700字范文 > 竞技女子足球 womens football movement英语短句 例句大全

竞技女子足球 womens football movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-21 13:47:24


竞技女子足球 womens football movement英语短句 例句大全

竞技女子足球,women"s football movement

1)women"s football movement竞技女子足球


1.Analysis on Development and Current Situation of Competitive Women"s Football in China我国竞技女子足球运动发展现状分析

2.Research on Sustainable Development of Competitive Women"s Football in China;中国竞技女子足球运动可持续发展研究

3.Study on Psychological Competitive Ability of the Elite Women Footballers;高水平女子足球运动员心理竞技能力研究

4.Preliminary Consideration on Promoting International Competitiveness of China Woman Football Team;关于增强中国女子足球国际竞争力的初步思考

5.Study On Foshan Emulation Market of Women s Super Football Tournaments In China;我国女子足球超级联赛佛山竞赛市场的研究

6.A discussion on physiochemical assessment of men athletes of track and field and football players in athletic sports schools;竞技体校男子田径、足球运动员的生化评定探讨

7.Trail Analysis of the Competing Characteristicof Our National High-level Men s Football Match;试析我国高水平男子足球比赛的竞技特征

8.Diagnostic index system construction of competitive level of women s tennis--A case study on women s tennis team of Hubei Province;女子网球竞技水平诊断指标体系的构建——以湖北省女子网球队为例

9.Influential elements of athletic skill and athletic features of excellent female tennis players优秀女子网球运动员竞技水平影响因素及竞技特征

parative Study on the Offensive and Defensive Techiques and Tactics between the Chinese Women Football Team and the United States Women Football Team;中、美女子足球队攻防技战术打法的比较研究

11.A Historical Study of the Female Six-person Athletics Volleyball Movement Phylogeny in the P.R.C;我国女子六人制竞技排球运动发展史的研究

12.Research on the Basic Unit Athletic Course of High Level Female Double Tennis;对优秀女子网球双打基本单元竞技过程的研究

13.Research on the Current Situation of Women Competitive Basketball in Fujian Province;福建省女子竞技篮球运动现状的调查和分析

14.Analysis on Competitive Level of Our Junior Woman Basketball Players;我国少年女子篮球运动竞技水平现状分析

15.A Study on the Current Situation of the Outstanding Women Tennis Single Players" Athletics Level in China我国优秀女子网球单打选手竞技水平现状研究

16.Study on Transfer Rules of Advantage in World Women"s Volleyball Sports世界女子竞技排球运动优势转移规律研究

17.Studies on Foshan Emulation Market of Women s Super Football Tournaments in China;对我国女子足球超级联赛佛山竞赛市场的分析研究

18.Study on the Development Trend of Women s Soccer Basing on World Cup;从女足世界杯透析女足竞技水平发展趋势


women competitive basketball女子竞技篮球

3)competitive football竞技足球

1.Based on strategic management theory,the thesis analyzes existing management problems and incentives and obstacles of management reform of Chinesecompetitive football sport through data collection,interviews,logic analysis methodology,systematic research and case analyses.本研究运用战略管理的理论思想,通过文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法、系统研究法、案例分析法等研究方法分析了当前我国竞技足球管理存在的问题、管理变革的动力与阻力,并通过对我国竞技足球内外环境的分析,探讨了我国竞技足球战略管理过程,构建了我国竞技足球战略管理模型,从战略视角研究了北京奥运会后我国竞技足球的发展走向。

4)woman football女子足球

1.Through looking up relevant documents and the goals statistics of the National College Student Football Women Championship by locale observation, we analyzed the certain characters of goal area, shoot style, attack way, and the distribution of goal players in order to provide some theoretical gist for ourwoman football teams.运用文献资料法、临场观察法、数理统计法,对全国大学生女子足球锦标赛的进球情况进行统计,分析了女子足球比赛中进球区域、进球时间、进球射门方式、进球队员位置分布、进攻途径的相关特征,以期为我国女子足球教练员在今后的训练和比赛中提供参考依据。

5)Women soccer女子足球

1.An analytic study involving the past world cup women soccer games indicated the current pattern and trend of the women soccer,disclosed the common points and differences of the sport aiming to offer reference for the women soccer s improvement.通过对历届世界杯女子足球赛进行分析研究,从整体上指出现代女子足球运动发展的格局以及技战术的发展趋势,揭示女子足球运动发展的共性特征及其差异,为女子足球的发展提供参考。

2.Using the methods of analysise the data and observations in this thesis to cellect the data in the final stage in 96 women soccer tournament in China and in the final stage matches in Olympic Youth Tournament in China.采用文献资料研究法和观察统计等方法对1996 年全国女子足球锦标赛决赛和全国奥林匹克青年足球锦标赛决赛进行了调查和统计。

6)women football女子足球

1.Through the comparison of attacking tactics of corner-kicks in Ouanzhou women four-teams invitational tournament, this paper explores the general characteristics about attack tactics of corner-kicks and finds out the difference between the four teams, in order to improve the training and practicing of corner-kicks for our nationalwomen football team.对泉州女子足球邀请赛参赛四国角球进攻战术进行对比分析,探索女子足球角球进攻战术的一般特征,并找出中国女足与世界强队在角球进攻战术中存在的差距,以改进我国女足的训练,提高其角球进攻的实战效果。

2.The characteristics, laws and problems existing in the training of Chinesewomen football are approached to provide reference for directing training and competitions.通过对赛季我国成年女子足球队12支球队的春训实地调查,分析我国女足队伍的现状,并探讨我国女足春训阶段的特点及存在的问题。

3.This paper makes a comparison of physical and psychological features and physicalcapacities between men andwomen football Players.对我国女子足球运动员的心理、生理与运动能力特点与男足运动员进行了对比,结果显示: 两者之间存在明显差异。


