700字范文 > 国民收入初次分配 first distribution of national income英语短句 例句大全

国民收入初次分配 first distribution of national income英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-03 06:07:09


国民收入初次分配 first distribution of national income英语短句 例句大全

国民收入初次分配,first distribution of national income

1)first distribution of national income国民收入初次分配

2)the first distribution of national income国国民收入初次分配

1.This article proposes we should carry out principle of "priority of efficiency,attention to equity" intothe first distribution of national income.在我国国民收入初次分配中,实行了劳动力低成本政策,劳动分配率偏低。

3)the primary distribution of national income国民收入的初次分配

4)The First and the Second Distribution of National Income国民收入初次分配和二次分配

5)primary income distribution初次收入分配

6)primary distribution of income收入初次分配

parative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较


parative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较

2.On Some Issues related to the Equity of the Primary Distribution of Labor Income;关于劳动收入初次分配公平的几个问题

3.New concept of income distribution policy,equity in primary income distribution;收入分配政策的新理念:初次分配也要注重公平

4.New Criterions of Deepening Reform of the Income Distribution System: the Attention to Equity in Primary Distribution;深化收入分配制度改革的新标尺:初次分配也要注重公平

5.Adjusting Primary Distribution Rationally is the Central Link to Promote the Growth in Residents Income;合理调节初次分配是促进居民收入增长的中心环节

6.A Study on Tourism National Income and Its First Distribution Structure--A Case from Hunan Province;旅游国民收入及其初次分配格局研究——以湖南省为例

7.The Effect of Labor Union on the Laborers" Income--Based on the Primary Distribution工会对劳动者收入的保障作用探讨——以初次分配为基础

8.Balance of Fairness & Efficiency in Initial Distribution and Redistribution--Also on the CPC 17th National Congress’s Innovation of the Socialist Income Distribution Theory初次分配和再分配中公平与效率的权衡——兼论十七大对社会主义收入分配理论的创新

9.The Research on the Remuneration Determinants in the Primary Distribution of Enterprises--Based on the Investigation on the Situation of Income Distribution of Employees in Hunan Province企业初次分配中劳动报酬决定机制研究——基于湖北省企业职工收入分配状况的调查

10.On the allotment method according to manpower capital;对人力资本参与收入分配的初步探索

11.A Tentative Study into the Reform of Salary System in Railway Enterprises;铁路企业工资收入分配体制改革初探

12.Socialist Theory of Income Distribution and System of Income Distribution in the Primary Stage of Socialism;社会主义收入分配理论与社会主义初级阶段收入分配制度

13.A Study of the Relationship Between Efficiency and Fairness of the Social Income Distribution in the Current Situation;新形势下收入分配中效率与公平关系初探

14.Development and Innovation on the Individual Income DistributionPrinciple in the Socialist Primary Stage;论社会主义初级阶段个人收入分配原则的创新

15.Study on the Wage Allocation in the Institutions事业单位工作人员收入分配制度改革初探

16.An Analysis On Fair Oriented in Third Distribution;探析国民收入三次分配中的公平取向问题

17.The two historic leaps in the evolution of our country s income distribution system;我国收入分配制度变迁的两次历史性飞跃

18.adjustment of tax to income distribution税收对收入分配调节


the first distribution of national income国国民收入初次分配

1.This article proposes we should carry out principle of "priority of efficiency,attention to equity" intothe first distribution of national income.在我国国民收入初次分配中,实行了劳动力低成本政策,劳动分配率偏低。

3)the primary distribution of national income国民收入的初次分配

4)The First and the Second Distribution of National Income国民收入初次分配和二次分配

5)primary income distribution初次收入分配

6)primary distribution of income收入初次分配

parative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较


