700字范文 > 长江下游地区 the lower reaches of the Yangtze river英语短句 例句大全

长江下游地区 the lower reaches of the Yangtze river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-05 01:49:22


长江下游地区 the lower reaches of the Yangtze river英语短句 例句大全

长江下游地区,the lower reaches of the Yangtze river

1)the lower reaches of the Yangtze river长江下游地区

1.Since the reform and opening up,the urbanization of China,particularly in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River(Yangtze River Delta and the surrounding area),has been in a rapid development period.改革开放以来,我国城市化过程出现快速发展时期,特别是长江下游地区(长江三角洲及其周边地区),由于人口与产业不断集聚,重大基础设施项目投资加大,道路网密度增加,开发区扩大,使得城市空间迭加扩展,造成了严重的水土资源利用失衡,生态环境日趋恶化,使本地区城市发展出现了许多新问题。


1.Analysis of seismic effect on sites with deep and soft soils in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River长江下游地区深厚软弱场地地震效应分析

2.Dynamics and trends in cultivated land in lower Yangtze Valley in the past decade;近来长江下游地区耕地动态变化特征

3.Study on the Middle-and Small-sized Tombs of the Western Han and Xin Dynasties in the Lower Reach of Yangtze River;长江下游地区西汉至新莽中小型墓葬研究

4.Land use in the Yangtze River middle and lower reaches Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期长江中下游地区的土地利用

5.A Study On the City-resided Landlords in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Before the Anti-Japanese War;抗战前长江中下游地区地主城居述析

6.Characteristics of Organic Matter of Paddy Soil the Lower-middle Reaches of the Yangtze River长江中下游地区水稻土的有机质特征

7.N_2O Emission from Agricultural Ecosystem in Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Region长江中下游地区农田生态系统N_2O排放

8.Key Shelterbelt Construction Program in North, Northeast and Northwest China and the Lower-Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River.“三北”和长江中下游地区等重点防护林建设工程。

9.Research of Design Methods of Earth-Sheltered Architecture in the Middle & Lower Area of Yangzi River;长江中下游地区覆土建筑设计方法研究

10.The Analysis of Relation between Atmospheric Free Mode and Meiyu over the Mid-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River;大气自由模与长江中下游地区梅雨的关系分析

11.Economy analyzess assessment of construction energy saving solution in the middle and downriver zones of The Yangtze River;长江中下游地区建筑节能应用的经济性

12.Analysis of the evolved structure of land use in the lower Yangtze River basin;长江下游沿线土地利用区域结构演化分析

13.The Drought-Waterlogging Forecast in 10~15 Years in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Changjiang River;长江中下游地区未来10~旱涝趋势预测

14.Research on Multimodal Transport of Steel Logistic in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Area长江中下游地区钢铁物流多式联运研究

15.Cretaceous Alkali-Rich Magmatism in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River长江中下游地区白垩纪富碱火山岩浆作用

16.Ecological Impact of Natural Flow Regime in Upper Yangtze River to Midstream Aquatic Ecosystem长江上游径流演变对中下游地区水生生物影响研究

17.On Tourism Resources Cooperating Exploitation in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River长江上游地区旅游资源协作开发研究

18.Hanjiang River is the largest branch of the Yangtze River and also the middle and lower reaches are the highest intensive economic bases of Hubei Province.汉江是长江最大的支流,汉江中下游地区是湖北省经济基础最强的地区。


the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River长江中下游地区

1.GIS based risk zoning and assessment of flood disaster inthe middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin;基于GIS的长江中下游地区洪灾风险分区及评价

2.The vast expanse of the paddy field and drylands with crisscross footpaths between inthe middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have constituted a unique ecological environment together with nearby lakes and ponds.长江中下游地区阡陌纵横的大片水稻田和旱地以及附近的湖泊池塘 ,构成独特的生态环境 ,称为“水稻田湿地环境”,其属人工改造环境。

3.The paper conducts a preliminary research into the grain logistical cost inthe middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River within the frame of the world market in the 1920 s & 1930 s.对20世纪二三十年代开放市场条件下我国长江中下游地区粮食物流成本状况进行了初步的研究,并进一步分析了粮食物流成本对粮食安全的影响。

