700字范文 > 模型参数估计 model parameter estimation英语短句 例句大全

模型参数估计 model parameter estimation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-25 11:40:44


模型参数估计 model parameter estimation英语短句 例句大全

模型参数估计,model parameter estimation

1)model parameter estimation模型参数估计

1.Simplex -annealing hybrid approach formodel parameter estimation;基于Simplex-annealing混合方法的模型参数估计

2.With amodel parameter estimation method,the least square(LS) optimal model was established based on the measuring data and the nominal surface,and then the LS estimations of the posture errors were obtained to correct the measurement result.利用模型参数估计的方法,建立了测量数据与名义面形之间基于最小二乘法的优化模型,得到了上述位姿误差的最小二乘估计,并据此对工件面形误差测量结果进行校正,消除了位姿误差的影响,提高了测量结果的可信度与精度,最终使测量系统精度达到0。

3.Presents the application of autoregressive moving average spectrum estimation in analyzing spread spectrum signal The algorithm of ARMAmodel parameter estimation is also presented Moreover,it gives a simulation example of analyzing spread spectrum signal using Matlab function提出了利用自回归滑动平均谱估计分析识别扩频信号 ,给出了模型参数估计算法。


1.A new method for Compertz model parameters estimationCompertz模型参数估计新方法

2.Parameter estimation of large-scale industrial process model with multiple operating points多工况大规模工业过程模型参数估计

3.Estimation of Parameters and Statistical Properties in the Error-in-Variable Models;度量误差模型参数估计及其统计性质

4.Genetic Algorithm Applied to Parameter Estimation for Clutter Amplitude Model Based on MOM基于矩估计的遗传算法杂波幅度模型参数估计

5.Estimation of Parameters of TARCH(q) Model;TARCH(q)模型及其参数估计

6.Parameter Estimate forLogistic Models;Logistic模型中参数的估计

7.The moment estimation of bilinear time series Model USDBL(1,0,1)USDBL(1,0,1)模型参数矩估计

8.Moment and Bayesian Estimation of Parameters in the INGARCH(1,1) ModelINGARCH(1,1)模型参数的矩估计和Bayes估计

9.Ridge estimate of parameters in evaluation model by alternating projection评估模型基于交互投影的参数岭估计

10.Parameter Estimation of a Continuous Type Stochastic Mathematical Model;一类连续型随机数学模型的参数估计

11.Estimator of Regression Coefficients in the Growth Curve Model;生长曲线模型中回归系数的参数估计

12.Parameter Estimation for a Linear Model with Interval Censoring;区间数据形式下线性模型的参数估计

13.Parameters Estimations in PANEL Models;一类PANEL数据模型的参数估计

14.Estimation Method in Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data;纵向数据半参数回归模型的估计方法

15.The Model of Dielectric Constant for Rain and Estimation of Its Parameters;雨介质的介电常数模型及其参数估计

16.Minimax estimation of parameters in production function model and its applications;生产函数模型中参数的Minimax估计及应用

17.Estimation Method of AR(p) Model with Data Missed缺失数据下AR(p)模型的参数估计

18.An Admissible Estimate of Parameter in the Linear Model of Mixed Coefficient混合系数线性模型参数的可容许估计


nonparametric estimation model非参数估计模型

3)parameter estimation of ARMA modelARMA 模型参数估计

4)Model of parameter estima-tion参数估计模型

5)model-based parameter estimation (MBPE)参数模型估计(MBPE)

6)Hardening characteristics estimation硬化模型参数估计


