700字范文 > 财务报表粉饰 financial statements of whitewash英语短句 例句大全

财务报表粉饰 financial statements of whitewash英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-10 08:26:35


财务报表粉饰 financial statements of whitewash英语短句 例句大全

财务报表粉饰,financial statements of whitewash

1)financial statements of whitewash财务报表粉饰

1.The author has summed up the identification method of thefinancial statements of whitewash,In this paper,by making analysis on the causes of cosmetic financial statements,it can help us find the entry point to whitewash,then we can judge the existence of whitewash and the extent of it on the financial statements of listed companies.运用总结的识别财务报表粉饰方法,对产生财务报表粉饰的原因进行分析,找到识别财务报表粉饰的切入点,从而对该上市公司财务报表是否存在粉饰以及粉饰的程度做出了判断。


1.Falsified Financial Statements of Listed Companies: the Artifices and Ways to Distinguish Them;上市公司财务报表粉饰的手段与识别

2.The Financial Statements of Listed Companies in China Whitewash Recognition我国上市公司财务报表粉饰识别研究

3.Glossing of Financial Statements by Listed Companies and Administration;我国上市公司财务报表粉饰及其治理研究

4.On whitewashing conduct of financial statement of issued company and running tactics;试析上市公司财务报表粉饰行为及治理策略

5.On the Jeopardy of Varnishing Financial Statements and Its Discerning Methods;浅谈粉饰财务报表的危害及识别方法

6.The analysis of methods of decorating enterprise accounting statement in Northeast;东北部分大中型企业粉饰财务报表方法分析

7.Fair Value and the Window Dressing of Consolidated Financial Statements论公允价值与合并会计报表中的财务粉饰

8.A Comparative Study of Coloring and Optimizing Financial Statements;财务报告粉饰与财务报告优化的比较研究

9.A Study on the Legal Responsibilities of Financial Reporting Manipulation by Listed Companies;上市公司财务报告粉饰法律责任研究

10.The Motives and Tactics of the Listed Corporations Financial Statements Whitewashing and the Precaution Measures;上市公司粉饰财务报表的动机和手段及其防范措施

11.The article divides accounting behaviors into two categories; coloring and optimizing financial statements, then makes a comparison between them.非常规性会计行为可分为财务报告粉饰与财务报告优化两类。

12.How to Discover the Veil of Juggle on Financial Statements of List Companies;如何掀开上市公司财务报表修饰的面纱

13.In the authors opinion, the former is the fundamental reason for the distortion of accounting information while the latter is a rational strategy of competition.财务报告粉饰是导致会计信息失真的根本原因,而财务报告优化则是企业的一种理性竞争策略。

14.financial statements, schedules and notes财务报表、附表及附注

15.This statement is also called the statement of financial position.该报表亦称财务状况表。

16.How to Identify the False Information in the Financial Statemen ts of Listed Company;上市公司会计报表粉饰的手段与识别

17.translation of foreign currency financial statements外币财务报表的换算

18.reservation of opinion on financial statement对财务报表的保留意见


financial statement dressing财务报告粉饰

3)The Dressing Research on Financial Statement财务报告粉饰研究

4)embroidery of financial statement粉饰报表

1.The reasons of theembroidery of financial statements by the companies on the stock market and the countermeasures;证券市场中上市公司粉饰报表的原因及治理

5)Statement Window-dressing报表粉饰

1.The Analysis on the Market Conductibility ofStatement Window-dressing;会计报表粉饰的市场传导效应研究

6)financial statements财务报表

1.Analysis model offinancial statements based on data mining;基于数据挖掘方法的公司财务报表分析模型

2.Financial statements analysis′ program solution;财务报表分析的程序实现

3.Basic theory and means forfinancial statements analysis;财务报表分析的基本理论及方法


