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榜样 model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-25 16:38:59


榜样 model英语短句 例句大全



1.The basic strategies of teaching include: goalstimulus,emotion stimulus,model stimulus,rewards-punishments stimulus,cooperation-competition stimulus and feed back-evaluation stimulus.教学激励的基本策略有:目标激励、情感激励、榜样激励、奖励——惩罚激励、合作——竞争激励、反馈——评价激励。

2.As the main carrier of school moral education and students most important moralmodel,teachers own actions and demonstrations have an important influence to students.教师,作为学校德育实施主体和学生最重要的道德榜样,其自身的言行举止、行为示范对学生最具有感染力,对提高学校德育实效性具有重要作用。

3.Meanwhile, the author illustrates the enlightments of social learning theory to moral education in vocational schools, for example, creating good environments for students moral education, taking advantage of "model", cultivating students self-regulation ability, helping students establish self-efficacy.依据其理论,学校德育工作者应树立品德学习无处不在、无时不有的新观念,科学树立"榜样"以引起学生的认同与模仿,培养学生自主性强化他们的自我调节能力,增加学生成功的体验促进其自我效能感的形成。


1.follow the example of sb.学(习)某人的榜样

2.the quintessence of virtue美德的榜样 [典范]

3.He modeled his manners on his father"s.他以父亲的举止为榜样

4.It is the latter that we should model ourselves on.我们应以后者为榜样。

5.Model oneself on [after, upon] sb.效法某人,以某人为榜样

6.Something worthy of imitation.榜样值得模仿的东西

7.He was set up as our example.他被树立为我们的榜样。

8.He has set us a good example.他为我们树立了好榜样。

9.Bad examples can also be elevating.坏的榜样也会令人鼓舞。

10.He proposed that lady for imitation.他把那位女士说成榜样。

11.We should model ourselves on Lei Feng.我们应当以雷锋为榜样。

12.He said he would follow her lead.他说他要以她为榜样。

13.We all follow his example.我们都以他为榜样。

14.She models herself after her mother.她以自己母亲为榜样。

15.He is a bright example of the youth.他是青年的光辉榜样。

16.Switzerland, a fine example for Singapore瑞士——新加坡的好榜样

17.A fine example has boundless power.榜样的力量是无穷的。

18.a good example is the Best sermon.好的榜样是最好的说教。



1.The change of moralexample;试论我国道德榜样的时代变迁及其启示

2.Is the Strength of Example Infinite?;榜样的力量是无穷的吗?

3)role model榜样

1.The training should focus on teachers experiencing success,carefully selectingrole models,teaching various strategies to teachers,and strengthening women teachers sense of teaching efficacy.在医学院校青年教师教学效能感的培养过程中,应从体验成功、慎重选择榜样、教给教师各种应对策略以及加强女教师效能感培养等方面入手。

2.In the process of learning theserole models, the author has reflected on their deeds in the current textbooks of the ideological and ethical education in the secondary schools.榜样教育是我国思想教育的有效方法,它对于提高全民族的思想道德素质具有不可替代的作用。

4)One that exemplifies; an example.榜样树为榜样的人;榜样

5)model education榜样教育

1.Themodel education always is the glorious tradition and the effective method of our country s ideological and political education.榜样教育一直是我国思想政治工作领域的光荣传统和行之有效的方法。

2.Themodel education is an excellent tradition by which the CPC carry on the thought and politics work.总结历史经验 ,进行榜样教育是中国共产党做思想政治工作的优良传统 ,榜样教育在社会主义时期仍然具有重大的社会价值和时代意

3.Themodel education has the education function that can t act for in the person s acculturation process from thou.榜样教育自古就在人的社会化过程中具有不可替代的教育作用。

6)moral example道德榜样

1.The change ofmoral example;试论我国道德榜样的时代变迁及其启示

2.In traditional society,moral example has played an important role as a means of indoctrination.在传统社会中,道德榜样作为一种教化手段,曾经起过重要作用。

3.Themoral example as an important method to shape people\"s ideal and morality plays an irreplaceable role during the process of people\"s socialization since ancient ages.道德榜样作为一种重要的思想道德教育方法自古就在人的社会化过程中具有不可替代的教育作用。


