700字范文 > 审计声誉 Auditor Reputation英语短句 例句大全

审计声誉 Auditor Reputation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-09 22:18:21


审计声誉 Auditor Reputation英语短句 例句大全

审计声誉,Auditor Reputation

1)Auditor Reputation审计声誉

2)auditor reputation审计师声誉

1.In this paper, a theoretical model aboutauditor reputation and premium of audit fees is firstly given.本文首先给出了审计师声誉与“质量溢价”的理论模型,然后利用上市公司披露的2000~2002年三年的年报审计费用共2520家样本进行了实证分析。


1.An Empirical Study on Premium of Auditor s Reputation and Audit Quality in Chinese Stock Market;中国证券市场审计师声誉溢价与审计质量的经验研究

2.Whether Auditor reputation influences share pricing--Evidence from IPO market in China审计师声誉影响股票定价吗——来自IPO定价市场化的证据

3.The Size,Brand Name Reputation and Audit Fee Premium of Accounting Firms;会计师事务所规模、品牌声誉与审计收费溢价

4.The Empirical Research on Auditor Reputation in the Auditing Market of China;基于中国审计市场的会计师事务所声誉问题实证研究

5.A Tentative Study of Auto-Penalty on Auditors in China Capital Market from a Point-of-View of Credibility;我国资本市场对审计师的自动惩罚功能初步研究——基于声誉视角

6.The audit prestige, the scale of accounting firm and other factors make a difference in the same way;审计信誉,会计师事务所的规模等因素对审计定价也有很大影响。

7.an architect of international repute享有国际声誉的建筑师

8.Market Reaction to Damaged Reputation of Independent Auditors:Further Study on the Zhongtianqin Case独立审计职业声誉损害与市场反应——中天勤事件的进一步研究

9.The Effective Check of Formation Mechanism of Reputation in CPA Firms--Based on the case of “Kelon-Delloti”;会计师事务所声誉形成机制有效性检验——来自“科龙-德勤事件”的案例

10.A Positive Research on the Hypothesis of the Certified Accountant Offices Reputation of Short-run Underpricing on the Stocks of IPO in China;我国新股短期发行抑价的会计师事务所声誉假说实证研究

11.On Valuation and Treatment of Enterprise s Goodwill from the Perspective of Auditing;审计视角的企业商誉价值计量与处理

12.Auditor Size, Audit Fees and Audit Opinion Shopping审计师规模、审计费用与审计意见购买

13.Webtrust:A New Brilliant Facet of Auditing in the EOear;E时代审计业务新亮点——网誉认证

14.Research on the Reputation Effect and Design of the Reputation Evaluation Mechanism in the E-Commerce Market;电子商务市场中声誉效应研究与声誉评价机制设计

15.Research on CPAs s Partnerships from Credit-standing View;会计师事务所合伙制的信誉视角研究

16.Auditor Change, Audit Fees and Audit Committee Effectiveness;审计师变更、审计收费与审计委员会效率

17.Independent Auditor s Consideration of Internal Auditing Functions;审计师如何利用被审计企业的内部审计功能

18.Usually, the auditors are the certified public accountants (CPAs).一般说来,从事审计检查的审计师是注册会计师。


auditor reputation审计师声誉

1.In this paper, a theoretical model aboutauditor reputation and premium of audit fees is firstly given.本文首先给出了审计师声誉与“质量溢价”的理论模型,然后利用上市公司披露的2000~2002年三年的年报审计费用共2520家样本进行了实证分析。

3)Premium of auditor reputation审计师声誉溢价

4)The Research on the Auditor Reputation独立审计声誉研究

5)Independent Auditing reputation mechanism独立审计声誉机制

1.In response to these circumstances, this article will conduct a detailed analysis on China\"sIndependent Auditing reputation mechanism.在成熟市场机制下,独立审计声誉机制能够有效发挥信息传递、质量担保、节约社会成本和规范与发展资本市场的功能。


1.Influence factors of investment management of hospital intangible assets: takereputation as an example;医院无形资产投资运营的影响因素:以声誉为例

2.A new protocol forreputation management in super P2P networks;一种新的超级节点对等网的声誉管理协议

3.Game analysis for construction enterprisereputation under restriction of asymmetric information;非对称信息条件下建筑企业市场声誉博弈分析


