700字范文 > 开发意识 sense of development英语短句 例句大全

开发意识 sense of development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 08:59:09


开发意识 sense of development英语短句 例句大全

开发意识,sense of development

1)sense of development开发意识


1.A Survey and the Instructive Methods on Normal School Students′ Sense of Development to Creative Potential;高师生创造潜能开发意识的调查与培养

2.Analysis of The Situation and Causes of the Development of School-based Curriculum Awareness of Rural Teachers钦州市农村小学教师校本课程开发意识探析

3.The Problems of the Micro Land Use and Transportation Development;“大院意识”在开发商承建社区中的延伸

4.Research in the Development and Application of Postgraduates Consciousness of Energy Conservation Scale;大学生节能意识量表开发及应用研究

5.Insight into Course Resources;强化课程资源意识,全力开发课程资源

6.Appeal for the awareness to ecological crisis in the development of China Southwest Region;呼唤西部开发进程中的生态危机意识

7.Developing the creative way of teaching fosteringthe students awareness of innovation;开发创造性教学 培养学生创新意识

8.1. Enhancing the sense of creativeness.一、增强开拓意识。

9.When they realized what was happening, they began to snap to.当他们意识到发生了什么事时,便开始留心起来。

10.Making Students Engraft the Corpus Consciousness of the Development and Exploitation of the Biology Course Resources;培养学生开发与利用生物课程资源的主体意识

11.Enhancing the Innovation Consciousness of University Teachers and the Exploitation of Manpower Resources;加强高校教师创新意识与人力资源开发

12.Melting Teaching with Pleasure and Carrying out Happy Sports to Promote the Development of Students Own Motives;开展快乐体育活动,促进学生自主意识发展

13.Northwest Development by KMT Government and Modernizationof Awareness of the Masses during the Period of Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期的西北开发与民众意识的近代化

14.Service Awareness of Journals of Political Science and Law in the Western Development;论政法学报在西部大开发中的服务意识

15.The Significance of the National Affinity of The Book of Changes to the Western Development;《周易》的民族亲和意识对西部大开发战略的借鉴意义

16.Officials said the government learned in March that China was going ahead with development of the Bajiaoting gas field.官员称政府在三月的时候已经意识到中国正开始开发八角亭气田。

17.Confessions of Zeno:an Open Novel on Stream of Confessions《泽诺的意识》:一部开放的意识流小说

18.But once born as a human, the separation of consciousness from subconsciousness occurred and the Christ soul began his pilgrimage.但一旦生而为人,与潜意识分离的意识发生了,基督灵魂开始了他的朝拜。



3)translation development consciousness翻译开发意识

4)resources developmental consciousness资源开发意识

5)awareness of curriculum development课程开发意识

1.Teachers\"awareness of curriculum development directly influences the development of school-based curriculum\" s implementation and results.钦州市农村小学教师校本课程开发意识薄弱,多数教师对校本课程开发的认识不足,对校本课程开发持否定态度,校本课程开发的自我效能感低,工作被动。

6)opening consciousness开放意识

1.In terms of the situation of the teaching of Thoughts and Moral Character, this paper proposes to strengthen the main-body consciousness, practice consciousness, innovative consciousness andopening consciousness of teachers of Thoughts and Moral Character.针对“思品课”教学情况,提出了要强化“思品课”教师的主体意识、实践意识、求新意识、开放意识的观点。

2.From the cultural angle,the paper analyses and annotates Zhejiang Economy(or Zhejiang Phenomenon) with the characters of Zhejiang Spirit,such as the tradition of commerce-first,practical spirit andopening consciousness.本文从浙江人的重商传统、务实精神、开放意识等方面,对浙江经济或“浙江现象”进行文化诠释和解读。


Pro/E二次开发使用toolkit开发trigger的程序使用toolkit开发trigger的程序时,往往需要能够连续通过trigger来触发dll中的函数. 我碰到的问题: 1.配置trigger: Name: CimDll Event: Create PIV Time: POST RequireNO DLL:Cim.dll Function:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation2.源代码: int PDMDLLInit() { PTCERROR pdm_status; FILE *g_pfileLog; g_pfileLog =fopen("test.dat","w"); setbuf(g_pfileLog,NULL); fprintf(g_pfileLog,"begin test\n"); pdm_status = PDMTriggerRegister("PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation", PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation); if (pdm_status != PDM_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to Register Trigger PIV Create Post.\n"); } return (pdm_status); } int PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(int argc, void **argv) { fprintf(g_pfileLog,"test\n"); ..... fprintf(g_pfileLog,"end test\n"); fclose(g_pfileLog); } 结果:以上代码存在的问题:如果我们在第一次checkin到C/S中后,删除test.dat文件,然后再进行checkin时,发现没有再生成test.dat,在函数PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()中所进行的对文件的操作都无效. 原因:我们使用trigger触发时,真正起作用的是函数:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(),而PDMDLLInit()只是在第一次checkin时起作用,所以在第一次调用PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()后,我就fclose(g_pfileLog),所以出现了上面的情况.所以注意的是:不要把一些重要的东西放在函数PDMDLLInit()中.
