700字范文 > 心率振荡 Heart rate turbulence英语短句 例句大全

心率振荡 Heart rate turbulence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-03 06:57:06


心率振荡 Heart rate turbulence英语短句 例句大全

心率振荡,Heart rate turbulence

1)Heart rate turbulence心率振荡

1.A Review on Relation Between Heart Rate Turbulence and Heart Rate Variability or Baroreflex Sensitivity and the Clinic Value;心率振荡与心率变异、压力反射敏感性的关系及其临床意义

2.Study of heart rate turbulence in patients with acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris;急性心肌梗死和不稳定性心绞痛患者心率振荡现象的临床研究

3.Effects of percutaneous coronary intervention on heart rate turbulence in acute myocardial infarction patients;急性心肌梗死患者直接经皮冠状动脉介入治疗对心率振荡的影响


1.Heart Rate Turbulence and Clinical Prognosis in Chronic Heart Failure;窦性心率振荡对心力衰竭预后的评价

2.Clinical Analysis of Heart Rate Turbulence in Chronic Heart Failure慢性心力衰竭患者心率振荡现象临床观察

3.Detection and clinical significance of heart rate turbulence in patients with acute cerebral stroke脑卒中患者的心率振荡检测及其临床意义

4.The Changes and Clinical Significance of Heart Rate Turbulence in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure;慢性心力衰竭患者窦性心率振荡的变化及其临床意义

5.Effect of early application of bisoprolol on heart rate turbulence phenomenon in patients with acute myocardial infarction比索洛尔对早期急性心肌梗死患者心率振荡的影响

6.The Changes and Clinical Significance of Heart Rate Turbulence in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome;急性冠脉综合症患者窦性心率振荡的变化及其临床意义

7.An oscillator for generating the carrier frequency of a transmitter.主控振荡器产生载波频率的振荡器

8.variable frequency crystal oscillator可变频率晶体振荡器

9.Frequency-agile local oscillator频率捷变本地振荡器

10.crystal oscillator power amplifier晶体振荡功率放大器

11.automatic frequency control generator自动频率控制振荡器

12.maximum oscillating frequency of table工作台最高振荡频率

13.A quasi-ring oscillator is used and high efficiency of laser output can be achieved.振荡器采用准环形振荡,能获得高效率激光输出。

14.POSM (Parallel-Optical Stage Master Osciillator Power Amplifier)并行光阶段主振荡器功率放大器

15.monolithically integrated master oscillator power amplifer单片集成主振荡器功率放大器

16.MOPA (Master Oscillator Power-Amplifier)主控振荡器的功率放大器

17.Rate of signal oscillation in hertz.信号振荡的速率,以赫兹(Hz)为单位。

18.R&D on Ku Band Miniature Power Dielectric Resonator OscillatorKu波段小型化功率介质振荡器的研制


heart rate turbulence窦性心率振荡

1.Objective To investigate the characteristics ofheart rate turbulence(HRT) in patients with chronic heart failure(CHF) and the efficacy as the predicted standard of mortality risk.目的研究心力衰竭(CHF)患者窦性心率振荡(HRT)的特征及其作为死亡危险度预测指标的有效性。

2.When the patient is suffered from autonomic failure,heart rate turbulence is blunted or abolished.目的:探讨高血压患者左室肥厚逆转与窦性心率振荡改善的相关性。

3.Objective:To study the changes and significance ofheart rate turbulence in patients with chronic heart failure.目的:研究慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者窦性心率振荡(HRT)现象的变化及其意义。

3)oscillation center振荡中心

1.Research on systemoscillation center movement;关于系统振荡中心偏移的探讨

2.Based on investigation of the characteristics of the location and the movement ofoscillation center, the reason for the movement ofoscillation center is given.基于对振荡中心(oscillationcenter)的位置及其漂移特征的研究,指出了振荡中心漂移的原因,并提出了失步中心(centerofout-of-step)的概念。

3.The reasons and characteristics of the movement ofoscillation center and the behavior of varying electrical quantities during this kind of asynchronous operation are also discussed.针对复杂电力系统发生多频率异步运行的情况,振荡中心飘浮移动的原因、规律以及电气量变化的特征进行了初步分析与探讨,并通过数字仿真进行了必要的验证。

4)Oscillatory frequency振荡频率

1.The paper is begun with analyzing the oscillatory condition A·F·>1, and the oscillatory frequency is worked out based on the phase balance condition  A+ F=2nπ.本文从分析A· F· >1这个起振条件入手 ,依据相位平衡条件A +F =2nπ ,求得振荡频率f0 ;依据 |A· F·| >1,求满足起振条件时所需的晶体管及电路参数值 。

5)oscillating frequency振荡频率

1.If we introduce the ladder-shaped circuit simple in good time,theoscillating frequency and oscillating condition of RC phase shift oscillating can be w.目前RC 移相式振荡电路在振荡频率固定且对波形要求不高的一些电子设备中仍占有相当比重。

6)oscillation rate振荡速率

1.The biodegradation ratio increases liner when theoscillation rate is 0?120r?min -1 ,and it will be steady when theoscillation rate is beyond 120 r?min -1 .振荡速率在0—120r·min-1时,苯胺降解速率线性增加,振荡速率大于120r·min-1时,苯胺降解速率趋于稳定。


瞬时心率瞬时心率beat to beat指用胎儿心率记录器记录的两个心动周期范围内的变动。若两次心跳间隔0.5秒,则换算成心跳为120次/min。先描记胎儿瞬时心率10分钟,作为基线。胎儿心率平均在120~160次/min之间者为正常范围;基线频率超过160次/min者为轻度心动过速;超过180次/min为重度心动过速;不到120次/min者为轻度心动过缓;在100次/min以下者为重度心动过缓。胎儿心率短暂的变异(历时几十秒到几分钟),凡上升者称加速,下降者称减速,但基线不变,频率改变持续10分钟以上者,称基线上升(或下降)。
