700字范文 > 点弱面强 weak at point and strong on plane英语短句 例句大全

点弱面强 weak at point and strong on plane英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-13 10:52:03


点弱面强 weak at point and strong on plane英语短句 例句大全

点弱面强,weak at point and strong on plane

1)weak at point and strong on plane点弱面强

1.Meanwhile,phase-controlled water injection,weak at point and strong on plane,ball injection profile control,process optimization and cyclic water stimulation are performed in the oilfield in accordance with the chara.针对枣园油田存在的油藏流度低、构造复杂、工艺适应性差等问题,在该油田开展强水淹层孔隙结构参数的理论研究,对注水前后的孔喉结构的变化情况进行了分析,同时根据储层非均质性强的特点现场实施了相控注水、点弱面强、投球调剖、工艺优化和注水吞吐等技术,实现该油田减缓自然递减和增加可采储量的双重目的,使该油田综合开发水平由三类上升到一类。

2)the cohesion strength of weak interface弱界面结合强度

1.6 MPa m 1/2 ,whenthe cohesion strength of weak interface is 1260 MPa.研究了内生复合钢板的弱界面结合强度对其断裂韧度 K C和应力腐蚀断裂门槛值 K SCC的影响 ,结果表明 :内生复合钢板的 K C和 K SCC随弱界面结合强度的增大先增后减 ,出现一个峰值 ,当内生复合钢板的弱界面结合强度 σwb为 1 2 60 MPa时 ,内生复合钢板的韧化效果最佳 :K C=1 1 0 。

3)So weak, yet so powerful弱弱强强

4)strong and weak强弱


1.The weaknesses of these night vision technologies in military applications are analyzed objectively and some countermeasures are proposed against these weaknesses.全面介绍了目前军用夜视技术和国外在研的夜视技术的发展现状,并且客观地分析了其在军事应用上的弱点,并针对其弱点,提出了一些对抗措施。


1.A minor weakness or failing of character.弱点,小缺点性格上小的弱点或缺点

2.strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis强点、弱点、机会、威胁分析(

3.the strengths and weaknesses of her argument她论点的长处与弱点

4.a vulnerable point易受攻击之点,弱点

5.His Achilles" heel was his pride.他唯一的弱点是骄傲。

6.Bad temper is his worst infirmity.坏脾气是他最大的弱点。

7.Describe one of your weaknesses.谈一谈你的某一弱点吧。

8.Spending too much money is her weakness.花钱太多是她的弱点。

9.an inherent weakness in a design设计本身存在的弱点

10.the strengths and weaknesses of an argument一论据的长处和弱点

11.P-is his worst fault.虚荣是他的致命弱点。

12.Pride was her destruction.骄傲是她致命的弱点。

13.capitalize on another"s mistake [weakness]利用他人的错误 [弱点]

14.Human pride is human weakness. -- M. B. Eddy骄傲乃人类之弱点。--艾迪

15.Every man have his weak side.弱点人人有,完人世间无。

16.A physical defect or weakness.身体上的缺陷或者弱点

17.It was his pet weakness and he cherished it.这是他最得意的弱点,他也很珍视这个弱点。

18.sb"s good, strong, bad, weak, etc points某人的优点、 长处、 缺点、弱点


the cohesion strength of weak interface弱界面结合强度

1.6 MPa m 1/2 ,whenthe cohesion strength of weak interface is 1260 MPa.研究了内生复合钢板的弱界面结合强度对其断裂韧度 K C和应力腐蚀断裂门槛值 K SCC的影响 ,结果表明 :内生复合钢板的 K C和 K SCC随弱界面结合强度的增大先增后减 ,出现一个峰值 ,当内生复合钢板的弱界面结合强度 σwb为 1 2 60 MPa时 ,内生复合钢板的韧化效果最佳 :K C=1 1 0 。

3)So weak, yet so powerful弱弱强强

4)strong and weak强弱


1.The weaknesses of these night vision technologies in military applications are analyzed objectively and some countermeasures are proposed against these weaknesses.全面介绍了目前军用夜视技术和国外在研的夜视技术的发展现状,并且客观地分析了其在军事应用上的弱点,并针对其弱点,提出了一些对抗措施。

6)weak point弱点

1.In terms of theweak point and based on the microporocesses of breakdown,the statistical property is analysed, the Weibull distribution law is derived.借助击穿弱点的概念,从间隙击穿的微观过程出发,推导了击穿累积概率分布特性,并对理论结果和击穿机理做了分析。


