700字范文 > R-T-S模型 R-T-S model英语短句 例句大全

R-T-S模型 R-T-S model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 23:23:04


R-T-S模型 R-T-S model英语短句 例句大全

R-T-S模型,R-T-S model

1)R-T-S modelR-T-S模型

2)S-R data modelS-R模型


1.Study of Ecological Security in Northeast China Based on P-S-R Model;基于P-S-R模型的东北地区生态安全研究

2.Based on P-S-R Model of Urban Ecological Security Evaluation--the Comparative Analysis of the Provincial Capital Cities in Northwest China基于P-S-R模型的城市生态安全评价——西北地区省会城市比较分析

3.Investigation of the Parameters of Convectional Model for Heavy-Element Enhanced of s+r Stars;单辐照参数化模型研究s+r星重元素超丰

4.R/SAnalysis Model and Efficience Test of Chinese Securities Market;R/S分析模型与中国证券市场有效性检验

5.Minimum variance unbiased estimator of structural reliabity for R-S(t) process model;R-S(t)半随机过程模型结构可靠度的最小方差无偏估计

6.On application of P-S-R model to evaluation of eco-environmental security of WuyishanScenery Area;P-S-R指标体系模型在武夷山风景区生态安全评价中的应用

7.The Volatility Research be Based Upon GARCH Models and R/S Analysis Method in China Futures Market基于GARCH族模型和R/S分析方法的中国期货市场波动性研究

8.The Construction of R-S-TER Model for Human Factor Analysis of Aviation Unsafe Events and its Application航空不安全事件人为因素分析R-S-TER模型的构建与应用研究

9.Empirical Study of the Performance and Sustainable Evaluation of Securities Investment Funds--Evaluation based on DEA Model and R/S Model;证券投资基金业绩与持续性评价的实证研究——基于DEA模型与R/S模型的评价

10.The Point wise Multiplier Between the Space R(q,s) to the Space Bloch;关于R(q,s)空间和Bloch型空间的点乘子

11.The determination of R.S configuration of enantiomers;简单快速判断手性碳原子R/S构型

12.Discussion on the Problems of Marking Molecular Configuration with R or S;对R/S法标明分子构型问题的讨论

13.On the Center of Two-parameter Quantum Groups U_(r,s)(SO_5)关于U_(r,s)(SO_5)型双参数量子群的中心

14.Technological innovation competency evaluating based on S-R-O model;基于S-R-O模型的企业技术创新能力评估方法——以精细化学品行业为例

15.(s,t]-fuzzy ideals and R-fuzzy ideals of BCI-algebras;BCI-代数中的(s,t]-模糊理想和R-模糊理想

16.The Direct Sum Decomposition of (?)_(r, s)(sl_2) about Principal Indecomposable Modules(?)_(r,s)(sl_2)关于主不可分解模的直和分解式

17.The simpler way to judge C~* R/S patterns of cyclic compound;判定环状化合物C~*R/S构型的简单方法

18.Simple Method to Determine the R/S Configuration of Chiral Molecule Shown by Cuneiform楔形式中手性碳原子R,S构型的快捷判断法


S-R data modelS-R模型

3)R/S modelR/S模型

4)T-S modelT-S模型

1.The design of a fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller based on theT-S model;基于T-S模型的自适应模糊PID控制器的设计

2.Guaranteed cost control to container crane anti-sway system based onT-S model;基于T-S模型的集装箱装卸桥防摇保性能控制

3.Research ofT-S model Fuzzy Control in Rotary Handstand-pendulum System;旋转型倒立摆应用T-S模型模糊控制的研究

5)T-S fuzzy modelT-S模型

1.Tracking control for wheeled mobile robot viaT-S fuzzy model;基于T-S模型的轮式移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制

2.Identification ofT-S fuzzy model based on improved ACS in continuous space;基于连续域蚁群改进算法的T-S模型辨识

3.TheT-S fuzzy model was adopted for fuzzy modeling of the large-scale systems with time-delay.针对状态可测的一类连续非线性时滞大系统的鲁棒分散控制问题,采用T-S模型对其进行建模。

6)T"s modelT-S模型


