700字范文 > 衰弱原因 Reason of Decline英语短句 例句大全

衰弱原因 Reason of Decline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-09 14:43:23


衰弱原因 Reason of Decline英语短句 例句大全

衰弱原因,Reason of Decline

1)Reason of Decline衰弱原因


1.Discussion on Countermeasures and Cause Analysis on part of weakened streets trees of Handan邯郸市部分行道树衰弱原因分析及应对措施初探

2.The Cause of the Linguistic Functional Degradation Zhuang Language in Nanning City and Its Countermeasure;南宁市壮语语言功能衰弱的原因及对策

3.She broke down from lack of rest.她因缺乏休息而衰弱。

4.She was fainting with hunger.她因饥饿逐渐衰弱。

5.He is enfeebled by illness.他因疾病而身心衰弱。

6.This lesion should be suspected whenever a cirrhotic patient exhibits unexplained clinical deterioration.不论何时,凡肝硬变患者一旦出现原因不明的衰弱,都应怀疑肝癌.

7.Infirm, feeble, and often senile.蹒跚的虚弱的,衰弱的,因老而糊涂的

8.tired and slightly ill,esp from working hard疲惫的,衰弱的尤指因劳累

9.For two days he was languorous and esteemed.两天来,他因身体衰弱无力,受到尊重。

10.We seldom take him home, on account of his weakness.我们很少把他带回家,因为他很衰弱。

11.Shen-ming doesn"t drink because of his neurasthenia.He"s an exception.慎明兄因为神经衰弱戒酒,是个例外。

12.A face that was etiolated from years in prison.因多年监狱生活而变得苍白衰弱的脸

13.But when they brought Tex to a specialist in Dallas, he determined that the dog"s poor eyesight was only partially due to cataracts.但是给它检查的达拉斯眼科专家认为,白内障只是造成视力衰弱的部分原因。

14.Because of Music Prosperity,Because of Music Declining--On Song Poetry prosperity and declining basic reason;因乐而兴,因乐而衰——论宋词兴衰的内在原因

15.Weak in body, especially from old age or disease;feeble.体弱的,衰老的体弱的,尤指因为年龄大或疾病;无力的

16.weaken sb/sth by constant attack,nervous strain,etc(因不断攻击、 精神紧张等)使某人[某事物]衰弱

17.She(Her health)is going down every day for her serious insomnia她因患严重的失眠症身体在一天天衰弱下去。

18.sapped by disease [an unhealthy climate因疾病[有害健康的气候]而体力逐渐衰弱


the reason of causing decreasing致衰原因

3)causes of decline衰落原因

4)Declining cause衰退原因

5)Dead reason衰枯原因

6)the reason for an end衰微原因


