sets;消费者产品知识对其激活域的影响研究

9.Survey of consumer"s knowledge,attitude and practice towards nutrition labeling in Harbin哈尔滨市消费者营养标签知识态度行为调查

10.Consumers shall make an effort to grasp knowledge about the commodities and service they want and to acquire the skills necessary for using them.消费者应当努力掌握所需商品或者服务的知识和使用技能,

11.An Empirical Analysis of Brand Extension Evaluation Model Basing on Consumers Product Knowledge;基于消费者产品知识特征的品牌延伸评价模型实证分析

12.The Research on the Change of Customer Demand Trends and Product Strategies in Knowledge Economy;知识经济下的消费者需求变化趋势与企业产品策略研究

13.Investigation of Hair Dyeing Knowledge of Zhaoyuan s Hair-dyeing Staff and Consumers in ;招远市染发从业人员及消费者染发相关卫生知识调查

14.A Survey on the Status and Consumers Knowledge of Nutritional Labeling of Food in a Supermarket in Hangzhou;杭州市超市食品营养标签标识及消费者认知度调查

15.An Empirical Study on Relationship between Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities and Consumers Brand Switching Intention虚拟社区知识共享与消费者品牌转换的关系研究

16.Sports Consumption Quotient and Means of Intellectuals in Shanxi Province;山西省知识分子体育消费份额与消费方式研究

17.Consumption Culture Is Intellectualized and Theorized State of Comsumption;消费文化是消费的知识化和理论化形态

18.A consumer shall strive to master all of the necessary information and the ability to use a commodity or service, shall use commodities properly and shall increase awareness of self protection.消费者应当努力掌握所需商品或者服务的知识和使用技能,正确使用商品,提高自我保护意识。


The informed consumer.有知识的消费者

3)knowledge consumption知识消费

1.Thoughts on the development ofknowledge consumption;关于发展知识消费的思考

2.Based on SWOT analysis,this paper discusses the knowledge production andknowledge consumption of enterprise,and puts forward that the core of enterprise knowledge management is how to produce the knowledge adapted to market demands effectively and how to utilize the new knowledge with low cost.本文以SWOT分析为基础,探讨了企业的知识生产和知识消费,提出了企业知识管理的核心应该是知识生产和知识转移,即怎样有效地生产出适应市场需求的新知识,怎样低成本地利用新知识。

3.In the current age,leisure,physical exercise & entertainment and education have become the two major forms ofknowledge consumption and are exerting significant impact on the production and innovation in .目前教育和休闲健身娱乐已经是知识消费的两大形式,它们对知识的生产和创新发挥着重要的影响。

4)Consumer Cognition消费者认知

1.Research of Corporation Brand Equity Protection Based onConsumer Cognition;基于消费者认知的企业品牌权益保护研究

2.Therefore,in the process of brand extension,we must adhere to the consumer cognition guidance.因此,在品牌延伸过程中,必须坚持消费者认知导向,从消费者的角度研究品牌延伸策略,研究消费者心理机制,借助情感迁移模型和联想需求模型探讨品牌延伸中消费者心理机制的作用机理,得出了品牌延伸的边界模型。

5)consumer perception消费者感知

1.Fromconsumer perception perspective, this article studies how to improve effectiveness & efficiency of price promotion.在这一背景下,加强价格促销的效果成为每个营销者的迫切需要,本文的研究目的就是从消费者感知的角度入手,研究如何开展价格促销才能达到更好的效果。

6)consumer perception消费者知觉


