700字范文 > 《读通鉴论》 Comments about History as a Mirror英语短句 例句大全

《读通鉴论》 Comments about History as a Mirror英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-27 13:43:46


《读通鉴论》 Comments about History as a Mirror英语短句 例句大全

《读通鉴论》,Comments about History as a Mirror

1)Comments about History as a Mirror《读通鉴论》

1.Comments about History as a Mirror is the magnum opus of his historiography.《读通鉴论》就是其史论的代表著作。

2.But his thoughts on politics also occupy an important place in his works, especially his theory on state administration, which are mainly embodied in his masterpiece on history criticism,Comments about History as a Mirror.但他的著作中,政治思想也占了相当比重,其中尤以政论居多,主要集中体现在他的史论代表著作《读通鉴论》之中。

2)Du Tongjian Lun读通鉴论

1.The Historiography Value of Wang Fuzhi’sDu Tongjian Lun王夫之《读通鉴论》的史论价值

3)Read aloud the conclusion of the expert corroboration,宣读鉴定结论,

4)The history run-through authenticaion通鉴


1.The Universality of Tong Jian and the Prosperity of the Popular Historical Novels in the Ming Dynasty;明代“通鉴”类史书之普及与“按鉴”通俗演义之兴起

2.Study on Marginalia and Proofread Edition of ZiZhiTongJian and XuZiZhiTongJian by Chen Hanzhang陈汉章批校本《资治通鉴》和《续资治通鉴》考述

3.A Brief Discussion of Zi Zhi Tong Jian,Historical Facts of Which Were Drawn from A History of the Three Kingdoms;《资治通鉴》取材《三国志》杂论——《资治通鉴》(三国部分)史源研究之一

4.The Documentary Value of Hu Sanxing s Phonetic Notation on Zi Zhi Tong Jian;胡三省《资治通鉴音注》文献学成就

5.How to Administer A Country: Sima Guang s Political Thoughts in the History Discussions of ZI ZHI TONG JIAN;论《资治通鉴》史论中司马光的治国思想

6.A Textual Research and Further Annotation of the Function of the Official Post of "Historian of the Royal Family"as Stated in History as a Mirror;《资治通鉴》“太子府史”的职能考辨及补注

7.Correction and Study of Tang Ji of Zi Zhi Tong Jian and Kao Yi;《资治通鉴·唐纪》及《考异》疑误数则

8.Brief Comment on the Abridgement Methods on Sui Dynasty in "Tong Jian";略论《通鉴》隋纪部分对史源的删省方式

9.Inquiry "Reference for Governance" of XuZiZhiTongJian of Wang Zong-Mu in Ming Dynasty;论王宗沐《续资治通鉴》的“资治”特色

10.Milestone of ChenYuan s Historiography--Rereading Tongjian Huzhu Biaowei;陈垣史学的“记里碑”——再读《通鉴胡注表微》

11.Chen Yuan s Patriotism in TONGJIAN HUZHU BIAOWEI;《通鉴胡注表微》与陈垣先生的爱国思想

12.Try to Analyze the Dialectic Phenomena in Shi Zhao(史炤) Zi Zhi Tong Jian Shi Wen;试析史炤《资治通鉴释文》中的方言现象

13.A Study on Nature Calamity of the Tang Dynasty -according to Tzu-cbib T′ung-cbien;浅议唐代的自然灾害——读《资治通鉴》札记

14.an accountant certified by the state.通过国家鉴定的会计师。

15.The usual assessment center seldom deals with these factors.通常的评鉴中心却很少考虑这些因素。

16.Develop the students" ability to appreciate others" jobs through group discussion.通过小组讨论提高学生的鉴赏能力。

17.The high quality mineral water has passed the state-level test.优质矿泉水已通过国家级鉴定。

18.Teaching Designing of the Module of "Music Appreciation" for General High Schools;普通高中《音乐鉴赏》模块教学设计


Du Tongjian Lun读通鉴论

1.The Historiography Value of Wang Fuzhi’sDu Tongjian Lun王夫之《读通鉴论》的史论价值

3)Read aloud the conclusion of the expert corroboration,宣读鉴定结论,

4)The history run-through authenticaion通鉴

5)reader"s appreciation读者鉴赏



西江月 读通鉴唐太宗掊魏徵碑,有感而作【诗文】:晚食甘于粱肉,徐行稳似轩车。直须朝暮苦驰驱。指望凌烟高处。前日丰碑旌表,今朝贬*妻孥。喜为正直怒奸谀。自古忠臣良苦。【注释】:【出处】:
