700字范文 > 教师专业自主 teachers professional autonomy英语短句 例句大全

教师专业自主 teachers professional autonomy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 05:59:29


教师专业自主 teachers professional autonomy英语短句 例句大全

教师专业自主,teachers" professional autonomy

1)teachers" professional autonomy教师专业自主

1.This study analyzes the dilemma of teachers′ professional autonomy from diverse perspectives,and explores the interaction mechanism and outlets of the dilemma in order to advance the teachers′ professional autonomy and professional development.本文试从多个层面分析和透视教师专业自主的现实困境,探讨其影响机制和变革之路,以有效提高教师专业自主性,促进教师职业的专业化发展。


1.The Status of Preschool Teachers Professional Autonomy and the Reasons for Analysis;幼儿教师专业自主权现状及原因分析

2.On the Losing and Returning of Private Kindergarten Teachers Professional Autonomy;民办园教师专业自主权的缺失与回归

3.The Study about the Teachers Professional Autonomy Based on the New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下的教师专业自主权研究

4.Investigation and Research on the Initiative Professional Development of High School Teachers;中学教师专业自主发展状况调查研究

5.Why is Teachers Professional Autonomy Possible and How to Make It Possible?;教师专业自主:何以可能与如何可能

6.Actual conflicts and anticipation of P.E. teachers professional autonomy;体育教师专业自主权之现实性冲突与期待

7.On Preschool Teachers Autonomy Rights in Their Profession;失落与回归:对幼儿教师专业自主权的思考

8.Regulation and Pursuit of Teachers’Professional Autonomy Right under the System of Bureucracy科层制下教师专业自主权的规约与寻求

9.A Case Study on Making the Teacher Blogs for the Automatic Professional Development of the Kindergarten Teachers制作教师博客实现幼儿教师专业自主发展的个案研究

10.Reflection on the Game of Administrative Management and Professional Autonomy of Teachers in Education Reform教育改革中行政化管理与教师专业自主博弈的反思

11.Professional Autonomy--A Study of Development of Teacher s Profession;专业自主——教师专业发展问题之探讨

12.Research on Web2.0-based Platform for Teachers Self-directed Professional Development;基于Web2.0的教师自主专业发展平台研究

13.A Survey of Teachers Role in Japanese Major Automatic Study;日语专业自主学习中教师角色的研究

14.Research on Independent Professional Development under Teacher s Professional Self-concept;教师职业自我概念引领下的自主专业发展研究

15.A Research on Self-Directed Professional Development of a Teacher of TESOL for Further Study Learners;一名成教英语教师自主专业化发展研究

16.Teacher-based Professional Development on the Background of Teachers Network Connection Programme;“全国教师教育网络联盟计划”背景下的教师自主专业发展

17.A Research on Professional "Indepent" Development of Senior High School P.E Teacher;基于“自主”的高中体育教师专业发展研究

18.The Impact of the Role of the Teacher on Learner Autonomy of College Non-English Majors;教师角色对非英语专业大学生自主学习的影响


teachers professional autonomy教师专业自主权

1.Theteachers professional autonomy is the core of teachers professional development.教师专业自主权是教师专业发展的核心。

2.Theteachers professional autonomy has been widely concerned since 1980s.20世纪80年代以来,教师专业自主权成为备受关注的一个问题。

3)PE teachers professional sovereignty体育教师专业自主

1.This text carries out the deconstruction and reconstruction about the connotation ofPE teachers professional sovereignty system.对体育教师专业自主权的内涵体系进行解构与重构,认为体育教师专业自主权应该由传统的"并列式静止模式"变为"三角架式互动模式",而新课程改革所凸显的教师的课程权力是体育教师专业自主的本质性权力。

4)teacher"s autonomous development in specialty教师专业自主发展


1.Research onWeb2.0-based Platform for Teachers Self-directed Professional Development;基于Web2.0的教师自主专业发展平台研究

6)the autonomy of teachers" professional development教师专业发展自主性


