700字范文 > 胚性培养物 embryogenic cultures英语短句 例句大全

胚性培养物 embryogenic cultures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-01 05:00:30


胚性培养物 embryogenic cultures英语短句 例句大全

胚性培养物,embryogenic cultures

1)embryogenic cultures胚性培养物

1.1.Establishment of cryopreservation technique systems of longan and litchiembryogenic cultures by vitrificationIn the experiment, the effects of the factors including the subculturing time, throwing methods and developmental phases on cryopreservation by vetrification of longanembryogenic cultures were investigated.本研究以龙眼、荔枝胚性培养物为材料,进行龙眼、荔枝玻璃化超低温保存方法研究;同时,以龙眼胚性培养物为材料,进行超低温保存过程中低温预培养的蛋白质组学研究,以进一步探索超低温保存机理。


1.Studies on the Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cultures from Longan (Dimocarpus Longan Lour.) and Litchi(Litchi Chinensis Sonn.);龙眼、荔枝胚性培养物超低温保存研究

2.Cloning and Expression of Cytosolic apx Gene in Embryogenic Cultures of Dimocarpus Longan Lour;龙眼胚性培养物胞质型apx基因克隆及其表达研究

3.Chromosome Number of Embryogenic Cultures and Protoplast-regenerated Plants of Musa paradisiaca Linn. cv. Da Jiao,ABB大蕉胚性培养物及其原生*质体再生植株的染色体分析

4.Protein Extraction from Embryogenic Cultures of Cotton for Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis适用于蛋白质双向电泳的棉花胚性培养物蛋白质提取技术

5.Culture of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Their Biological Features Without Feeder Layer Cells小鼠胚胎干细胞无饲养层培养及其生物学特性

6.Embryogenic suspension cell is ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants.胚性悬浮细胞是禾谷类作物原生质体培养的理想材料。

7.Effects of Malt Extract on Seedling Development of Wheat Immature Embryos and Amylase Activity麦芽提取物对小麦幼胚成苗培养及淀粉酶活性的影响

8.Isolation and characterization of SD rat embryonic kidney metanephric mesenchyme stems cellsSD大鼠胚胎后肾间充质干细胞的分离培养及生物学特性研究

9.Supporting effect of non-animal contamination culture system on human embryonic stem cells growth无动物源性培养系统对人胚胎干细胞生长的支持作用

10.Study on Modified Culture and Biological Characteristics of Normal Human Condylar Chondrocyte人胚髁状突软骨细胞的改良培养及生物学特性的研究

11.Isolation, culture and biological characteristics of human periosteal osteoblasts人胚胎骨骨膜来源成骨细胞的分离培养与生物学特性

12.Study on Procreate Characteristic and the Conditions of Embryo Cultivate in Early-bearing Walnut早实核桃生殖特性及胚培养条件研究

13.Proliferation Culture of Embryonic Callus of Chenshan Red-heart Chinese Fir陈山红心杉胚性愈伤组织的增殖培养

14.Effects of Tempreture and Additives in Medium on Embryoid Induction in Anther Culture of Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)温度及培养基中添加物对辣椒花药培养胚状体诱导的影响

15.to modify microorganisms by repeated culture in the developing chick embryo.通过在鸡胚中重复培养减轻(病毒、微生物)的毒力。

16.Primary Culture, Subculture and Biological Identification of Human Embryonic Germ Cells;人胚胎生殖细胞的原代、传代培养及生物学鉴定

17.A Tisue Cilture And Somatic Embryo Inducton of Leguminous Forage Plants;几种豆科牧草植物组织培养体细胞胚诱导研究

18.Genetic Analysis of Embryonic Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration From Immature Embryo Culture in Maize;玉米幼胚培养胚性愈伤组织诱导及绿苗再分化的遗传机理研究


embryogenic culture胚性培养物

1.High-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis technology for the analysis of the proteins ofembryogenic cultures in longan(Dimocar pus longan Lour.);龙眼胚性培养物高分辨率蛋白质双向电泳技术

2.Technique of horizontal two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins in longanembryogenic cultures;龙眼胚性培养物蛋白质水平双向电泳技术体系的建立

3)Embryo culture胚胎培养

1.In the study,the effects of different osmotic pressures and sorbitol concentrations in embryo culture medium on subsequent embryonic development of porcine oocytes in vitro fertilization were investigated and discussed.探讨胚胎培养液中不同渗透压及山梨醇浓度对猪体外受精卵早期发育的影响。

2.The purpose of this study is to establish optimal, effective system for in vitro fertilization and embryo culture and improve the quality of embryo.为了建立更为简单、高效的体外受精及胚胎培养体系,提高体外受精率和体外发育的胚胎质量。

4)tooth germ organ culture牙胚培养

5)blastocyst culture囊胚培养

1.Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed onblastocyst culture and frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer cycles from October 2002 to December in Xiangya Hospital.方法对2002年10月~12月在湘雅医院生殖医学中心接受囊胚培养并行囊胚期冷冻胚胎移植的病例进行分析,了解囊胚期与卵裂期冷冻胚胎解冻后的胚胎成活率、植入率及妊娠率。

6)embryo culture胚培养

1.Studies onembryo culture of interspecific hybridization from Cymbidium lawianum and C.hookerianum;碧玉兰×虎头兰种间杂交胚培养技术研究

2.Recovery of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) haploid plants through pollination by irradiated pollens andembryo culture;辐射花粉授粉和胚培养诱导产生黄瓜单倍体植株


