700字范文 > 金融风险 financial risk英语短句 例句大全

金融风险 financial risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-06 16:10:10


金融风险 financial risk英语短句 例句大全

金融风险,financial risk

1)financial risk金融风险

1.On regulation offinancial risk in China by use of perfect legal measures;论以完善法律等手段调控我国金融风险

2.Thoughts on the preventions against thefinancial risk in our country;关于当前如何防范我国金融风险的思考

3.Probe into the Rural Financial Risk and Its Precautions;农村金融风险及其防范探讨


1.How much financial risk is involved?存在多大的金融风险?

2.address financial risks防范和化解金融风险

3.5. Guarding against and reducing financial risks.(五)防范和化解金融风险。

4.Financial Risks and the Warning System at the New Century;新时期金融风险及金融风险预警系统研究

5.Financial Fragility,Toughness and Financial Risk论金融脆弱性、富韧性与金融风险

6.Financial risks appear since the occurrence of financial circles.自金融业出现,金融风险就相伴而生。

7.Defense of Financial Risk in China during the Process of Financial Globalization;金融全球化进程中我国金融风险防范

8.Improve Modern Financial System and Forestall and Defuse Financial Risks;完善现代金融体系 防范化解金融风险

9.An Analysis of Enron s Financial Innovation and Financial Risks;评析“安然”的金融创新与金融风险

10.A Study in the Relationship Between Financial System, Government and Financial Risks;金融制度、政府与金融风险的关系研究

11.Elementary Study of the Listed Companies Fianacial Characterand Financlal Risks;上市公司的金融特性与金融风险刍议

12.Perfect Internal Control of FinancialSystem to Avoid Financial Risks;完善金融系统内控机制,规避金融风险

13.Develop Financial Project and Strengthen Financial Risk Regulation in Enterprises;发展金融工程,加强企业金融风险管理

14.Research on Financial Innovation,Financial Risk and China"s Financial Supervision System金融创新、金融风险与中国金融监管模式

15.The Study of Financial Innovation,Risks and Supervision System in China金融创新、金融风险与我国金融监管模式研究

16.Innovations, Risks and Development in Finance --To Develop Prudently Chinese Market of Financial Derivatives;金融创新、金融风险与金融发展——谨慎发展我国的衍生金融工具市场

17.2, the financing channel is narrow, apt to cause new financial risks;2,融资渠道窄,易造成新的金融风险;

18.Financial Risks Arising from Finance Lease of Aircraft and the Preventive Measures;飞机融资租赁的金融风险与防范对策


Financial risks金融风险

1.The countermeasures for financial risks in China s banking;当前我国银行业存在的金融风险及防范

2.Precautions against the Financial Risks of Commercial Bank under New Economy;新经济下商业银行金融风险防范

3.Thinking of the Monitoring of Financial Risks;关于金融风险监测的思考

3)finance risk金融风险

1.Analysis on thefinance risk of electronic money development in China and research on keeping away and countermeasure;我国电子货币发展的金融风险及对策

2.Only by deepening the function of the government in finance security to the full play,and strengthening the control and cooperation among the international fianance organizations,can it overcome thefinance risk and ensure the country s economy security.只有通过深化金融体制改革,充分发挥政府在金融安全中的职能作用,加强国际金融组织间的监管合作,才能化解金融风险,确保国家的经济安全。

3.We should cancel the limits of finance trade operation detaching manage, encourage finance enterprise to develop towards omnipotence as soon as the conditions matured such asfinance risk control and so on, in order to increase competition predominance of Chinese finance enterprise.并在金融风险控制等条件相对成熟时 ,尽可能早地取消金融行业分业经营限制 ,鼓励金融企业向全能化发展 ,以增强我国金融企业竞争优

4)financial crisis金融风险

1.Information asymmetry is the main reason offinancial crisis .信息不对称是金融风险产生的主要原因,金融市场的信息传导过程包括信息披露和信息传递,加强金融监管与中介机构建设,是提高信息传导效率的主要有效途径。

2.The necessity of enlarging the scale of foreign currency reserves in China is discussed from the viewpoints of againstfinancial crisis, promoting economic development, and reimbursing foreign loan.在阐述外汇储备相关概念的基础上 ,运用统计数据简要说明了目前我国和世界其他国家的外汇储备情况 ,重点从防范和化解金融风险、稳定并促进经济发展、外债偿还等 3个方面结合国内现实和其他国家的经验教训 ,论述了我国外汇储备规模适度扩大的必要

3.Theoretically speaking,financial crisis originates from the imbalance between peoples limited reason and information, while concretely speaking, in different countries, the causes and characteristics offinancial crisis are different .从理论上说 ,金融风险的产生源于人们的有限理性和信息不对称 ,但具体到不同的国家 ,其金融风险的特征和形成的原因又是不同的。

5)financial venture金融风险

1.Qualified personnel play an important role for guarding against and solvingfinancial venture effectively.为有效防范和化解金融风险,首先要把好用人关,人起着很重要的作用。

2.The development of financial market dispersesfinancial venture,which is one of the ma.金融市场的发展在客观上给社会更多的选择余地 ,分散了金融风险。

6)risk finance风险金融


