700字范文 > 海事请求 Maritime Claim英语短句 例句大全

海事请求 Maritime Claim英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 01:19:48


海事请求 Maritime Claim英语短句 例句大全

海事请求,Maritime Claim

1)Maritime Claim海事请求

1.This paper highlights the relationship between maritime liens and the persons against whom the maritime claims secured by maritime liens are made.本文重点讨论船舶优先权与其所担保的海事请求的被请求人的关系。

2.The paper makes a comparative study of the maritime claim, the exercise of right of arrest, the security of the value of the ship and the jurisdiction between 1999 International Convention on Arrest of Ship and the legal system of arrest of ship in China, and raises some suggestions on the improvement of legislation and execution on arrest of ship in China.本文拟就 99年国际扣船公约与我国现有的扣船制度在海事请求范围、可供扣押船舶范围、船舶担保制度和扣船管辖等方面进行比较研究 ,并提出可供我国的扣船立法和司法借鉴改善之处。

3.Application for the vessel s arrest may be in the basis of two kinds of maritime claims, which are the maritime claims secured by maritime lien or other bail, and the maritime claims without such .船舶扣押所依据的海事请求可以分为两种类型,一种是受船舶优先权或船舶担保物权保护的海事请求;另一种是一般海事请求。


1.Legal System of Security of Maritime Claim海事请求保全法律制度

2.If the maritime claimant fails to provide guarantee, the application shall be rejected.海事请求人不提供的,驳回其申请。

3."Claimant" means a person who alleges that a maritime claim existsin his favour.“请求人”系指提出存在对其有利的海事请求的人。

4.Maritime Liens and the Debtors of the MaritimeClaims Secured by Maritime Liens;船舶优先权与其所担保的海事请求的被请求人

5.Article15 Where maritime claimants apply for maritime claims, written applications shall be filed with maritime courts.第十五条海事请求人申请海事请求保全,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。

6.Where not conforming to the conditions for a maritime preservation, the application shall be rejected.对不符合海事请求保全条件的,裁定驳回其申请。

7.Article54 A maritime claimant applying for a maritime injunction shall submit a written application to a maritime court.第五十四条海事请求人申请海事强制令,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。

8."Maritime Claim" means a claim arising out of one or more of thefollowing:“海事请求”系指由于下列一个或多个原因引起的请求:

9.Article55 A maritime court accepting an application for a maritime injunction may order the maritime claimant to provide guarantee.第五十五条海事法院受理海事强制令申请,可以责令海事请求人提供担保。

10.Article75 The modes and quantity of a guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be determined by the maritime court.第七十五条海事请求人提供的担保,其方式、额由海事法院决定。

11.Should there be more than two maritime claims under subparagraph(4), those arising later shall be satisfied first.第中有两个以上海事请求的,后发生的先受偿。

12.Theory and Practice of the Preservation of Maritime Claims of China;我国海事请求保全法律制度的理论与实践

13.Legal Study Upon the Insurer s Defense Against Maritime Claim on Ship-Source Pollution;保险人对船舶污染海事请求抗辩的法律研究

14.Article31 Where a maritime claimant, after filing an application for auction of a ship, applies for stopping the auction, whether or not to give a permission shall be ordered by the maritime court.第三十一条海事请求人提交拍卖船舶申请后,又申请终止拍卖的,是否准许由海事法院裁定。

15.Article46 The period of arresting the goods on board for maritime claim preservation shall be30 days.第四十六条海事请求保全扣押船载货物的期限为十五日。

16.Article28 The period of arresting a ship for maritime claim preservation shall be30 days.第二十八条海事请求保全扣押船舶的期限为三十日。

17.Should Maintenance Fees for Waterway Be Listed as the Maritime Lien;航道养护费能否列入船舶优先权的海事请求范围

18.The Customs Administration of the requesting Party shall notify the Customs Administration of the requested Party in advance of any such proposed disclosure.请求方海关当局应将任何此种披露事先通知被请求方海关当局。


Maritime Claims海事请求

1.Arrest of a ship means any detention or restriction on removal of the ship by order of a court to secure a maritime claim, which is one of important means to protect maritime claimant s legitimate rights and interests, and is the main content of preservation of maritime claims.船舶扣押是指通过法院对船舶实施滞留或禁止其驶离的一种强制措施,是海事请求权人保护其合法权益的重要手段之一。

3)Maritime Claim海事请求权

4)Preservation of Maritime Claims海事请求保全

1.Theory and Practice of thePreservation of Maritime Claims of China;我国海事请求保全法律制度的理论与实践

2.The preservation of maritime claims is a bran-new conception which has broke through the Civil Procedure Law of the common law.海事请求保全制度不仅是海事诉讼中的重要制度,同时也是海事诉讼中的一项特有制度。

3.Therefore, it is very important to have a thorough study of preservation of maritime claims.海事请求保全制度是海事诉讼中的一项重要制度,它虽然对海事争议的实体部分不发生直接影响,却深刻影响着整个海事争议的解决过程。

5)preferential right top maritime claim海事优先请求权

6)application/petition for maritime attachment海事请求保全申请书


