700字范文 > 振动反问题 inverse problem in vibration英语短句 例句大全

振动反问题 inverse problem in vibration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-09 21:14:57


振动反问题 inverse problem in vibration英语短句 例句大全

振动反问题,inverse problem in vibration

1)inverse problem in vibration振动反问题

2)Vibration problem振动问题


1.The Research on the Vibration of the Thin Plate with Concentration Mass;带有集中质量的薄板振动问题的研究

2.The Hybrid-Trefftz Finite Element Method for Forced Vibration Analysis of Thin Plate;薄板受迫振动问题的Trefftz有限元法

3.Finite Element Methods for Vibration Analysis of Elastic Multi-structures;组合弹性结构振动问题的有限元分析

4.Answers and Compared on the Semi-cylinder Little Vibration;半圆柱体微振动问题几种解法与比较

5.Research on Vibration of 10kV Dry-Type Shunt Reactor with Core10kV干式铁心并联电抗器振动问题研究

6.Studying and Improvement on Vibration of Ball Mill Gear Run球磨机齿轮副振动问题的分析及改进

7.Advances on the research of vibration induced by trains列车运行引起的振动问题的研究进展

8.High Precision Numerical Analysis of Vibration Problems under Pulse Excitation脉冲激励振动问题的高精度数值分析

9.Numerical analysis of periodic vibration of linear magnetostrictive actuator线性磁致伸缩作动器振动问题的数值分析

10.It can be used to solve free vibration problem of rectangular plates with arbitrary boundaries.可用来求解任意边界矩形板的振动问题。

11.Research on Several Technology Problems of Low Frequency Laser Vibration Measuring System in the Field of Vabration Quantifivation;激光测振在振动计量中的若干技术问题的研究

12.Stability and Oscillation of Functional Differential Equations;泛函微分方程的稳定性和振动性问题

13.Shaking Table Test on the Model of Slope and Research on Correlated Issues边坡振动台模型试验及相关问题研究

14.Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Flow over Vibrating Circular CylindersLattice Boltzmann方法研究振动圆柱绕流问题

15.Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations of Cone Film Vibration锥体薄膜振动的微分方程近似解问题

16.Discussion about Vibration Test of Airborne Torpedo Accessories鱼雷空投附件振动试验相关问题探讨

17.Structure of the Generalized Solution of the Cauchy Problem to the Vibrating String Equation弦振动方程Cauchy问题广义解的结构

18.Study on the Key Problems of Torsional Vibration Modeling of Automobile Powertrain;汽车动力传动系扭转振动建模的关键问题研究


Vibration problem振动问题

3)inverse vibration problem逆振动问题

4)slight vibration problem小振动问题

1.It is very important and practical to the study aboutslight vibration problem of system of multiple degree of freedom.讨论了正则变换在物理学中的应用,它对于研究多自由度体系的小振动问题有重要的实际意义。

5)inverse vibration problem振动逆问题


1.In this paper,we consider the nonoscillation of the following equations (p(t)x′)′+q(t)x=0 (1) p(t)x″+r(t)x′+q(t)x=0 (2) (p(t)x′)′+q(t)x=f(t) (3) (p(t)x′)′+q(t)x=f(t,x,x′) (4) We give a necessary and sufficient condition for nonoscilation of equations(1)and(2), and some sufficient conditions for non-oscilation of equations(3)and(4)also be given.本文讨论了齐次线性、非齐次线性及非线性二阶微分方程的非振动问题。


