700字范文 > 公共组织绩效 public sector performance英语短句 例句大全

公共组织绩效 public sector performance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-30 21:30:50


公共组织绩效 public sector performance英语短句 例句大全

公共组织绩效,public sector performance

1)public sector performance公共组织绩效


1.Multidimensional Dynamic Model for Public Organization Performance Evaluation;一种新的公共组织绩效评估理念——公共组织多维动态绩效评估模型

2.Public participating in the community organization and achievement evaluation during the period of social transition;社会转型期公众参与公共组织绩效评估的思考

3.Research of BSC to Public Sector Performance Evaluation;基于平衡计分卡的公共组织绩效评价研究

4.A research on the trends of performance evaluation in public organizations;关于公共组织绩效评估发展趋势的思考

5.Performance Evaluation of Public Institutions:a Chinese Case;公共组织绩效评估:中国实践的回顾与反思

6.Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Public Organization Performance Management;公共组织绩效管理综合评测模型及其应用

7.An Empirical Study on Leadership Style Impacts on Performance Effectiveness of Chinese Public Sectors领导行为与公共组织绩效关系实证研究

8.Public Network Performance: A Literature Review in the Perspective of Interorganizational Network公共网络绩效研究综述——组织间网络的视角

9.The Strategic Management Theory in the Performance Evaluation of Public Sectors;战略管理思想在公共部门组织绩效评估中的应用

10.The Driving Force of the Performance Evaluation of Government Organization in Public Administrative Reform;公共行政体制改革中政府组织绩效评估的动因分析

11.On Structure of Organizational Justice Perceptions and Justice Perceptions in Performance Appraisals组织公正感与绩效评估公正感的结构

12.Relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors,social capital and organizational performance;组织公民行为、社会资本与组织绩效的关系

13.A Fair Perfonnance Appraisal System Model:Organizational Justice s Perspective;绩效评估系统模式研究:组织公正视角

14.Relationship between Organizational Culture and Firm’s Performance: An Empirical Study;组织文化与公司绩效关系的实证研究

15.Corporate entrepreneurial orientation,ambidextrous competence and organizational performance公司创业导向、双元能力与组织绩效

16.Research on the Relationship among Knowledge Sharing,Organizational Creativity and Enterprise Performance;知识共享、组织创新与企业绩效的关系研究

17.Relationship Between the Justice of Performance Management and Organizational Citizenship Behavior;绩效管理过程公平性与组织公民行为的关系

18.The Application of Public Marketing to the Improvement of Social Efficiency in Public Organizations;运用公共市场学提高公共组织的社会效益


public performance公共绩效

3)organizational performance组织绩效

1.Corporate entrepreneurial activity andorganizational performance: the empirical research based on China s growing private enterprises;公司创业活动与组织绩效——基于中国成长期私营企业的实证研究

2.A study on the relationships among market orientation,organizational learning &organizational performance;市场导向、组织学习与组织绩效的关系研究

3.An empirical study on interaction among organizational trust,knowledge sharing,andorganizational performance;组织信任、知识分享与组织绩效关系的实证研究

4)organization performance组织绩效

1.Theorganization performance and administer characteristic of agricultural cooperative organizations;农村合作经济组织的组织绩效与治理特征

2.Can knowledge creation improveorganization performance? An empirical test知识创造能否提升组织绩效?一项实证研究

3.In a changing world,organization performance has become the key component of enterprises success, while people are the main resource for an organization to gain competitive advantage.在变化日益快速的环境中 ,组织经营绩效的好坏已经成为企业生存的要件 ,而为组织创造竞争优势的其中一个重要资源便是“人” ,组织中为了要让员工创造更高的绩效 ,人力资源部门透过训练可以让员工增加工作技能、知识及能力 ,进而提高组织绩效。

5)firm performance组织绩效

1.Third, by introducing organization climate as a mediator, it proposes a process model on how the human resource practices have an affect onfirm performance in high-tech firms.在分析高参与工作系统人力资源实践内容的基础上,针对高新技术企业竞争环境、工作性质和人员特征构建了高新技术企业人力资源实践的内容,引入组织氛围作为中介变量,给出了高新技术企业人力资源实践对组织绩效产生影响的过程模型。

2.This paper examines the relationship between HPWS andfirm performance in 82 enterprises which located in Sichuan province of China.通过实证分析,一方面印证了只有各种人力资源管理实践内外相互配合时,才能产生较高的组织绩效;另一方面,发现在同一地区和时期内,不同性质的企业人力资源管理实践的组合模式存在差别。

3.The core target of strategic human resource management is promoting thefirm performance.战略人力资源管理的核心目标是提升组织的绩效,人力资源管理对组织绩效有一定的影响,这个观点得到了国内外学者的普遍认同,但是人力资源管理与组织绩效之间是如何联系的,他们之间的作用机制如何,目前对人力资源管理与组织绩效之间的“黑箱”问题没有比较统一而系统的论证。

6)public performance appraisal公共性绩效


