700字范文 > 人权属性 nature of human right英语短句 例句大全

人权属性 nature of human right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 10:22:05


人权属性 nature of human right英语短句 例句大全

人权属性,nature of human right

1)nature of human right人权属性



2.On the Human Rights Attribute of Private Property Right and Its Status in the System of Human Rights;论私有财产权的人权属性及在人权体系中的地位

3.The Nature of Intellectual Property Right as Private Right and as Human Right;知识产权的私权与人权属性——以《知识产权协议》与《世界人权公约》为对象

4.On "Private Property"and "Civic Right"Attributes of Educational Products;教育产品的私人属性与权利属性剖析

5.Freedom,Equality and Human Rights:An Interpretation of the Attributes of the Right to Education自由、平等、人权:受教育权属性解读

6.On Legal Attributes of Mortgage and Mortgagee s Right;论抵押权的法律属性与抵押权人的权利

7.A Legal Study of the Human Rights Problem in Water-Lacking Areas;生存权、水人权:缺水地区人民雨水集蓄权的宪法权利属性

8.From Individuality to Publicity:The Nature and Course of Public Power;从私人性到公共性——论公共权力的属性和归宿

9.All the state power belongs to people.国家的一切权力都是属于人民的 ,具有人民性。

10.Discuss the property of delegation legislation of taxation--From the angle of protecting taxpayers right;论税收授权立法的属性——以纳税人权利保护为视角

11.The property right of human capital has attributes such as exclusiveness and decomposition, and it can be transacted.人力资本产权具有排他性、可分解性和可交易性等属性。

12.On the Private Right in Intellectual Property-Take Patent Right as an Example;知识产权私权属性解构——以专利权为例

13.Supreme authority rests with the people.最高权力属于人民。

14.Sovereign power must lie with the people.最高权力必须属于人民。

15.the privileges appertaining to one"s position专属于某人职位的特权

16.A right was then not vested in anyone.权利当时不属于任何人。

17.When people attempt to possess a piece of property in a compatible way, there arises the issue of ownership and non-ownership当人们对一种财产试图非相容性地占有时,就产生了该财产的归属权与非归属权的问题。

18.Weight Integration Method without Preference on Multi-attribute Decision Making;多属性决策中属性权重的无偏好赋权方法


personal sovereignty属人主权

3)the attribute of sexual rights性权属性

4)stockholder"s rights attribute股权属性

5)Authorization property授权属性

6)attribute weight属性权重

1.Theattribute weight and weighted support of default regular are defined by using the conditional entropy and a mining algorithm of default regulars are given for inconsistent database.针对不一致数据库,定义属性权重及缺省规则加权支持度概念,在此基础上给出一种缺省规则挖掘算法。

2.With respect to the problem of multiple attribute decision-making with incomplete information onattribute weights to which the attribute values are given in terms of interval numbers, a modified TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution) analysis is proposed.针对属性权重信息不完全且属性值以区间数形式给出的多属性决策问题,提出了一种逼近于理想点(TOPSIS)的决策分析方法。

3.With regard to the problem of determiningattribute weights in uncertain multiple attribute decision making, in which the attribute values are in form of interval number, a new method is proposed to determine interval entropy weights.针对属性值以区间数形式给出的不确定性多属性决策中确定属性权重的问题,提出了一种区间数熵权的确定方法·依据多属性决策中传统熵权确定方法的思路,首先,通过构建两个最优化模型,求得区间熵;然后根据传统熵权确定公式及区间数运算法则得到以区间数形式表示的属性熵权·该方法具有概念清晰、实用的特点,得出的属性熵权能够较好地反映各属性信息的差异程度·最后通过一个算例说明了该方法的实用性和有效性


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
