700字范文 > 文学史书写 the Writing on the History of Chinese Literature英语短句 例句大全

文学史书写 the Writing on the History of Chinese Literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-26 05:59:33


文学史书写 the Writing on the History of Chinese Literature英语短句 例句大全

文学史书写,the Writing on the History of Chinese Literature

1)the Writing on the History of Chinese Literature文学史书写

1.Historical Constrction ofthe Writing on the History of Chinese Literature in Modern Times;现代中国文学史书写的历史建构


1."A History of Vernacular Literature":Politics of Writing Literary History《白话文学史》:文学史书写的政治

2.Two Possibilities of the History of Chinese Literature Writing Reflected in the Controversy between Qian and Zhou;“钱周学案”与文学史书写的两种可能性

3.The Short Board of Literature History:an Analysis on the Problem of Literary Characteristic in the Writing of Literature History;文学史的短板——对中国文学史书写中文学性问题的考察

4.Liu Xie s Writing of History of Literature;论刘勰的文学史书写——以《文心雕龙·时序》为中心

5.Academic Division and Independence of Literature and Historiography:On Academic Background of the Composition of Chinese Litarature History before the May Forth Movement;学术分科与史、文独立——早期文学史书写的学术背景考论

6.Fair and Objective Literary History?--Seen from Xia Zhiqing s and Cao Juren s Literary History Writings;“公正”而“客观”的文学史?——由夏志清和曹聚仁的文学史书写谈起

7.The Statement in A Corner--The Awkward Situation of Writing about Contemporary Literature History;夹缝中的叙述——当代文学史书写的尴尬处境

8.The New Media Context and the New Literature History Writing of Wang Yao;新中国传媒语境与王瑶的新文学史书写

9.The original writing of literature of the 20th century-- To Appraise Prof.Wang Zelong and Prof.Liu Kekuan s The Modern Chinese Literature;独具匠心的文学史书写——评王泽龙、刘克宽主编的《中国现代文学》

10."Compilation of Civilization History" and the Reformation of History Textbook in High Schools“文明史写法”与中学历史教科书改革

11.Literary Writings of the History of Mining Areas--Considerations on Wu Xiang"s "Young Person Green Coal"矿山史的文学书写——读武翔《红颜绿煤》

12.The Writing of India: Some Intricate Relations between Colonial Literature and Post-colonial Literature;印度书写:殖民文学与后殖民文学的历史关联

13.The joint of the history and literature--the reflection on the contemporary literature and its history writing;“历史”与“文学”的共构——当代文学及其历史书写问题的反思

14.The Changes of the Description of Homosexuality in Modern and Contemperory Literature;中国现当代文学史上同性恋书写的变迁

15.On the Inter-relationship between History and Theory in the History Writings of Literature and Arts;论文学艺术历史书写中的双向互动关系

16.Perplexity After "The Breakthrough;走出“突围”后的困惑──书写中国新文学史有感

17.Biased theory,Difficult Practice--On the Production of Plight in "Rewriting Literary History";理论偏颇 实践维难——论“重写文学史”书写困境的形成

18.Women·Histories·Writings--About Historical Connotations & Literature Performances of Women Writers Clan Narrative;女性·历史·书写——当代女性家族叙事的历史内涵与文学表征


written literary history书写文学史

3)Chinese contemporary literature history当代文学史书写

1.There are a good many problems onChinese contemporary literature history which has puzzled and interfered its writing and discipline construction .分析当代文学史书写背后所存在的症结,有助于排除这些困扰,从而建立当代文学史的书写规范。

4)Writing Style on Literature History文学史书写体例

5)The model compilation of literary history文学史书写范式


1.Moreover,under the discussion of the task of history itself,the relationship of historiophoty andhistoriography is also further inte.此外,本文还在以往研究的基础上,对影视史学的特点及其背后深层次的原因进行了分析,并通过对历史学本身的任务的探讨,进一步阐释影视史学与书写史学之间的关系。

2.can represent history,but means historiophoty can develop together withhistoriography.影视史学概念的问世不仅表明影视等视听媒体可以用来表现历史 ,而且也表明影视史学和传统的书写史学可以比肩发展。