3)Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River长江中下游地区

1.The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is the major area for copper(gold) and iron resources of China, in which “integral whole of multiplaces” copper deposits make up a special type of large and superlarge deposits along the circum Pacific metallogenic belt.长江中下游地区是我国铜(金)、铁资源的重要基地,其中多位一体铜矿床是环太平洋成矿带内特有的一类大型、超大型矿床。

4)Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River长江中下游地区

1.The paper analyzes the evolution of lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River in the scale and time perspective,and points out that the lakes are formed by the special tectonic movement,geomorphological condition,as well as climate changes.从大尺度、长时间的视角对长江中下游地区湖泊的演变进行了分析和探讨,指出长江中下游地区湖泊是在特定的地质地貌条件和气候变化背景下形成演变的,它与长江的演变有着密切的渊源关系。

2.The application prospect of winter-overseeding techniques of cool-season turfgrass on warm-season turf in theMiddle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River;综述了国内外追播的研究与应用状况 ,分析了长江中下游地区暖地型草坪秋冬季追播技术的应用前景和秋、冬季追播冷地型草坪草是解决长江中下游地区暖地型草坪冬季枯黄问题简单可行、经济有效的方法。

5)the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River长江中下游地区

1.Creeping bentgrass’and ‘colonial bentgrass’ were the best varieties of turfgrass inthe middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River.长江中下游地区常绿草坪草首选品种为匍茎剪股颖和细弱剪股颖 ,其次为高羊茅、草地早熟禾。

6)Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river countryside长江中下游地区农村


长江中下游平原自然资源长江中下游平原自然资源natural resources of Changjiang zhongxiayou plainehangiiang zhongxiayou Pingyuan ziran ziyuan长江中下游平原自然资源(natural resou职esofChan却ang而d山e一助wer plain)长江中下游平原位于黄淮海平原以东,江南与东南沿海山地丘陵以北,长江三峡以东地区。主要由长江及其两岸支流冲积而成,包括江汉平原、洞庭湖平原、都阳湖平原、皖中沿江平原、里下河平原及长江三角洲平原,大部分地区海拔低于50米,面积约20万平方千米。全区位于亚热带范围,年均温14~18℃,1月均温O~5.5℃,7月均温27~28℃;年降水量1(XX)~1500毫米,比华北平原多1~2倍,季节分配较均匀;无霜期Zro~270天,〕ro℃积温达45(X)、5以叉)℃。作物可一年两熟,长江以南可发展双季稻连作的三熟制。土层深厚,有机质含量丰富,水田占耕地面积的70%左右。江河沿岸稍高处,土质疏松,排水良好,适宜棉田早作,是中国最重要的粮棉油生产基地。长江天然水系及纵横交错的人工河渠,使这里成为中国河网密度最大的地区,平均1~2千米/平方千米,其中杭嘉湖平原高达12千米/平方千米。境内湖泊星罗棋布,是中国淡水湖泊分布最稠密地区。中国5大淡水湖泊中有4个分布在这里。它们是都阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、巢湖。其中太湖地区共有大小湖泊(大于0.5平方千米)189个,水域面积占总面积的8.%%,高于全国湖泊率(0.83)的10倍。湖沼地区有丰富的水生生物资源,是中国水生动植物分布最广、产量最丰的地区。保存有中华鳃、扬子鳄、白暨豚等珍稀动物。平原境内长江干流及其众多的大小支流,河长水丰,汉江等河段落差大,适宜建水电坝址,进行多级开发。宜昌至河口段水能蕴藏量为4944.5万千瓦。尤以湖北省境内各河段水能资源格外丰富,长江和汉江过境流量800亿立方米,水能蕴藏量达40以〕万千瓦,仅次于川、滇、藏,居全国第四位,且各水系流域雨季时空分布不一,修建电站可借助长江、汉江丰枯期的先后,进行相互调剂补偿。矿产资源不多。鄂东大冶、宁(南京)芜(湖)及湘中涟源一带分别是中国著名铁矿和锰矿分布地区。(冯嘉苹)
